
So, this was originally a guide that FieryCold allowed me to use to help users on RPNation. But, I fear that this would be erradicated with their upcoming update. So, it's going to stay in here for my sanity's sake.

colorSets the color of the text.
  • color: hex|name;
  • e.g. color: #000000;
  • e.g. color: black;
font-familySpecifies the font family for the text.
  • font-family: fontname;
  • e.g. font-family: Times New Roman;
UPDATE: They kinda work for Google Fonts. But, don't expect users to have the font downloaded on to their computer already.
font-sizeSpecifies the font size of the text.
  • font-size: value;
  • e.g. font-size: 12px;
  • e.g. font-size: 2em;
background-colorSets the background color of an element.
  • background-color: hex|name;
  • e.g. background-color: #000000;
  • e.g. background-color: black;
  • e.g. background-color: rgba(44,151,222, 0.5);
background:linear-gradientmakes the background a gradient. you can put more than two colours and transparent as well.
  • background:linear-gradient(to right/left, hex/name, hex/name);
background:urlSets an image as the background of an element.
  • background:url(url here);
background:url(url here) repeat center fixed;Fixes the image so that it doesn't scroll with the page.
background:url(url here) no-repeat;Prevents the background image from repeating.
background:url(url here) repeat-x;Repeats the image along the x-axis (horizontal).
background:url(url here) repeat-y;Repeats the image along the y-axis (vertical).
background-sizeSets the dimensions of the background image. Width first, then height.
  • background-size: value value;
  • e.g. background-size: 400px 200px;
  • e.g. background-size: 100% 50%;
background-positionSets the starting position of the background image. This is used with the background:url property, which sets the image. The first value specifies the horizontal position whereas the second value specifies the vertical position.
  • background-position: value value;
  • e.g. background-position: 0% 0%; (top left corner)
  • e.g. background-position; 100% 100%; (bottom right corner)
borderSets the style, color and thickness of the edge or boundary of an element.
  • border: value style color;
  • e.g. border: 1px dotted #000000;
border-left: value style color;
border-right: value style color;
border-top: value style color;
border-bottom: value style color;
Sets properties of SPECIFIC borders; side-specific.

(e.g. border-style: dotted solid dashed double)
Another way of coding the style for each border side. Follows the TRBL rule. From the example on the left:
  • top border is dotted
  • right border is solid
  • bottom border is dashed
  • left border is double

There are also groove, ridge, inset, outset.
border-radiusSets the roundness of the border corners.
  • border-radius: value;
  • e.g. border-radius: 14px;
border-top-left-radius: value;
border-top-right-radius: value;
border-bottom-left-radius: value;
border-bottom-right-radius: value;
Sets roundness of SPECIFIC border corners.
box-shadowAttaches one or more shadows to an element. The property is a comma-separated list of shadows, each specified by 2-4 length values, an optional color, and an optional inset keyword. Omitted lengths are 0.
  • box-shadow: h-shadow v-shadow blur spread color;
  • box-shadow: 1px 1px 1px #000000;
widthSets the width of an element.
  • width: value;
  • e.g. width: 200px;
heightSets the height of an element.
  • height: value;
  • e.g. height: 200px;
min-heightthe box will be that height and if the text surpasses it it will automatically expand
max-heightthe box will be that height and if the text surpasses it it will automatically turn into a scrollie (therefore you must add overflow:auto with it)
marginSets the distance between the element and other elements.
  • margin: value;
  • e.g. margin: 20px;
margin-left: value;
margin-right: value;
margin-top: value;
margin-bottom: value;
Sets the left/right/top/bottom margin of an element respectively.
margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;

OR just

margin: auto;
Centers the element.
paddingSets the distance between the element and the border.
  • padding: value;
  • e.g. padding: 20px;
padding-left: value;
padding-right: value;
padding-top: value;
padding-bottom: value;
Sets the left/right/top/bottom padding of an element respectively.
text-alignAligns the element.
  • text-align: left|right|center|justify;
text-indentAdds indentation to the first line in a text block.
  • text-indent: value;
  • e.g. text-indent: 20px;
text-shadow Adds shadow to the text.
  • text-shadow: h-shadow v-shadow blur-radius color;
  • e.g. text-shadow: 2px 2x 3px #000000;
text-transformControls the capitalization of the text.text-transform: uppercase;Transforms all characters to uppercase.
text-transform: lowercase;Transforms all characters to lowercase.
text-transform: capitalize;Capitalizes the first character of each word.
text-overflowSpecifies how overflowed content that is not displayed should be signaled to the user.text-overflow: clipped;Overflowed content is clipped.
text-overflow: ellipsis;Overflowed content is represented by an ellipsis.
line-heightSpecifies the distance between lines.
  • line-height: value;
  • e.g. line-height: 2em;
letter-spacingIncreases or decreases the space between characters in a text.
  • letter-spacing: value;
  • e.g. letter-spacing: 2px;
  • e.g. letter-spacing: -2px;
word-spacingIncreases or decreases the space between words in a text.
  • word-spacing: value;
  • e.g. word-spacing: 10px;
  • e.g. word-spacing: -10px;
opacity Sets the transparency of an element, with 0.0 being fully transparent and 1.0 being fully opaque.
  • opacity: value;
  • e.g. opacity: 0.5;
display: noneHides the element.
display: inline-blockEnsures that the content wraps nicely when the browser is resized.
overflow-xSpecifies what happens if content overflows an element box along the x-axis (horizontally).overflow-x: hidden;Hides the overflowing content.
overflow-x: scroll;Displays overflowing text along a particular direction (x-axis, horizontal).
overflow-ySpecifies what happens if content overflows an element box along the y-axis (vertically).overflow-y: hidden;Hides the overflowing content.
overflow-y: scroll;Displays the overflowing text along a particular direction (y-axis, vertical).
white-space: nowrapPrevents long words from breaking and moving on to the next line.
transform: rotate(#deg)Rotates the element.
positionSpecifies the type of positioning method used for an element (static, relative, absolute or fixed).
  • position: static|absolute|fixed|relative|initial|inherit;
  • static: Default value. Elements render in order, as they appear in the document flow
  • absolute: The element is positioned relative to its first positioned (not static) ancestor element
  • fixed: The element is positioned relative to the browser window
  • relative: The element is positioned relative to its normal position, so "left:20px" adds 20 pixels to the element's LEFT position
  • initial: Sets this property to its default value
  • inherit: inherits this property from its parent element
pointer-events: none;most useful for disabling the "click to view at full size" thing on images
font-styleAdds a "style" to your font. Oblique skews your letters (8 to 12 degrees usually) while italic is an actual italic font style (especially valid for Serif typefaces like Times New Roman)
  • font-style: normal|oblique|italic;
font-weightdefines your letter thickness. For the number parameter, it runs from 100-900, with 400 being normal.
  • font-weight: normal|bold|bolder|lighter|number;
vertical-alignsets the vertical alignment of an element; its use is especially apparent when using two inline-blocks next to each other. For more info, go here.


