6 Feet under (Official RP)

Victor did a spin to move out of the way of the incoming poison. He then looked at her in surprise. "Why are you calling me that? That was a name given to me by SHADE. Don't associate me with them. Regardless of whether I used to work for them or not. Oh and don't worry. I don't care. To be honest I was hoping you'd put me out of my misery. I'm sorry I didn't knock, And why is it that you have already judged me based on others speech or your first encounter? Ever heard of "Don't Judge A book by it's cover"? I'm not a bad person. I just made bad decisions." Victor hung his head in shame not looking her in the eyes. He hated that people pictured him as the ferocious predator that he used to be. He wasn't that person anymore. He never would be again.
She looked at him, doing her best to meet his eyes. "I call you that because that is what you are known as. I am not judging you based on your reputation. I don't care what decisions you made in the past. I want nothing to do with you because you currently have something to do with SHADE, and I want nothing to do with SHADE. What is it you want from me, anyways?"
Victor bit his lip and looked her directly in her eyes. " i didn't mean to jump to conclusions. Sorry. The only thing i have to do with SHADE. Is that I'm taking them down. They need to be eradicated and if you despise them this much, that's what I want from you. I want you to join me. To help me take them down. No one really trusts me because of my...past. I'm hoping you're different though. This world, it's going to be eradicated. Don't ask how I know. I'm not sure I know the answer. But I do know SHADE's behind this. I know that they're planning to break the barrier of the living and the dead. And that soon, they will reach the world of the living and slaughter everyone. If there is anyone you care about up there, if there is anyone you love, then we have to stop SHADE. They will receive a fate worse than death. I need to save them. I'm willing to trust you one hundred percent. I'm willing to pay you. I'm willing to let you shatter me if you help me. You don't have to trust me. You don't even have to like me. But please, help me."
Even if his face was blurry from this distance, the desperation in his voice was obvious. "You misunderstand me." She told him, no longer harsh, but still cold and unfriendly. "I do not hate SHADE. I repeat, I want nothing to do with them." She put her fans away and advanced on him. "I died centuries before the concept of death even entered the mind of your mother's mother. I've won countless Arena battles, and saved a little girl from SHADE four times. I'm a conspicuous Japanese albino with gigantic fans as a weapon, who has been around for ages without shattering. And yet, when you saw me you had no idea who I was. That was not an accident. Your nickname is the Predator, but I have none. I am not strong, Predator, make no mistake. I'm good at making sure people don't see me, even when I'm right in front of them. That is all. SHADE has likely forgotten my existence, and that is how I'd like it to stay. I left no one behind, neither caretaker nor offspring. There is no one either the living or dead that I care for. I have more soul points than I know what to do with, and I could not care less whether you shatter. You have nothing to offer me." She turned away, certain he was going to give up and walk out.
Okami was in the alley with Shi whe he thought "...War may start soon...I'll have to take a side", this was the cruel reality, most of the house leaders had been killed or missed, there's a rumor that says that decomposers are the responsible about all those things...and it was true in fact, Okami knew about it, he may look for those leaders to end with war before t starts, but...There's something that he can't evade, he is a decomposer, he needs to kill and to absorb the souls, but the most important thing is...That he enjoys doing it, so he may even decide to look for those leaders but just to end with them, if a war starts he would very benefited about it, tons of wandering souls running and screaming as they are all ripped in the middle of the streets.

Okami stood up of the floor and looked forward, there was some strange things, he felt that a lot of powerful souls not to far from him, most of them where from different factions, but that wasn't really important for him.

"Shi...We have work to do" He said as he used the shadow as a cover to go out of the alley, Shi was at his side, like always, they are always protecting each other.
They got back to their house and Emily said goodbye to Rune, preferring to spend some time alone after the amount of unexpected socializing that she went through. "I'm gonna go to my room. Bye," she said as she left. She walked to her room quickly and first started with her mortar and pestle. She ground up some poisonous roots into a thin powder before finely mincing an herb. She then ground another root, squeezing the venomous juices out of it. She poured these into a large bowl over a bunsen burner. She went back to her mortar and pestle and ground up some berries. She poured those into the bowl along with a liquid and a powder. The 6 most lethal ingredients available. She turned on the bunsen burner and stirred it as it came to a boil. She let it boil for about a minute before turning it off. She poured all but a small amount into many different sized vials.

