
  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!
  1. M0Malle

    CRITIQUE WANTED FEEDBACK WANTED WRITING Medics & Outcasts (Please DM Critique and Feedback)

    (NOTICE: Each comment is a chapter with a different perspective. When asking me questions, I might reply with information that hasn't been written yet, so please specify whether you want spoilers or not.) I Thraxi "Why are people surprised at the changes a single year brings? So many things...
  2. Ardent

    MEMBER EVENT November Write-a-Thon

    Font1November Write-a-Thon NaNoWriMo has had its fair share of controversies lately, but that doesn't mean we can't do our own version of the challenge. Push yourself to the limits this month and join the November Write-a-Thon! Set your own writing goals—whether it's a page a day, 5k words a...
  3. Reverie

    A Frightful Twist: Writing Prompt

    A Frightening Twist of Fate Greetings fellow ghouls and goblins! It's me, Reverie, revelling in my carnage. It's October, and that means it's time to bring a bit a spookiness to the forum (maybe more than a bit). And why not extend our frightful shenanigans to our characters? For this prompt...
  4. ebae

    bebe's showcase (extended).

    hello all, my name is shelby but you may call me bebe for short. there is little to say about this topic aside from this is where i will be posting any writing drabbles, samples, short-stories, writing projects, and general world / plot / character / or other concepts that i am currently in the...
  5. EpicPlayer1601


    I have three fandom role plays that've been rolling around in my head. The fandoms are House of the Dragon (HBO), Game of Thrones (HBO), and Alchemy of Souls (Netflix). Please keep in mind I am not a super fan of these shows, so I don't know absolutely everything about them. HotD: This rp...
  6. Regulus

    Latest marauders era writing sample

  7. wren.

    Iwaku Pride Contest 2024

    Hello queers and allies, it's me, ya boi! Welcome to Iwaku's queer-focused writing contest! I'm Wren, your host this year. Whether you're all about that queer tragedy or want to celebrate queer triumphs, as long as it's queer, it goes! All queer identities and stories are welcome. To aid your...
  8. Alien Girl

    ⍙ Adrenaline Rush ⍙ High Action Plots And Characters ⍜ Crazy And Twisted Stories ⍜

    Welcome to my Thread! I would like to mention that I'm very open about playing in an already set story and setting with my character. I am able to fill any role as long as my character's identity and abilities are respected. With that being said, you're free to come into my DM's and suggest an...
  9. yearofsilence

    City of Fire (example writing for my OC Tuarv)

    Tuarv comes from a small island isolated from the rest of the continent of Enzuria that still lives a paleolithic hunter-gatherer lifestyle. This work is about the events that lead Tuarv to leave her island and what comes after that. “Do you hear them?” Tuarv and Rerv are sitting by the...
  10. A

    ISO literate writing partners (varied themes, 750k+ per post)

    hey all! i'm new to this site, and i'm looking to open one to three spots for new partners. i write roughly 1k+ words per post, once a week or more and i'm looking for someone to match that. i'm very motivated to add to our plot, worldbuild, etc. it'd be great if you were wanting to add to it...
  11. Juni_Tootie

    A Simple Search, Made by yours Truly. (1x1, Fandoms/Non-fandoms, includes an OC Masterlist + Writing Sample)

    hi! i'm juniperr, my pronouns are they/them! i also use neopronouns so if you'd like to know what they are ask me, i don't mind! I am 16, and going to be a junior in high school (i am currently on summer break). i consider myself literate, for i can comfortably write around three beefy paras...
  12. MiharuAya

    National Novel Writing Month on Iwaku

    Welcome Writers! National Novel Writing Month or NaNoWriMo is an annual, international creative writing event in which participants attempt to write a 50,000-word novel during November. It is hosted by a United States-based nonprofit to promote creative writing worldwide. Their website offers...
  13. Diana

    LESSON ROMANCE WRITING Using Sex as a Plot Device!

    Smut! Erotica! Naked Butts! Sex scenes are a fun way to add life to a plot; to give it a nice punch of emotion, conflict, and spice to the story. The big problem is that sex has a stigma. In the Romance genre especially, sex scenes are much like the explosions in Michael Bay movies. Totally fun...