background:url(https://imgur.com/To2fbud.png) repeat;]
letter-spacing: 2px;
text-transform: uppercase;][font=Abel]Title[/font][/div]|center}[div=
padding-right: 10px;][justify][font=Roboto]Content[/font][/justify][/div]{/slide}
letter-spacing: 2px;
text-transform: uppercase;][font=Abel]Title[/font][/div]|center}[div=
padding-right: 10px;][justify][font=Roboto]Content[/font][/justify][/div]{/slide}

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Metro City Police Department.
You are the few and proud member of the Metro City Police… but you're also a metahuman. Your life's priorities are split in two as you try to protect and serve while doing what you can to prove that you're not a liability. Working exclusively in the "Metahuman Crimes Division," you thought you could make a difference and help others like you. How wrong you are. Every move is tracked. Every mistake is recorded. You're resented by most human coworkers and vilified by the metahuman population for "betraying them."​
You are sick and tired of the injustices that's spread far and wide. The police seem to be far too useless to do what they should do and aren't focusing on the real criminals. Whether you are aware of the consequences of this choice or not, doesn't matter you acted, and, now, you're walking down a path of street justice. You do everything you can to create an alter ego and hide yourself. Whether it's through masks or costumes, you're starting to mirror the old superhero comics. Maybe, you're making a difference? Or, you're just making things worse?​
You've become sick and tired of trying so damn hard to be what the world wants you to be. What's the point of being beaten and belittled for being better than the rest? Instead of hiding your powers, you've come to find different purposes for it… illegally. Even if you've tried to reform, you wind up back in the same position where you first started. In the end, it's best to be what the public already assumes: the bad guy. It's the only way to earn a decent living as a "scary monster."​
You've resigned yourself in being a M.O.B. Rather than trying to right the wrongs or use what you're born with, you've become a part of the sea of people. The only way people would know if you're a metahuman is by the ID you carry on you and when you are prompted to answer. To you, it's best to keep going with the flow and keep your head down. Things should get better, eventually. Someone would stand up and have millions follow in their stead. Maybe, you'll follow them too? … but, leaving work or school can be costly. Leave the action to someone else.​

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"Sometimes, it's hard to handle change. Going from chasing around your child to watching them walk to the bus stop on their first day of high school, we know that change can be hard. Especially, when your idea of your child changes. Dealing with the idea that your child has the EVO Gene and started to develop strange side effects is difficult, but you're not alone. There's things that you can keep from changing. Introducing, NegaEVO. A supplement that has shown astonishing results of reducing your child's chances of developing horrible side effects from the EVO Gen- (This product has not been tested or approved by the FDA. The percentage of reducing emergence of inhuman powers are reduced by 1.5% using this product. Side effects includes: dehydration, anemia, and high blood pressure. Please consult your doctor before taking NegaEVO...)"


It seems like there's always an advertisement, political message, and news article in trying to "cure" the rising "genetic disorder" that's reached global levels: the EVO Gene. In plain talk, the world's seeing an emergence of the next human evolution in the form of "metahumans" or "supers." What started as works of fiction in comic books has become an epidemic in controlling them. By controlling the problem, they assume that it'll be easy to understand them. How far from the truth they are. The past two decades alone has seen a spike in the rise of children being born with the EVO Gene, causing a rise in fear, mass hysteria, and propaganda against them.

"People born with powers are dangerous." "How can they still be human?" "They're nothing more than monsters."

Despite attempts to reform archaic ideas about metahumans, it's done little to elevate them from "second-class citizens." They're screened before birth, trained to control their powers (in order to suppress them) as children, and growing up with the idea that everyone else sees them as "walking trouble." No matter where they go, everyone knows what they are. Family. The government. Doctors. Schools. Your job. Most resign to their fate, doing what they can to be as human as possible and blend in (and not cause trouble). But, there's a few that refuses to live this way. Some try to make right by the community by doing what they can to change the public's mind about them through politics and peaceful rallies. However, no metahuman has been elected and most rallies wind up with mass arrests and news outlets reporting on the "riots." A few do what they can to better themselves and others by going into law enforcement or the military, but there's little care in them and the same hate follows them. Others can't seem to find the "better life" good and decide to use their powers to turn a profit through crime. The rest… it's become a growing crimewave.


TL;DR - You're a metahuman and society hates you. Do you keep conforming, keeping your head low and going through life without another thought? Do you try to step up and make a difference as a police officer (and is struggling from the hate from all sides; coworkers and metahumans in the community)? Have you decided to say "fuck it" and become the "bad guys" the world sees you as? Or, are you going to try to become the Dark Knight or Man of Steel humans used to read about?​
First of all, follow Iwaku rules. Second, read everything. Third, show some respect (for the users here). Fourth, don't be a cuck.

Minimum post size is 2 paragraphs with dialogue bolded (and colored) and thoughts italicized. Post size will vary beyond that depending on the situation aka I expect more to be pumped out with character interaction or reacting to a shitstorm that's been dropped. At the very least, include your character's name in the post so we know who you're posting as. For users that like to make fancy ass shit, keep in mind that bright colors can be illegible and having white/light backgrounds can make it hard to read posts if you don't change your font color (since universal font color varies from theme to theme on this site).

Drawing/Anime only.

1 character per user (this section is applicable to change).

Make characters that are relevant to the thread. Keep in mind that this thread will deal with a different side of the superhero genre a la X-Men/Incredibles/Kick Ass/Other Shit I Forgot. For me, having a character that fits with the theme and setting of the thread is far more important than making Mary Sues. It has to believable that this character exists in a world where everyone is constantly looking down at them and is made up to be some "bad stereotype." Sure, there's going to be characters that are doing "better" than others or are more optimistic, but at least they acknowledge what's going in in the world (or choose to live in ignorance).