The last bit, she diluted the poison to make it into antivenom. She poured the antivenom into a syringe, tied a band around her arm, and carefully injected herself. She breathed in sharply before letting out a small sigh. It always stung a little, but at least she didn't get sick anymore. It was worth it when she was immune to her venom. She cleaned off the syringe and put the rest of the antivenom in a tiny vial that hung around her neck. She never used the antivenom to help anyone. She never needed to. She never hung or fought with people who were on her side, so she didn't accidentally hit anyone who was helping her. She wouldn't, even if she was fighting alongside people.

Emily hid away the poisonand antivenom in a cabinet and locked it, the key also around her neck. She sat on her bed, letting the antivenom course through her veins and began to think. She remembered she hadn't seen Death in a while. He was almost never around, but he had been missing for much longer than usual. Where did he go? He was Death. She shouldn't be worrying so much about him. He was the leader of the house. He was strong. Her mind then wandered to what had happened. In one day, three people talked to her. Two were extremely perky. She didn't trust the second girl. She was strange. Suddenly leaving as soon as she got a text. The third she almost felt bad for. It was almost as if he wanted to prove himself by avenging a girl he didn't even know. Alex. She wondered what house he was in. He didn't use heavy weaponry, so she was guessing he was a Stone Sleeper. Who was that girl? She didn't get to see her weapons or how she fought, so she had no idea what house she was in. She didn't completely trust any of them. She certainly trusted Rune more than the rest. Next, Alex she guessed. He didn't try to shatter her. So that was something. She got up and went back to the training room.
(Im so sorry guys I did not put a notification alert on this thread, and I did not mean to phase out, it just dawned on me to actually check the thread because I was like how come no notification came. If it is not too far into the story and you guys dont mind I would still like to participate, totally up to you guys)
those Glowing blue eyes starred deeply into my eyes. a couple of sweat dropped and my legs didn't stop to shaking. this is the first time i saw a shadow being like this. "this is bad... one wrong move and my head will roll off" This shadow being named Acacia stand strong in front of me. his sharp claw ready to cleave my body into two, his fang showed that nothing it can't break, and his eyes petrified anyone who dare starring into his. I strongly grip my katana and waiting until one of us make the first move. slowly he took a step closer to me and I took a back step from it maintaining our range.

"grrr" his droll escaped from his mouth. he showed his mighty fang and tried to intimidate me. "calm boy.. calm boy" then he started to run. he opened his large jaw and tried to swallow me whole. with a single side step i managed to avoid his mighty bite. I swing my katana to his side, tried to cut his stomach open. but his speed is damn high, he easily dodge my katana with a single jump. "fast!" I tried to dogde his attack when he swing his claw down to me. but sadly i couldn't avoid it perfectly. his attack hit my left shoulder, fresh blood is dripping from my hand. lately this become battle of speed. his battle instinct is superior than me, but my experience is higher.

after a few trade of blow we starred at each other. my left hand is throbbing. I lose much blood from my wound. and his silver fur now painted red from his own blood. a massive wound from my katana shown in his back. look like this is it. our stamina reached it's limit and we only need one more blow to bring down one of us. i took my stance gripping my katana tightly in it's scabbard ready to strike him down. his eyes glowing, a rough breath can be seen from his mouth. he strongly kick the ground and came to me. "Take this!!"

i lay down my head on his bloody fur and tried to catch my breath. "damn....it's....hard" his eyes closed tight and I can still heard his breathing beneath his fur. yeah, my task isn't to kill him but to capture him. "Capturing is a lot harder. why did those 'D' want to capture this thing?" then i shut my eyes and rested my body on top of his. "mission accomplished"
Victor yelled in anger. Hands clenched together. he hit a table that was nearby and looked her in the eye with fierce determination.

"You're pathetic. You have no faith in your abilities what so ever, yet rumor has it that you're one of the strongest here. You scared of being shattered? You're scared of the oblivion that waits. Are you telling me that if I were to attempt to shatter you right now, you'd run? That's bullshit. you'd fight me. You would kill me or die trying. Whether you want to admit it or not, you're a warrior. You wouldn't be in this coalition if you weren't a fighter and a warrior. I honestly thought that you'd be willing to risk your life for tons of innocent people. I honestly thought you were a hero. Guess I was wrong."

