1 human, 1 dragon, and 1 judge+jury+executioner.



This is going to be an experiment done by three people.

The plot will be about one human fighting a dragon. One player will be the human, one player will be the dragon, and one will be the game master or referee.

The idea is simple.

Player 1 will describe how his character attacks.

Player 2 will then writes how his character PLANS to counter the attack.

But... BUT...

What ACTUALLY happens will be written by the game master. The game master will write whether player 1's attack hits or miss. The game master will also write how player 2's action end or continue.

If player 2's action continues, player 1 will write how his character PLANS to react.

The game master will once again post what ACTUALLY happens.

I will need three people for this. Anyone wants to try this out? The game master needs to be creative and a constant poster. Although, even if 1 person leaves, the game will have to end.

Sorry for bad english.
I hope other people find it interesting as well. I really want to try this out.
Who will be playing what in this?
I haven't gotten any players yet. I hope to get a few interest. Do you want to try?
I guess I'll join then.
That great. Now we have to wait for some other interested fellow.

Which part are you interested in being?
I'll go with either Dragon or gm.