There's two races in this world: humans and metahumans. Metahumans are born with a mutation in their DNA referred as the EVOGene. Metahumans, along with having inhuman and strange abilities, other side effects include: being stronger, faster, higher endurance, and faster healing rate (half the time of a human's). Every metahuman has 1 power (powerset). All metahumans carry ID that reveals they are metahumans (in the form of dog tags). All metahumans have to attend mandatory "training" to learn how to control and suppress their powers. It is illegal for metahumans to use their powers (unless they're authorized such as police officers). I will not accept any other information that contradicts this (this section is applicable to change).

To refer to the previous, metahumans are above average in physical prowess. Unless you are specifically making a "super strong/super fast" character, I don't want to see mentions of subpowers/powers of physical abilities.

The approach of powers will be a little different. Yes, all characters will only have one power, but that doesn't mean it's the only thing they can do aka a single power comes in the form of a powerset. A powerset has their main, single power and "subpowers/abilities" that compliment one another and makes sense. An example of this is someone with the power to manipulate fire AND they're resistant to being burned. The Powerset section of the profile will be the most scrutinized section, so if you have any questions, throw them at me. I'd recommend checking out Superpower Wiki for help with power ideas and all that jazz. However, even if there's an ability that I disapprove of in the Wiki, that doesn't mean it's going to fly. I have the final say whether your character is accepted (with 50% of a profile acceptance rests on Powerset).

Powers must be real weaknesses. At least one weakness must be a complete counter/nullify/fucks them over of a character's power without using the usual excuses (can't control it, health drain, mental) AND "character with powers to negate powers/take them away." To take the previous example, if someone can create fire, their main weakness should revolve around "water" and "no oxygen." Another example is someone that absorbs kinetic energy either having specific parameters in absorbing it such as having to be hit and what not and/or if they can't turn it off, they have to expel it in small quantities or they explode (and/or die). If there isn't a good argument for a weakness, I will not accept the character. Keep in mind that a powerset you may have in mind may not make the cut because of this weakness clause.

No 2 characters will have the same power (unless you and another user got some good shit, then come talk to me).

In order to submit a character, copy/paste over the list of information I require for the thread and post them up in a separate thread like "Character Showcase" or "Testing." You're free to add more information and design a profile skeleton for your character (keep the rules about coding for posts in mind). Once completed, link me the profile page in the "Apps Thread" and tag me. If I give you a "Buckets of Rainbow" reaction, you're character is good (sometimes I forget to respond, so rely on reaction for approval status). Send me a picture of your character after you're done.
profile info
The following is a list of content and brief info on what I require for character profiles:

Full Name
Alter Ego Name (for police, it's their codename; for vigilante and criminals, it's their alias)
Birthday (Month and Day)
Police? Vigilante? Criminal? Citizen?

What character models are you using for your character? I need a name and 1 image reference linked in the profile.
List or paragraph gform, what other physical characteristics do they have? Feel free to link up extra images of your character
Alter Ego Appearance
For Vigilante and Criminals, what's their "signature look" people may recognize them in? Make sure that it'd be hard to identify who they actually are.

Feel free to list that shit
Maximum of 3 paragraphs, summarize your character's history. Emphasis on summarize.
Give me ten facts about your character that hasn't been covered by profile.

See rules about powers
Weaknesses Should be in this section
Tools that your character carries on them while they're being a vigilante?
Any charms they hold on to them that's near and dear to their heart?
If their power is dependent on a weapon, what is it? Weapons will not be allowed for most characters.

Anything Else?

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Metro City, New Jersey (USA). June 2020

One of the fastest growing cities in the United States, Metro City has become the hub of city life and success. With over 8 million residents of the island, they live shoulder by shoulder among the skyscrapers and dreams. Metahumans make up a little under 10 percent of the city's population, one of the highest concentrations in the United States. The city is broken up into 3 Main Districts: North Metro, Central Metro, and South Metro

North Metro is the "rich, suburban" area of Metro City. Most of the high end residents, nice parks, schools, and shops reside here. South Metro is the opposite. It's a real concrete jungle with many struggle to make rent with a terrible reputation for crime. Central Metro is the heart of the city, containing giant conglomerate buildings, tourist attractions, and the American Dream.

Metro City has advanced in leaps and bounds compared to other cities across the globe. Holographic projections is the cornerstone of public broadcasting (it has yet to become a standard in homes) and has become a major problem for traffic accidents. Just about every public item is interactive, letting citizens keep connected even when out. Touch screen tables have become the norm in all eateries, from small, family-owned diners to five star restaurants. Cellular devices can connect to these tables and allow people to transfer information to other devices on the table. The best form of transportation in Metro City is the MCRT (Metro City Rapid Transit). It is a bullet train station that travels all around the city and towards the outskirts in record time (under an hour to travel through the city without stops). A few of these transits have taken to the sky with air rails to get anyone just about anywhere in the city within minutes.
points of interest
to be expanded

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current episode
will be filled out with current episode idea; thread will start around June 2020
last episode
will be used to copy over the last episode summary to help with catch up
will link back to past episode entry/summaries to give users a way to play catch up in a thread


WANTED! Warrants have been posted for notorious criminals! Vigilantes and police officers (that want to try to break the rules) may be out on patrol to bring them to justice!
Beware vigilantes and police officers! Your reputation has stirred the underworld scene. Criminals may be out to hunt these "good doers" and put them back in their places!


The following is a list of taken faceclaims.
The following is a list of taken powersets.

[stabs=bcenter|800x500]{slide=Character Sheet|center}
Full Name
Jon Ito
Jonny, Jonny Boy (not a fan)​
March 30th​
Bouncer is a cover for what he actually does: small-time work for a notorious gangster in Metro City. Mostly, he's become their main bodyguard.