Victor walked out of the tent with a look that could scare away an entire pack of decomposers. He headed out of the castle and went to his motorcycle. He started it up and drove. Drove down the roads, going to nowhere. He didn't know where he was going. He didn't really care.
Angeline glance out at the streets on last time as she thought quietly to herself before looking up at Steven, "Sorry but I'll have to ask you to go first I don't necessarily trust you all that much." Curiosity had rooted itself in her eyes as she waited for him to go inside, and many questions where forming in her head at the same time. She wanted to know why he was doing all this, but not just wanted to know she needed to know. It was like rabid madness in her head as her thoughts buzzed around in her skull stinging her brain with poisoned tipped nettles, and with every sting the buzzing only grew louder.
"Ah yes, of course of course. You are smart not to trust me. Heck, I don't trust me! But Se la ve." He stepped in the window, inside the building, it was obviously abandoned. Cobwebs dominated the ceiling, forming a sort of overhang which appeared as if it WAS the ceiling. The walls had few holes in them, but those that did the holes were large. There was a spiral metal staircase dominating the center of the room. It was the only thing the webs stayed back from. On the left was a pair of chairs that were obviously used oftn as they had no dust or dirt on them whatsoever. They sat in front of a brick-laden fireplace with some charcoal inside and a small pile of wood next to it. Steven grabbed some wood, threw it in, then, using a metal pole, some charcoal,and some tinder, ignited a fire. He sat inone of the chairs, they were both tall and were made of leather. "Come, sit."
Yurie didn't bother rising to his challenge, didn't even get angry when he hit her table, though it was one of her precious pieces of furniture. She let him go without having to say a word. One corner of her lips twitched upwards in a smile difficult to place. Her eyes held nothing but sadness. She went out of her tent, and straight to the Arena. The girl walked into the Arena, swinging her fans in large circles around her, directly interrupting a match, much to the displeasure of most of the spectators. Those that didn't recognize her signature symbol of unrest, that is. The yellow fans open and swinging was a sign most Arena regulars recognized as Yurie readying herself to go all out. It hadn't happened in many years. She got in between the two of them, without receiving a scratch, forcing them apart as she snapped her fans shut. She danced lightly to the side, ignoring their anger, and smiled coyly at the two of them, a man and a woman. She held her closed fans in front of her, her wrists crossed, and the tips lightly touching. "Well then. Shall we start?" She asked politely. As both moved towards her at the same time, she closed her eyes and snapped both fans open so they covered most of the front of her body, sliding one foot forward, as if about to dance. The man swung towards her and she bashed him to the side with the flat of her right fan, the woman received a duck, a twist, and a harsh, horizontal slice that missed by millimeters. Despite the fact that she was reacting to their moves, every step seemed to have been carefully planned, smoothly sliding into one another.

Yurie was no hero, nor was she afraid of being shattered. Victor had been wrong on both accounts. It was true she'd fight him if he attempted to shatter her. It was true she was a warrior, a fighter, but she had long since learned that there was no such thing as innocence that survived. Mei Hua was already dead and shattered, and there was nothing she could do about that. No, it wasn't the shattering that she sought to avoid, it was the despair of trying, only to watch as each one broke into pieces. In her mind's eye, an image of a little Chinese girl, no more than 9 years old flashed into place, looking at her with wide, fear-filled eyes, as her soul fractured from within, splitting through her delicate skin. The Japanese teen brought the blunt end of her fan down hard into the skull of the man, driven by the force of her grief.

"Yu-Ri-Eh...." The little girl had always spoken her name in tones that didn't exist in Japanese, but it was the tone of innocent cheer - yet another tone she had not known in life - that had mattered to Yurie, none of the others. "Yu-Ri-Eh, s-save me." She hadn't even been able to cry, too near shattering. "Save me." She had been so scared. Yurie had shattered several agents of SHADE that day, for their lower members were no more advanced than other members of the Barukar house. They'd been a smaller group at the time, though no less dangerous. Driven by the impetuosity of her youth and the force of her sheer hatred, she'd been reckless - nearly gotten herself shattered. She hadn't cared then. She didn't care now, but she'd made a promise. A promise to the only one who mattered. "Don't think like that, Jie-jie." Mei Hua's happy voice calling her Jie-jie had always made something melt in her heart. "I care about you! Don't shatter, okay? Or at least, you should try your very hardest. Promise?" She'd been such a caring child. Why had SHADE wanted her shattered so badly? Yurie didn't know. Some part of her yearned to know, the other wasn't willing to reopen the giant chest full of pain still living in her heart just to find out. Or at least, it hadn't been for centuries.

