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Fox came in. "KAWAII (as in cute)! He looks so cute asleep!" She went over and looked at him then turned around. "So, just a quick question, are you going to make me do something really bad when you said 'you owe me one'?"
Wolf shrugged as she closed the door. "I'll let you know when a need arises." She walked over to her armor stand and started taking her armor off. Soon she was left in her casual wear which was (pic). She turned to Fox, "I'm going to make some tea, want some?"


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"Yeah! I love tea!" Fox smiled brightly, then looked as Crash moved a bit. She had that 'uh-oh' look on her face and quickly lowered her voice to calm medium. "I'll go into the kitchen and wait." Then she walked off as Crash went back to his peaceful sleep.
Wolf nodded and followed. Once inside the kitchen she started to make a pot of tea. Once she set it over a fire she turned to Fox and leaned against the counter. "So why did you insist on his staying out of the prison? If I may ask." She folded her arms across her chest in boredom.
Fox looked at her. "Because as you said, he's not an animal. It doesn't seem fair." She laughed a bit. "And to be honest he isn't that bad. Almost like a friend, really." Fox turned her attention to a small piece of wood handing from the table and started to play with it.
Wolf laughed. "Oh. I see." She paused as she stared at Fox. "You like him. Don't you?" She smiled as the tea pot began to whistle. She then poored the tea into three cups and set the pot off to the side, then set two on the table and left the third by the pot. She sat down across from Fox and sipped her tea.
Fox blushed. "Wha-what are you-?!" She regained her voice and continued "he's way too old for me! Are you crazy?!" She sunk down in her seat. "Maybe a little..what's it to you anyway?!"
Wolf giggled and reached across the small table and gently held Fox's hand. "I'm not making fun of you about it or anything, my mother was ice clan remember? Besides, I think you two make a cute couple." She winked and giggled some more.
Fox shot back a reply. "Hey, knock it off! Like I'm the only one who has a bit of a crush on him, eh?" Her blush disappeared and a devilish grin. "He's pretty immature and clueless, but I was watching when he helped you up. You didn't seem to dislike it, I'll tell you that much!" She laughed almost hysterically.
Wolf blushed deeply and lowered her head so her white bangs fell over her eyes. She stayed quiet and her grip on Fox's hand loosened slowly then came back to hold Wolf's cup. She nervously brought her cup to her lips and sipped.
Fox laughs turned into giggles and soon went back to normal. "I knew it! It wasn't like you to act like that, back in the prison. You usually never would have done ANYTHING like that!" She smiled smartly as if she just cracked a case.
Wolf looked around, still blushing. "So uh.." She coughed. "wanna go bathe in my spring?" she said nervously trying to change the subject. She started to feel preassured and claustraphobic.
Fox had stopped noticing her expression. "No, it's okay, I'm done." She sipped some of her tea. Then odd expression appeared, one she never used before. "Hey- do you really think he would want to escape from here? Like, is he just putting on a show or something? Do you think, Wolf?"
Wolf looked back at Fox and shrugged. "A prisoners mood towards their captors always depends on how they're treated. Give them reward, and they'll show you the same, give them nothing but the lash.." She took another sip. "If we treat him better here than his own clan does.. He wouldn't have much of a reason to leave here. But there's always that one loyal dog that will keep coming back despite the lash. But I think he's smarter than that."
She still looked a little on the down side but she nodded. "Yeah. Okay." She finished her tea quickly. "It's late. Mom's going to be yelling her head off if I don't get home on time tonight." She raced to the door, and halfway through, she called back "Bye Wolf!" And let the door close quietly behind her.
Wolf walked to the couch and knelt in front of Crash. "I wonder when the last time he ate was.. He looks kinda skinny.." She spoke softly.
Crash shifted a bit, probably awaken by Fox. He turned to look at Wolf, at first surprised, then relaxed. With one eye closed and the other half open he asked. "Why was there so much noise? I think I heard Fox..." His words were slurred and groggy, obviously he was very sleepy, but he seemed awake enough to hear someone else talk to him.
Wolf gave him a gentle smile. "Yeah, Fox was here. She wanted to check up on you. Are you hungry? Can I get you anything?" She spoke softly seeing he was still sleepy. "I just made a pot of tea, I can get you some if you like."
Crash smiled a tired smile. "That's alright." He yawned into the palm of his hand. "I don't eat much- at least that's how sensei taught me to eat." He shrugged and began to shut his eye.
Wolf blinked and opened her mouth to talk but decided to just let him sleep. She stroked his cheek gently. "Good night." She smiled and watched his eye close.