He has a "starburst" burn scar on the right side of his waist and hip and 4 notable puckered "bullet scars" on his left thigh and calf (this includes exit wounds). There's also random knicks and discoloration from unmemorable moments when he fought/was beaten on. When he uses his power, the pupils in Jon's eyes enlarges and overtakes his iris, rendering the eye color to be completely black. He sometimes experiences bloodshot eyes (busted arteries in his eyes, causing his scleria to be red for a couple of days/weeks). Other times or, sometimes, he experiences nosebleeds while using his power. In order to keep up his physique, he continues to be on a militaristic regiment with at least one "cheat day" a week.
Alter Ego Appearance
He sticks with dark clothing appropriate for the time of day he operates (and has a hard time for blood showing just in case). Easiest way to hide his face is a combo of a "neck warmer" (black and pulled all the way up to cover the lower half of his mouth and tinted military goggles. Throw in a pair of gloves, and you got yourself a typical "villain uniform."

Reserved, Discreet, Professional, Eccentric, Quirky, Counterintuitive, Obedient, Realist, Volatile
Jon's childhood was typical for someone like him. Born to a single parent household, raised in the bad part of Metro City, dealt with a string of his mother's lovers that were pieces of shits… on top of the fact that he was a metahuman. Statistics stacked against him from the very start, labeling his future as "bleak" and dark," probably becoming some sort of felon. But, that didn't happen. Rather, through one altercation, he got the wake up needed to try to turn things around and prove he was more than a "bad metahuman."

Mandatory military school led him down to signing up for the Navy right out of high school (and given a pretty nice recommendation from one his instructor while in military school). Jon split his life in two after that. A part of it when to his mother, giving most of his earnings to her in order to help support her. The other half was the military, knowing what role he plays and doing everything he can to protect and serve his country along with a selfish thought: to be seen as more than just a dangerous metahuman. Things seemed to be looking up when he became one of the few metahumans to undertake Navy SEAL training and pass. But, that didn't last long.

One mistake, and the blame went to the metahuman. He was court martialed and paraded around for being a "disobedient metahuman and dishonorable soldier." Jon didn't face jail time, but he was discharged and disgraced. He made a forceful return to civilian life. Finding a job without his dishonorable discharge being brought up was impossible. Explaining his situation could be easy if it wasn't for the "status" of the case and mission. In the end, there was only one place that didn't see him as a problem. Even if it goes against what he believes, at least he can sustain his living and survive. He'll just have to play the role of the stereotyped "metahuman villain."
● His mother, Niko Ito, has become and up and coming children's writer.​
● Jon is German/Japanese American.​
● He grew up without other relatives besides his mom.​
● From a young age, he's been able to do a front and side splits with little discomfort.​
● One of Jon "go to" quick meals is a toasted peanut butter and banana sandwich. It's healthier than people think.​
● It may not look like it, but Jon has no sense of fashion or taste. Most of his wardrobe has always been "chosen/given/advised" by retailers while the rest look like they belong on a rack at Goodwill. His favorite shirt is an oversized, pink Daisy Duck shirt (that's probably a women's shirt, but he doesn't care).​
● Spam is one of the few nostalgic foods he can't help but eat on his cheat days.​
● He prefers fruity cocktails when he drinks, especially if it advertises it comes with a paper umbrella.​
● Jon doesn't hide that he loves romances and romantic comedies and, sometimes, openly cries at some scenes.​
● Jon is a cat lover and has since adopted 2 cat since securing his current "occupation."​

Trajectory Manipulation
Jon as the ability to manipulate and enhance a projectile while in motion. Meaning, he's able to control what direction it can go (to an extent) and change up the properties of the projectile to turn harmless objects into lethal weapons or creating a non lethal blow from something harmful (such as an actual bullet). His body has been adapted to handle a bit of the "mental focus" in order to properly use this ability such as focusing his concentration to the point that the world "seems to slow down" and being able to see areas in surprising detail from long distance. The following is a list of "subabilities" mentioned previously, broken down in longer detail (along with the main weaknesses for his ability):
Trajectory Curving
In a nutshell, Jon is able to cause a projectile to veer in a direction he chooses, causing it to hit or miss its target. He cannot force the projectile to go exactly where he wants it and can't cause the projectile to curve a second time. Once he's influenced it, it will continue towards the path he chose. At most, he can cause up to 12 small projectiles (up to baseballs), 4 medium projectiles (around chair size), and 1 large projectile (the size of a car) to curve simultaneously without sustaining injury from using his power. However, if he tries to go past that number or something larger, he will suffer complications.
Projectile Enhancement
By focusing on a projectile, Jon is able to change the properties and alter the speed just enough to cause the projectile to slow down before reaching its intended target or causing the projectile to become lethal or nonlethal ammuncation (aka still effective in hurting a target but without the change of death). Jon can effect 1 projectile at a time when doing this.
Eagle Eye
His eyes are just as good as a pair of binoculars or a scope, allowing him to see long distances in great detail. This ability helps him use his power at longer range, but doing it for long periods of time can result in complications.
Bullet Time Effect
At anytime he starts to use his ability, Jon views the world in an accelerated speed. To him, the world seems to slow, allowing him to focus on projectiles in motion in order to use his ability. However, there are dire consequences in using his ability overall (and will be covered below).

Complications with his power can lead to an early grave for Jon. Because of the amount of strain, pressure, and abuse using this power has on his brain, he he susceptible in causing himself to have seizures. If he uses his power far too many times/too long/stacking too much such as curving AND enhancing, he can wind up causing internal bleeding and can accidentally kill himself. A sign that he's pushing his power to that point comes in the form of massive migraines, disorientation, and nose bleeds. Usually, it takes a few days before he can fully use his abilities without problems once more aka give his brain some rest.

In order to use his power, something has to be in motion. He can't automatically effect an object of it's at rest. And, if something has forced a projectile to come to rest, control over it ends.

He is also limited at how much he can influence a projectile based on size. The bigger a projectile is, the harder it is to properly complete one type of influence.

With Bullet Time Effect, he can't move as fast as he's perceiving. So, if he sees a car coming at him and he's able to add enough influence to curve it a little, Jon still has to move out of the way as fast as he can. The same goes with dodging incoming blows. He's still a regular "metahuman" when it comes to speed and agility.

