2035 OOC

Can we please move the story forward? I feel like a hijacked if me and Tom are the only ones involved. Also I've been thinking of revealing a incredibly dark moral choice in regard to my characters history that he needs the groups help to choose. y'all ok with that?
Well my characters emotions are high from the embarrassment of saying the stuff aloud , then seeing that we are about to have a cowering liability made him lash out. In character in my book.

I mean we have to cross the rough equalivent of zombie-mordor then climb Mount Everest that's filled with hungry 8ft eagles. And previously our most vulnerable member was a giant murderous wolf, after that my character ( a 6'5" unstable man immune to the dark arts and wielding a grenade launcher that shoots magic.) and now a cowering, trembling , possibly Mary Sue, girl that's combatlicy speaking is naked and literally speaking wearing at max pants,shirt,underwear, and bra.
He doesn't want another innocents torment and death on his hands.
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Who says she doesnt have some special power. But whatever your character can be emotional so its your choice on how you react to children lol
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Yeah but after we get to a place to camp and sleep I'm gonna drop the grimdarkenest moral choice ever . Either way it goes someone's (my character or someone he loves ) is going to literally suffer for the rest of foreseeable future. I don't wanna hear any 'that's way to saaaad your a bad person' .

This conflict is why he is so schizophrenic when it comes to how he jumps from mood to mood when threatened or angry. It's not a direct connection ( EI: hating beavers because they flooded your town) it's the psychological fallout from a horrible tragedy. But hopefully once the decision is made he will mellow out and go back to his natural personality.
My character won't stay that way through out the roleplay it's a start to get use to others. Even before the world went sour she wasn't aloud to talk to others and became very timid and intimated by others and yea she does have a power

I know it'll seem stupid but it makes sense

Plants can provide water and food
Hat will be incredibly useful indeed , even if my characters bag and belt are enchanted with dimensional pockets( my large bag that weighs 15 pounds empty and is 4 cubic feet can hold 20 cubic feet without adding weight and my belt is lined with 13 small pouches holding 1cubic foot each.) When healers kill you just as dead as the horde of the dead you will go far out of your way for storage of required supplies.
funfact: at one point my character picked up the nickname mule for this exact reason, he HATES being called it though.

It's a inferior bag of holding ( great bags are infinite storage, but if torn open destroy all contained items) and a belt of many pockets.
So i am not totally useless and defenseless seeing as vines and thorns can be whips that rip through a human yes?
No one called you useless lol everyone here helps in a certain way...some more than others....and some who seemed to have alot of other strong points
No I am saying i don't want my character to be useless i was that so i could change her if need be .....I am still not used to this sight and all >/////< -Feels dumb-
I was simply saying that from a realistic stand point, if rocky has 500 hit points , then I have 125 , and a petite girl with no combat experience probably has 50 points max. And we are about to walk through zombie-mordor so staying alive is gonna be a problem with someone of her constitution.

That's the reason pats conscience forced him to hand over a entire leather armor (its owlbear leather if your curious) set ( helmet, chest piece, sleeves, bracers , gauntlets, greaves, pants AND boots) to the girl along with his old sparring blade. He might refuse to actively serve as a protector, but his conscience gets last word when it comes to throwing unprepared innocence headfirst into hell on earth.
Rocky has been carrying people on his back for most of his time in the RP. If things become too crowded, he'll probably lift her up.

Also, lol 500hp :D
Well it's hard to kill a boulder. And golems are boulders that MOVE AND KILL YOU so yeah bout 500hp........ Wait no probably 1000-1250 HP , and pats 125 and she's probably 45hp
While it is nearly impossible for a zombie to bite through Rocky's anything and basically any physical attack they can conjure is deemed pointless, their bile and stomach acids can still corrode his boulders. However, most brainless zombies won't even attempt to attack him, out of disinterest for eating rocks, it's flesh they want.
I'm operating on a crossbreed of d&d , diablo, skyrim, and shadow run here so I'm sorry if half the shit I'm referencing in OOC sounds like gibberish . If you need me to ill type it out in normal people words, it's just tedious to type it all out when I'm typing it on a iPod
Well, I don't think this RP quite works on HP. Get bit and you're screwed, I believe?
I know, I was just using the HP as quick comparison of physical fortitude