villain help

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!
  1. L

    That troubled bad guy past...thingy.

    Making a convincing bad guy No bad guy just started out being bad for no good reason. They didn’t just wake up one day and think, “I’m going to be a bad guy and do bad things.” Whether it is from psychological torture, behavioural health, or even simple reasons such as world domination...
  2. L

    Exploring the Archetype #2: Villains

    Roleplayers often strive to make their roleplays as far from archetypal and stereotypical as possible, some even avoid it like the plague. What people sometimes forget is that it's possible to make a perfectly enjoyable story out of archetypes, and that characters don't always have to have...
  3. N

    Character Creation - Not so evil Villain

    Your goal in this challenge, is to create a villain for a setting that is not essentially evil, as in destroy the world, or kill (x) number of people, or world domination, you get the point. A wrong approach to a problem? A revolution on a global scale that could potentially change the world...
  4. mr_pibbs

    "The Hero nobody wants to Call" Challange

    Alright everybody, this Challange is pretty simple: Come up with the absolute Worst idea for a superhero/supervillain and post it below. They can be classified as a "bad hero/villain" by four categories: 1. Uselessness 2. Weaknesses 3. Traits/Characteristics 4. Stupid Powers/Abilities Once...
  5. ze_kraken

    “To Us — Richer and Cleverer Than Everyone Else!”

    “I only steal because my dear old family needs the money to live!" Locke Lamora made this proclamation with his wine glass held high; he and the other Gentleman Bastards were seated at the old witchwood table. . . . The others began to jeer. "Liar!" they chorused "I only steal because this...
  6. L

    Villains: Why Mr. Fluffbuttles isn't a logical evil

    Villains Alright, so almost every story has a villain in it. Whether in the shape of an evil overlord who seeks power through a ring (points to he/she whom gets my reference), that school bully who wants to ruin the prom for you, or that man who turns from friend to foe for his own desires and...
  7. Diana

    A Girl's Enemy. Also Known As: The Scary Sue

    Say you have your Heroine. In most settings she has at least one Female Enemy. It doesn't matter what your genre or setting is. In High School it's that one girl that always picks on the Heroine. In Fantasy is might be a petty Princess. This female enemy HATES your Heroine and goes well out of...
  8. Diana

    Designing a Villain

    In any roleplay or story you need to have an antagonist. This is a person that creates conflict for the characters, and more often than not is a reoccurring problem for them. There are a lot of different KIND of villains. From the born evil types, to the good intention types, to the utter...
  9. October Knight

    Creating Great Villains

    Villain Workshop By: Fluffy and October leche The epic battle between good and evil rages on! Whether it's a one on one fight to the death, or a race for world domination, the Evil antagonist is a key element to a good story. When we Role-play, it is a common occurrence to have a surplus of...
  10. Blind Hemingway

    Character Design: Creating Antagonists

    By a ‘good villain’ I mean one that is memorable; the whole clichéd and the whole “necessary” evil leaves you with an unmemorable 2D figure. This is a list of somethings to take into account about trying to create a antagonist that isn’t your anime or cartoon super villain: *They try to...