6 Feet under (Official RP)

Yuan watched from the shadows as the man and woman scoured the roof top for him. He would not be found. He was apart of the shadows now, only a decomposer could have singled him out. He detached himself from the shadows and quickly ran toward the girl, going straight up into her face and taking a huge gulp of air. Her fragrance was alluring. She would make a fine meal, but not now, he'd already had one meal for the day, no need to get gluttonous.........yet. He smiled at the girl. "I'm sure one day you'll make a worthwhile meal, so go ahead and mature until you've acquired more flavour." His smile was feral and punctuated with fangs. Yuan hurriedly jumped back from the girl's face before she could recover from what must have been a shock when he sprinted from the shadows. He glared at the man, yellow eyes glistening. "You're a bit flavourful as well, but not exactly my taste." He glanced at the buildings silhouetted against the rare image of a setting sun. "I haven't seen the others in quite awhile," he mused to himself. "They will want to know of my return, I'm sure they've gotten far in the plan already, but we still require quite a bit more blood-spill." He addressed the two other afterlifers once more. "Farewell, my dear departed, I'll devour you some other time, but I've more important things to tend to now." He grinned and bounded unto another rooftop, jumping from roof to roof at an incredible speed. They might have tried to follow him, but they would never catch up. "Welcome back to SHADE, Yuan." He said to himself, his demeanor becoming immediately darker.
Angeline looked over the man's face trying to regain any recollection that she might have met him before at first none surfaced, but soon after a foggy image from earlier in the day struck a bell."If we've met before I don't know if I should be happy or heartbroken that I forgot that mug of yours," she spoke with a bit of a condescending tone just to provoke a reaction if nothing else. "Let me guess are you gonna offer to buy me a drink now? If so it's a waste of time I don't do alcohol." She rested her elbows on the table top and laced her fingers together before resting her chin against them as she watched his face intentively.
"Oh, I'm hurt. After all..." Steven paused a moment. "I thought you liked my moxie..Hehehe. But that's okay. I don't mind....after all you are the first person to ask me "Who" or "What"....most people just ask..." Another pause. "Why..." He finishes...putting a dark stress into the word "Why"
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"If you're going to be all cryptic and broody you're just wasting my time," Angeline moved to start getting up from her seat, she was hardly in the mood for all the occult vibes that this guy was putting off with his weird statement though it wasn't like she could really say anything about it herself.
"Oh come on. You don't remember me? Ah, fine. Maybe you'll remember this." He pulls out his whip and cracks it in the air. It's thorns sticking out when it cracked. The people in the restaurant all go silent, some of them jumping, some even begin evacuating. "Remember me now my dear? Or do I need to put on more of show?" He throws out his whip, it wraps around a woman standing nearby, he then pulls her in, she yelps and begins crying as the thorns pierce her body. "Hehe, some people are so cute when they're hurting... wouldn't you agree?"
Alex continues to search around the buildings until he knew that it wasn't worth the time. Alex grit his teeth. "I couldn't avenge her." Alex hangs his head downwards as he whispers those words. He takes one last look at the two girls who are the only ones around him at the time. "Not like I need to say this to you two, but make it back safely." and with that Alex heads to where his house is located. He didn't even give a second look to the girls as it puts away his sword but continues to hold his gun in defeat. He was not as good as a saviour as he was before. He needs to train more. Alex has a determined look in his eyes now.
"Kill her, don't kill her I could honestly care less because her life means nothing to me," Angeline stood and moved towards the door before tossing some final words over her shoulder as she pushes it open, "and I didn't forget you I just didn't care to recall you." With that she walked out of the restaurant with a tired expression having found its way onto her face.
"Hmm... She doesn't seem too enthusiastic. I wonder whatever is wrong with her, she seemed so happy before, or at least, darkly pleased." With that, he tightens the whip around the girl, crushing and stabbing her death all at once. She screams a moment before she dies. He follows her out the door. "Something got you down?" Seems a bit strange someone as crazy as him would show some heart. But maybe he sees something in her he can use.
Emily turned when she heard a voice coming from the ground to find what must have been the decomposer they were looking for right in front of Rune. He had just finished talking before sprinting right below them. He addressed the man next to her, basically saying he didn't feel like eating him at that moment. She gribbed her dagger harder before he ran away. She threw it at him, but had accounted for his speed enough. It came so close to hitting his heel, she wasn't actually sure if it had clipped his heel. There was no waver in his sprint, so she assumed it didn't. Shame. If she had reacted sooner, he could've started dying from the poison on her dagger.

She jumped down and ripped her dagger after getting it stuck in the ground. It was strange. As soon as he had run away, she panicked and threw it too hard downward instead of forward. She never panicked. She shook off some dry concrete rubble before slipping it back into her boot. "You ok, Rune?" she asked as she started walking, just happening to be behind the man since they were both heading in the same direction. Her bag of ingredients were somewhere near there.

Even from the back, he looked so defeated. She sighed as she hurried to her bag, gathered up the ingredients and began walking again. She sighed. She was feeling emotions. That wasn't supposed to happen. She felt a slight bit of trust for Rune. Barely any, but it was there. And now she felt ever so slightly sorry for this stranger. What was wrong with her? She knew what would happen with emotions. That's why she blocked them out. She groaned a little bit before giving Rune an annoyed look that said "we should, I don't want to but we should". She then caught up with the man with Rune. "He's still out there. We- you can avenge her another time." That was her 2 cents, she was done. She quickened her step to walk ahead of him, heading toward her house which wasn't far from the Venstar house.
"I..." there is no other Word that Escaped my mouth that time. i turned my gaze toward the girl. there a trace of sadness filled her face I placed my hand on her shoulder and try to calm her down "There is still a chance, Yurie. Even for 1% chance of finding them I will not give up" True, we didn't even know that the other leader beside Darren is Alive or not. however If there is still a slim Chance for finding them I will hold on those thin thread even it's hard to do.