Packet of rubber bands​
Handful of rubber balls​
(He's technically not allowed to own firearms and is trying to find a way around that)​

Anything Else?
nothing for now

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  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Kathairein
The spell you got on me it's like magic! Got me feeling like I'm fallin' in love! Got me feeling like I'll never give up, oh! Got me feeling like I'll never give up on you!
The spell you got on me it's like magic! Got me feeling like I'm fallin' in love! Got me feeling like I'll never give up, oh! Got me feeling like I'll never give up on you!
The spell you got on me it's like magic! Got me feeling like I'm fallin' in love! Got me feeling like I'll never give up, oh! Got me feeling like I'll never give up on you!
The spell you got on me it's like magic! Got me feeling like I'm fallin' in love! Got me feeling like I'll never give up, oh! Got me feeling like I'll never give up on you!
mister crowley

Maybe, he shouldn't have heeded the call of the 80's beat? Or, decided to make an effort to search for Sorin, do his job, and THEN meet up with Venn? Or… he actually did his job and had something to show for it- No no no! That wasn't the Mister Crowley Way! Dwelling on the past and rethinking decisions was the old him! He had to own up to his mistakes and think about the future! Think about ways to make up for the decisions he's made… even if his back is going to cry for sleeping on the sofa for the next month. So, here was the magician, in the middle of some crazy, announcement with furniture crashing about, the lights cut, Venn running off, and a random, fuzzy man hovering a massive boom box.

What can he do now to remedy the situation?

"Ya! Um… Oi don't kna yer name, but na y'er Fuzzy. Y'er comin' wif me ter find Venn. In exchange, Oi'll answer yer question… wif Venn not 'round (gud bloody idea). Whaen de time fer me ter grovel an' apologize come, y'er gonna disappear. Alwigh'? Calvin Klein! Goody gumdrops! Let's scapa fla, Fuzzy!" he practically shouted overt the music, forgetting to think properly on his words to avoid using slang.

Mister Crowley wasn't going to take no for an answer (and, maybe, this fellow wouldn't even know how to properly respond and just go with the flow). Moving forward, some strange and odd pressure swallowed the magician up. … he'd have to ask about that once his task was complete. Gripping the wolf/fuzzy creature/wind bloke/whatever this guy is, he pulled him through the crowd in order to look for Venn. He was a like a wild, blind man, pushing and excusing himself through the dark without thinking. After a minute, something popped in his head. His end of the bargain! Turning quickly, the magician shifted his grip on the agent's hand and gave him a hearty shake. "De chuffin' name's Mister Crowley, Fuzzy! An', Oi'm Venn's fella. Alwigh'! Nah more lollygaggin'! Hammer an' tack ter de bloody 'unt!"

With that, it was back to the task at hand: find Venn, apologize profusely, and hope that he doesn't wind up in the dog house. Or, at least, be able to avoid the couch. At least the lights were back up… and crazy Japanese music started to thunder. Was she… did this turn into Karaoke at the Thunderdome?! Even if he was a fan of karaoke, he had a mission to focus on.
location ● mixer ▏ status ● fixing a problem ▏ theme ● X
The spell you got on me it's like magic! Got me feeling like I'm fallin' in love! Got me feeling like I'll never give up, oh! Got me feeling like I'll never give up on you!
The spell you got on me it's like magic! Got me feeling like I'm fallin' in love! Got me feeling like I'll never give up, oh! Got me feeling like I'll never give up on you!
The spell you got on me it's like magic! Got me feeling like I'm fallin' in love! Got me feeling like I'll never give up, oh! Got me feeling like I'll never give up on you!
The spell you got on me it's like magic! Got me feeling like I'm fallin' in love! Got me feeling like I'll never give up, oh! Got me feeling like I'll never give up on you!
mister crowley

Fuzzy was on to something with his ideas! Venn would want to escape this shindig at this point, AND he did have a taste for loud music (give or take). Maybe, they (he, he means "he") Venn from the devolving mandatory office mixer, then Mister Crowley may be saved! Grinning from ear to ear, he turned around to pat the other agent on the shoulder quickly. "Bloody brilliant, Fuzzy! If ya see Venn, give me a 'oller. We'll rush in an' pluck 'im up an' drag 'im ter deh nearest exit!" And, fast! That karaoke party is getting out of hand! And, if Mister Crowley were to be called up, there was no way he could say no. On top of that, he heard the start of a possible fight in the middle of the devolving mandatory office mixer taking place.

It was time to leave.

Weaving through people and collateral damage (whether it was a turned over table or the scattered bodies of agents that may have had one too many drinks), Mister Crowley kept his eye out for his moody partner. All the while, he refused to let go of Fuzzy's wrist. There was a high chance his newly dubbed "associate" would get lost in the chaos. That, and, he has now assumed the position of the "brains" of the operation… for the time being. Mister Crowley was, of course, the leader of this deadly mission after all.

Finally, the magician caught the sight of a brooding agent trying to make himself disappear into the background. Target in sight, he turned his head back and nodded to Fuzzy. "Let's do dis!" Together, they went on either side of Venn and hooked their arms below Venn's and began to haul the voodoo doctor straight out of the mixer. The exit in sight, they rushed the last few yards and broke free. With a sharp sigh of relief, Mister Crowley began to chuckle and look between Fuzzy and Venn. "Operashun successful!" Crow beamed.
location ● outside the mixer ▏ status ● problem fixed! ▏ theme ● X
The spell you got on me it's like magic! Got me feeling like I'm fallin' in love! Got me feeling like I'll never give up, oh! Got me feeling like I'll never give up on you!
The spell you got on me it's like magic! Got me feeling like I'm fallin' in love! Got me feeling like I'll never give up, oh! Got me feeling like I'll never give up on you!
The spell you got on me it's like magic! Got me feeling like I'm fallin' in love! Got me feeling like I'll never give up, oh! Got me feeling like I'll never give up on you!
The spell you got on me it's like magic! Got me feeling like I'm fallin' in love! Got me feeling like I'll never give up, oh! Got me feeling like I'll never give up on you!
mister crowley

Mister Crowley had learned a painful lesson after the shenanigans of the mandatory office party. Venn didn't find it charming that the magician attempted to woo him through the art of dancing (despite the fact that he and Fuzzy swooped in to save the day!). Rather than ending the night as he imagined, the agent was given a harsh punishment: banishment… to the couch. Throughout the night, he tossed and turned, imagining the ways he would dispose of this uncomfortable couch.

Teleporting the couch into a volcano. Conjuring a large fireball to explode the monstrosity. … giving away the damned thing to one of the new recruits of Invictus! Then, dreams fluttered about the perfect couch. Leather cushions; plush backing; pulls out into a recliner despite being an oversized loveseat. Maybe, squeezing in a combo loveseat/chaise in here?! The first chance he gets to step off base, he'll find the first example of civilization and make that purchase…!

