Last One to Post Wins Volume 7

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Because you didn't acknowledge the reverse card.
This is all Shinku's fault, damn it!
You are as guilty as I am, bitch.
Oh yeah,, before I forget, since everything is reversed, existance is slowly becoming void in the thread. I'm barely holding it together.
Is that bad?
Ehhh..... it might be bad. On a side note, I found a new favorite quote.

" And if you've known evil, don't mean to contrive, but spelling it backwards just proves you're alive." I know evil.
Can we just talk about how I was a winner for a whole week?
I think you mistyped 48 hours.
Shhhh! They don't know it.
They do. They can do math.

*takes out flamethrower*
Oh look, everything is back to normal again!
Don't test me, bitch.

I ran myself into this, didn't I?
Also fun fact, I actually hold the record for longest time a new thread was posted since thread 2 died on October 1st but was locked so much that it went for a month and ten days before a new one was made
I was good at math once.

Now I can't even count. I'll just agree with the wizard.
My bf just started MedTech school.
I don't envy his math.

True, but nobody asked you for how long you won for either. So I figured it was fine to mention my own.
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