I Threw away my cigar and step on it. "Even for youngdead like me have their own purpose" I took my business card from inside my shirt and placed it on the bench. "it's mine. Call me if you have new information" After I stand up from the bench, I placed 'Fuyou-kishi' back to my waist. I took another pack from nearby vending machine and lit one of them in my mouth. "you know... it's my first time i talk to another beside our House without unsheathed my Blade. it's pretty interesting"
'Master... guard my path'
Yurie let the smallest snort of gentle mockery escape her delicate lips. "There is no chance, but you are right. Youngdead are there to hope, when olddead know better. I will call if anything comes up." She promised, her sleeve brushing over the card as she spoke, so anyone looking wouldn't be able to tell when exactly it had disappeared. Her slightly pink eyes never strayed from his... well, the general vicinity of his eyes. She couldn't tell what color they were. Some days, Yurie felt like her vision was getting worse, but since that was physically impossible here, she knew it was all in her head. Standing gracefully, she gave him a little smile and a flirtatious flick of the eyes like she'd been trained, before heading back to the Barukar house.

When she reached Barukar Castle, she found a man with a motorcycle, looking up at the castle. She hadn't seen him before. All muscles tensed, she made her way lightly past him and towards the castle entrance, hating the weakness in her eyes for the umpteenth time.

@Syphereon Ravenclaw
"My first question is are you planning on trying to eat me at any given point in this encounter? and if so could you not?" Angeline turned back towards the man, or rather decomposer but she didn't care for coalition titles, her expression quickly switching to one of slight annoyance as he approached her again. She was tired of dealing with people today because they always wanted something from her, always, and it wasn't even good enough that she had poured out her blood for them the first time . . . they still wanted more.
Alex didn't get far without the girl back then coming up and saying something to him. "Yeah. I guess you're right. I just need to know how they look like." He knows he didn't get a good look at them so Alex doesn't know where to start. A small smile grows on his face but he didn't allow anyone to see. He places his gun behind him making sure it won't fall out. Alex felt too tired despite having that small burst of determination before. He wants to just go back to the house and rest. Before the girl runs too far ahead, Alex speaks up. "Name's Alex!" A small greeting. The way he made it sound, it sounded more like "Hey, Hope we meet up again." By the tone he used. After that he continues onward. Listening to his footsteps to occupy him during his walk. Alex can't wait to finally get some rest after this taxing day.
Victor was looking outside the entrance waiting for someone from the watch tower to notice him and alert whoever it was that had been assigned temporarily in charge when, to his surprise a girl with longish white hair walked by him not paying him any attention. "Heh.. are you my welcoming committee?" He flashed an amused grin in her direction and twirled his butterfly knife around in his hand.

The playful motion of the man's hands made Yurie tense, as she could only see it as a blur of motion and a flash of something metallic. Irritating. His gall, on the other hand, was almost painful in its tedious predictability. She'd seen cocky types come and go quickly, particularly in Barukar Castle. So she just paused n her step and smiled sweetly at him, saying, "No, I'm afraid we were not informed anyone was coming. Do you need something from the Barukar house?"
"Of course not milady! Whatever would make you think that?! I merely wished to speak to you, after all, you left me with such strange ideas and thoughts before I just HAD to find out who you were." He holstered his whip once more. "I mean after all, I found it amazing I wasn't the only one who saw killing as an...art." He smiled
"So there is a method to your madness after all . . . I don't feel like discussing anything out here though there's just too many people around." Angeline relaxed just a little but still kept her guard as she tried to think of a place to go besides her room at the Venstar House. When no immediate answers arose she gave a soft sigh and ruffled her hand through her messy bangs out of habit.
"Hmm, well, we could always go to my favorite place.. A nice little roof of this abandoned building. After all, what else have I to call home hmm?" He took out his whip again, then, whipping it up onto a ledge, he tied himself to it, and hung there, suspended in air, his hand out her. "Unless you have a better idea?"
Emily listened to what he said even as she sped up. He hadn't gotten a good look at the decomposer because he didn't look when he had been addressed. She, however couldn't take her eyes off of him. And even though he had been right there, she was frozen. That would annoy her for a long time. But the point was that she saw him. She could help him. If she felt up to it, that is. And if he even wanted that. Rune had gotten a very good look at him. He was right in her face. She hoped shock didn't blur the memory of his in face for Rune.

Her pace slowed in surprise when he called out his name. His tone. It was friendly. Like he wanted to meet again. Did that mean he wanted help in his quest for vengeance or was he just being friendly? There was a small pause before she called out, "Emily." loud enough for him to hear. She then continued on to the Seervak house. She had a poison to mix up and training to do.
"Well I don't suppose you want to goto the Venstar House," Angeline spoke a bit sarcastically as she looked up at him before eyeing his hand in a bit of concern. Glancing up at his face again she gently placed her hand in his, and against better judgement she decided to trust him for the moment at least.