His phone alarm wasn't the first thing that woke him up but the smell of frying meat. Grumbling, Mister Crowley attempted to sit up on the couch. He was met with a hard pop and discomfort, causing him to lean forward. Damn this couch to Hell! Salt and pepper hair stuck up strangely as he rubbed whatever sand he managed to get in his eyes. Then, he eyed the silhouette in the miniature kitchen. A grin spread across his scruffy mug as he rose from the couch slowly, another pop and muttering curse escaping him. Making his way over, Mister Crowley slipped behind and wrapped his arms around Venn's waist. "Gud mornin', Luv," he kissed the back of Venn's head, "It smells delicious."

A quick bop to the head and a temporary ban from the kitchen later, Mister Crowley got ready for another long day (or weeks) with his next upcoming mission. Dealing with the farm was a cakewalk (along with waiting to be lectured about his late report). This… well, he'll find out soon enough. Today, he decided to wear something basic: white t-shirt, grey cardigan sweater (sleeves rolled up), and slim jeans. On his left, he sported a watch that seemed a bit too old for wear. Forced to wear loafers (without socks damnit!), Mister Crowley finally appeared as he noticed a plate on the small kitchenette. The omelette called out to him along with his first mug of tea.

Goddamn, he missed this back in England.
location ● dorm room ▏ status ● do I really have to go to work? ▏ theme ● X
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Name: Yves (Yvette) Delacroix

Age: Thirty

Race: Aasimar (Fallen)

Height/Weight: 5'8"0 | 150lbs

General Appearance:
Reference 1 & Reference 2
  • As the first image states, this image is a character from Jennifer Doyle's Knight Errant series. The other image is fan art from her series, created by Dana Guerrieri.
  • Yvette is female and accepts it. However, she puts in effort to pass herself as a man (for personal reasons). If a stranger finds out about her gender, there's no qualms as long as they're not "them."
  • Beneath her armor lies some disturbing markings including a large, old brand in between her shoulder blades. The marking (and the area around it), are covered in players of scars (and new wounds) from what appears to be lashings.

Ability Scores
Strength: 15 (+2)
Dexterity: 8 (-1)
Constitution: 14 (+2)
Intelligence: 12 (+1)
Wisdom: 12 (+1)
Charisma: 15 (+2)

Saving Throws
Strength: (2)
Dexterity: (-1)
Constitution: (2)
Intelligence: (1)
Wisdom: x (1)
Charisma: x (2)

Proficiency Bonus: +2

Total Hit Points: 28

Current Experience Points: 900

Beyond the Surface

Class & Level: 3rd Level Paladin (Oath of Vengence)

Alignment: Neutral Good

Armor Class: 9 (No Armor); 16 (Chainmail); 18 (Chainmail & Shield)

Speed: 30ft

Languages: Common, Celestial, & Abyssal

Tool Proficiencies: N/A

Special Racial Traits or Feats:
Blessed with a radiant soul, your vision can easily cut through darkness. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

Celestial Resistance. You have resistance to necrotic damage and radiant damage.

Healing Hands. As an action, you can touch a creature and cause it to regain a number of hit points equal to your level. Once you use this trait, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.

Light Bearer. You know the light cantrip. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for it.

Necrotic Shroud. Starting at 3rd level, you can use your action to unleash the divine energy within yourself, causing your eyes to turn into pools of darkness and two skeletal, ghostly, flightless wings to sprout from your back. The instant you transform, other creatures within 10 feet of you that can see you must succeed on a Charisma saving throw (DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier) or become frightened of you until the end of your next turn. Your transformation lasts for 1 minute or until you end it as a bonus action. During it, once on each of your turns, you can deal extra necrotic damage to one target when you deal damage to it with an attack or a spell. The extra necrotic damage equals your level. Once you use this trait, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.

Special Additional Class Traits or Feats:
Divine Sense
. The presence of strong evil registers on your senses like a noxious odor, and powerful good rings like heavenly music in your ears. As an action, you can open your awareness to detect such forces. Until the end of your next turn, you know the location of any celestial, fiend, or undead within 60 feet of you that is not behind total cover. You know the type (celestial, fiend, or undead) of any being whose presence you sense, but not its identity (the vampire Count Strahd von Zarovich, for instance). Within the same radius, you also detect the presence of any place or object that has been consecrated or desecrated, as with the hallow spell.You can use this feature a number of times equal to 1 + your Charisma modifier. When you finish a long rest, you regain all expended uses.

Lay on Hands. Your blessed touch can heal wounds. You have a pool of healing power that replenishes when you take a long rest. With that pool, you can restore a total number of hit points equal to your paladin level × 5.As an action, you can touch a creature and draw power from the pool to restore a number of hit points to that creature, up to the maximum amount remaining in your pool.
Alternatively, you can expend 5 hit points from your pool of healing to cure the target of one disease or neutralize one poison affecting it. You can cure multiple diseases and neutralize multiple poisons with a single use of Lay on Hands, expending hit points separately for each one. This feature has no effect on undead and constructs.

Divine Smite. Starting at 2nd level, when you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack, you can expend one spell slot to deal radiant damage to the target, in addition to the weapon's damage. The extra damage is 2d8 for a 1st-level spell slot, plus 1d8 for each spell level higher than 1st, to a maximum of 5d8. The damage increases by 1d8 if the target is an undead or a fiend.

Fighting Style: Protection. When a creature you can see attacks a target other than you that is within 5 feet of you, you can use your reaction to impose disadvantage on the attack roll. You must be wielding a shield.

Divine Health. By 3rd level, the divine magic flowing through you makes you immune to disease.

Sacred Oath: Oath of Vengence. When you reach 3rd level, you swear the oath that binds you as a paladin forever. Up to this time you have been in a preparatory stage, committed to the path but not yet sworn to it. Now you choose from the list of available oaths.Your choice grants you features at 3rd level and again at 7th, 15th, and 20th level. Those features include oath spells and the Channel Divinity feature. The Oath of Vengeance is a solemn commitment to punish those who have committed a grievous sin. When evil forces slaughter helpless villagers, when an entire people turns against the will of the gods, when a thieves' guild grows too violent and powerful, when a dragon rampages through the countryside - at times like these, paladins arise and swear an Oath of Vengeance to set right that which has gone wrong. To these paladins—sometimes called avengers or dark knights—their own purity is not as important as delivering justice.