Yurie opened her eyes and realized she was sitting on top of the woman, the poisonous tip of her fan about to plunge itself into her opponent's neck. The crowd was roaring but she didn't hear any of it. Without even the slightest indication she knew what she was doing, she stood up and dropped both her fans on the ground. The two fans connected tip-to-tip, making a large, yellow disk. A spike rose up from the center, as they clicked together, and she pressed her bare, left foot against it. There was a strange whirring sound, then both she, and the disk that her fans had become, went whizzing out of the Arena as a funny-looking floating skateboard, chasing Victor. She nearly decapitated him when she found him, but deactivated the fans in time, disconnecting her foot and landing bumpily on the back of his motorcycle. "I'll help you, but only because there is something I must know. Something I must find out. If you get in the way of that, I won't hesitate to sabotage what you're trying to do. Do we have a deal?"

@Syphereon Ravenclaw
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I opened my eyes when I sensed some presence come closer to my location. "Well done Mr.Vivaldi. well done indeed" a black hooded man holding a staff spoke to me clapping his hand. surprised by his appearance i took my katana and placed a defensive stance. "who are you? how do you know me?" using threatening voice I tried to interrogate the person in front of me. "calm down Mr.Vivaldi. I won't attack you. Mr.D sent me to collect the goods" beneath his hood i could see his smiling white teeth, did he tried to mock me? "show me the proof" then he threw something to me. it flew a few meter in the air then landed on my hand. "a letter?" I tore open the letter and began to read it's content.

⌈Dear Vivaldi

At first I Congratulate you for bringing down the Creature I ordered to. This man indeed one of my lackey, His name is Johan and I ordered him to get the creature back for me. don't worry he won't bite you, unless you bite him first. no need to trust him too much though because you know why. also the payment will be transferred to your account when the goods is arrived at my place.

Well Done


Those signed letter showed that he spoke the truth. "look like this is the real thing. then... how do you lift this thing?" I rubbed my hand on Acacia's hairy back. "there is no problem. I just need you to leave, that's all" it's took me for a while thinking about his method. but it's no longer my problem because those 'D' order are clear. "fine then. don't forget about the payment" then i took a deep breath from the cigar that i lit on my mouth. "shit. there are blood on my mouth" after leaving a single comment I left those guy alone and went back to the City.
(I did not receive any notifications, but I'm back.)
Alex arrived at his house a bit later than previously thought. He ran far off the path than he wanted to, and now he suffered his mistake with a long walk back. In his tired state, that made it worst. He was really tired and is nearly on the edge of passing out of fatigue. Though one thing did stick in his mind along the way back. Emily. The name of the girl he met today. Seemed like a nice girl despite being how she is. Now another thing appeared in his mind. The hunt begins. The hunt to avenge that girl. He didn't know why he wanted to do so. What is he talking about? OF course he knew. His damn past catching up with him. Thinking of it again made Alex punch the wall, creating a hole in the process. "Damn...Tsk" He continued on to where his sleeping quarters are. Alex needed some sleep and he is going to get some. After getting comfortable, he closes his eyes, making sure to keep his pistol by his side just in case he needs it. Besides, a bullet does hit it's target faster than a sword.
"Victor almost crashed his bike but he was able to quickly regain his composure and kept going. He smiled when Yurie had jumped on the back and then bit his lip after she agreed to help him.

"So you'll help me after all, huh? Yeah we have a deal. You cannot stay at the hidden compound anymore though. Too many S.H.A.D.E. spies. I have a headquarters. Gather your things and meet me there in 2 hours. Here's the coordinates. I need to get supplies and a buy a few things. I'll see you shortly. By the way, I'm a big fan of your fighting style."

Victor laughed at his pun and then sped up on his bike reaching a 120 MPH.
She smacked him lightly on the back of his head for the terrible pun, before nodding and leaping off the bike, simultaneously clicking both fans into each other and fly-skating away. She had few mobile belongings, and while she lamented the fact that she'd have to leave her best furniture, she wasn't going to move anything conspicuous, just a small bag of all her poisons and ingredients (she had the recipes memorized, not written), along with her sewing kit and extra cloth for on the rare occasion her thick fans got torn. Yurie had briefly considered the worrying thought that SHADE would noticed her gone and immediately know what was going on, but firstly, she didn't care anymore, and secondly, they hadn't had any contact with her for a little over 800 years now. They weren't the type to do much more than keep files on their enemies long past and docile.

Rather than going directly to the address and waiting for him, she did a little leisurely window-shopping, particularly at the textile store. She bought a couple swathes of midnight blue cloth, a crochet needle, and a lot of red thread. Finally, an hour and a half in, she walked to the address he had given her, and hid in the shadows nearby, waiting for him.