The tenets of the Oath of Vengeance vary by paladin, but all the tenets revolve around punishing wrongdoers by any means necessary. Paladins who uphold these tenets are willing to sacrifice even their own righteousness to mete out justice upon those who do evil, so the paladins are often neutral or lawful neutral in alignment. The core principles of the tenets are brutally simple.

Fight the Greater Evil. Faced with a choice of fighting my sworn foes or combating a lesser evil. I choose the greater evil.
No Mercy for the Wicked. Ordinary foes might win my mercy, but my sworn enemies do not.
By Any Means Necessary. My qualms can't get in the way of exterminating my foes.
Restitution. If my foes wreak ruin on the world, it is because I failed to stop them. I must help those harmed by their misdeeds.

Oath Spells.
Each oath has a list of associated spells. You gain access to these spells at the levels specified in the oath description. Once you gain access to an oath spell, you always have it prepared. Oath spells don't count against the number of spells you can prepare each day. If you gain an oath spell that doesn't appear on the paladin spell list, the spell is nonetheless a paladin spell for you. The following are current Oath Spells currently avalable: Bane & Hunter's Mark.

Channel Divinity. Your oath allows you to channel divine energy to fuel magical effects. Each Channel Divinity option provided by your oath explains how to use it. When you use your Channel Divinity, you choose which option to use. You must then finish a short or long rest to use your Channel Divinity again. Some Channel Divinity effects require saving throws. When you use such an effect from this class, the DC equals your paladin spell save DC.

Channel Divinity: Abjure Enemy. As an action, you present your holy symbol and speak a prayer of denunciation, using your Channel Divinity. Choose one creature within 60 feet of you that you can see. That creature must make a Wisdom saving throw, unless it is immune to being frightened. Fiends and undead have disadvantage on this saving throw. On a failed save, the creature is frightened for 1 minute or until it takes any damage. While frightened, the creature's speed is 0, and it can't benefit from any bonus to its speed. On a successful save, the creature's speed is halved for 1 minute or until the creature takes any damage.

Channel Divinity: Vow of Enmity. As a bonus action, you can utter a vow of enmity against a creature you can see within 10 feet of you, using your Channel Divinity. You gain advantage on attack rolls against the creature for 1 minute or until it drops to 0 hit points or falls unconscious.

Acrobatics (DEX): (-1)
Animal Handling (WIS): (+1)
Arcana (INT): (+1)
Athletics (STR): x (+2)
Deception (CHA): (+2)
History (INT): (+1)
Insight (WIS): (+1)
Intimidation (CHA): x (+2)
Investigation (INT): x (+1)
Medicine (WIS): (+1)
Nature (INT): (+1)
Perception (WIS): (+1)
Performance (CHA): (+2)
Persuasion (CHA): (+2)
Religion (INT): x (+1)
Sleight of Hand (DEX): (-1)
Stealth (DEX): (-1)
Survival (WIS): (+1)

Digging Deeper

Equipment: Weapons
[Battleaxe] | [+4] | [1d8/1d10 (Versitile) + Slashing]
[Handaxe] | [+4] | [1d6 + Slashing]

Other Equipment
Armor. Chainmail & Shield
Holy Symbol. Mark of Nike (appears as a silver medallion with a set of angel wings etched in)
Packs. Priest's Pack & Monster Hunter's Pack
Other. Cat'O'Nine Tails (small), A necklace formed of the interlinked holy symbols of a dozen deities (Trinket), a worn book of poems, a tattered (and well-loved) journal, ink pen, and ink well (1-ounce)
Currency. 37GP, 9SP, 8CP

Spellcasting Class: Paladin

Spellcasting Ability: Charisma

Spell Save DC: 12

Spell Attack Bonus: +4

[Light] | [Touch] | [N/A]

Spell Level 1
Slots: 3
[Bless] | [30ft] | [+1d4 to attacks & saving throws (up to 3 charcters)] **
[Heroism] | [Touch] | [See Link] **
[Detect Magic] | [Self] | [See Link] **
[Bane] | [30ft] | [-1d4 to attacks & saving throws (up to 3 enemies)] (oath spell)
[Hunter's Mark] | [90ft] | [+1d6] (oath spell)
(will be upated/changed as time goes on)

Spell Level 2
[Spell name] | [Range] | [Damage Die + Damage Type]

Spell Level 3
[Spell name] | [Range] | [Damage Die + Damage Type]

**Please remember to note if your spells are PREPARED, depending on your class.**

Background: Haunted One (for info on what it gets)

"I don't run from evil. Evil runs from me."
"I spend money freely and live life to the fullest, knowing that tomorrow I might die."
"I like to read and memorize poetry. It keeps me calm and brings me fleeting moments of happiness."

"I kill monsters to make the world a safer place, and to exorcise my own demons."
"I try to help those in need, no matter what the personal cost."

"There's evil in me, I can feel it. It must never be set free."
"I keep my thoughts and discoveries in a journal. My journal is my legacy."

"I have certain rituals that I must follow every day. I can never break them."
"I talk to spirits that no one else can see."
"I judge others harshly, and myself even more severely."

Yvette was born alongside her twin brother Yves into a wretched and dark cult. They were originally born to add more members to the fold, but the two were unlucky: they were born "blessed" by their sworn enemy's touch. Their purpose changed, grooming them to infiltrate and wipe out their enemies sect by sect. But, the older they got, the more they considered other options in their use. When the two were ten years old, their purpose changed: they would make great sacrifices to their dark God. One would give their blood to fuel the ritual, and, the other, would become a vessel for their God (or agent). Yvette would become the blood sacrifice while Yves would become a vessel.

In the last moments, Yves was able to successfully change spots with his sister. He sacrificed himself in order for his sister to live, doing what he can to disrupt the ritual. All the while, an outside operation was taking place to disrupt the ritual. It appeared to be a "victory" for the "good guys," but little did they realize that the ritual was already in full force. Yvette was marked; she became corrupted and lost her "divine light," and a dark force surrounds her.

For years, Yvette was raised in the covenant of the cult's enemies to convert her away from the darkness. Even if Yvette had converted herself to their ways, she was always seen as some sort of blight to be pitied. Punishments seemed harsher to her; responsibilities seemed to weight far more than the other children. By the time she reached adulthood, she came to accept that she would always be corrupt. A monster, but it doesn't mean she can act like one. When Yvette began to cleanse the land of "evil," she began to take up her brother's moniker in order to keep him alive. To her, Yvette had died all those years ago.

A lifetime commitment to a single organization means nothing to Yvette. Throughout the three decades she's lived, she already paid up her own life and another and carries its burdens. The Steelsong Legacy offers her a place to work and keep her head down while venturing just enough to continue her work quietly. The few that worked alongside "Yves" would mention feeling some sort of dark, oppressive cloud surrounding "him" every so often, especially if they pat "him" on the back. She may appear to be a lone wolf, but being a Steelsinger allows her to gain access to "help" from time to time to complete her lifelong work. Hell, even the guild offers quests that align with her goals…

To eliminate the fiendish cult and take out any demons (fiends/devils) that come her way.


Name: Yves Delacroix
General Appearance: He stands at 5'8 and weighs around 150lbs. There's a few knicks and scars on his face due to the years of combat and training. For some, they can sense an overbearing darkness that surrounds the knight for some strange reason.
Visible Equipment: Full chainmail, shield and battleaxe on his back, handaxe strapped to his waist, wears a worn and dark blue cape, around his neck, he bears the Mark of Nike, and, around his right wrist, is a strange necklace he wears as a bracelet.


OH! Quick note: I left the cult/church vague so it can work with whatever homebrew ideas you have and what not. I don't mind going through Faruen stuff and filling in the blank there. If there's things you want me to change, let me know. Spells will change/adapt as I get the feel of how the group I'm in operates (go from buffing/debuffing reviver to something else).

All text copied from any D&D 5e books belongs to Wizards of the Coast.
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The following is coding created by Dao Ma. I've been given persmission to use it and manipulate to suit my needs!

  • Butts​
    a general list of nicknames given by friends and/or family throughout the years​
    day & month​
    self explanatory​
    self explanatory​
    self explanatory​
    city, country; where were you living at before you moved to manhattan?​
    leave blank for now​
    name of the face claim model/artist and a hyperlink​
    self explanatory​
    self explanatory​
    self explanatory​
    self explanatory​
    bullet points or short/small paragraph of anything of note about their appearance? this includes any prominent scarring/birthmarks or body modifications they have. you are free to hyperlink images to have visual representations of said markings (but must follow iwaku rules). feel free to use this section to include any medical complications they have (in general and/or is affected by their power).​

  • bullet point adjectives/terms and include a short definition of each one or written paragraph form for personality. make sure to include negative and neutral personality traits.
  • Butts
  • bullet point or paragraph form for the history. it doesn't have to be long-winded, just enough to give some fondation for your character's motivation, actions, and reasons in being a part of the hero program. please make sure to mention how they applied in the first place (even if it's the generic "i went to a college fair" nonsense). another item to note is how your character will pay for outside expenses that isn't covered by the program (whether they've taken out loans, are planning to get a job, and/or family is helping them pay it, etc.).
  • Butts

  • a "title" or summarized term to classify/briefly describe what type of ability your character has such as "fire manipulation."

    see rules about powers in this thread and how to approach them. there's an example to check out how i'd like to see powers written out/approached for character skeletons. make sure to have reasonable weaknesses that counters to powers and/or something that can easily make a fight harder for your character. i will ask you to change up your weaknesses if i am not satisfied with them.
  • Butts
  • Butts

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  • Welcome to the world of iHero: First Class! In this thread, the world is split between two types of people: normal humans and powered humans called evos. Up to this point in history, evos have gained full citizen's rights, have a self-sustained government, and created one of the biggest entertainments (and law enforcement agency against evos) in the world: iHero. Every single evo dreams of one day being a famous hero that is constantly saving the world and protecting the lives of everyone. In order to do that, millions of teenagers and young adults feverishly apply for the only training for heroes of iHero. The Hero Program is the exclusive course of iHero in training future heroes. You will play one of those lucky applicants that have been accepted into the 4-year course, but it's estimated that only 100 will make it out in the end (by Year 4). Do you have what it takes to become a hero.
  • CO-GMs
    U.N. 0W3N & Dao Ma​
    U.N. 0W3N​
    Superhero Genre, Slice of Life Genre, Tiger & Bunny​
    coming soon
  • to be filled in
  • Official Thread
    Superpower Wiki (best resource for superpowers)
  • to be linked
  • to be linked
  • to be linked
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    a general list of nicknames given by friends and/or family throughout the years​
    day & month​
    self explanatory​
    self explanatory​
    self explanatory​
    city, country; where were you living at before you moved to manhattan?​
    leave blank for now​
    name of the face claim model/artist and a hyperlink​
    self explanatory​
    self explanatory​
    self explanatory​
    self explanatory​
    bullet points or short/small paragraph of anything of note about their appearance? this includes any prominent scarring/birthmarks or body modifications they have. you are free to hyperlink images to have visual representations of said markings (but must follow iwaku rules). feel free to use this section to include any medical complications they have (in general and/or is affected by their power).​

  • bullet point or paragraph form for the history. it doesn't have to be long-winded, just enough to give some fondation for your character's motivation, actions, and reasons in being a part of the hero program. please make sure to mention how they applied in the first place (even if it's the generic "i went to a college fair" nonsense). another item to note is how your character will pay for outside expenses that isn't covered by the program (whether they've taken out loans, are planning to get a job, and/or family is helping them pay it, etc.).
  • bullet point this section and include a brief description of each member of your character's family. a general "relationship guide" on your character's family members. family can be by blood, the people that raised you, etc. make sure to state the current relationship you have with each family member.
  • Bullet point adjectives/terms and include a short definition of each one or written paragraph form for personality. Make sure to include negative and neutral personality traits.
    list of your character's goals and dreams​
    list of your character's fears; they can be silly or serious. most people has at least one thing they fear even if they don't think it's not a big deal or something they don't believe they fear at all.​
    list of your character's vices; they can be silly or serious. maybe, it's a vice your character isn't aware they have, but friends, family, and colleagues can see it?​
    list of your character's secrets; they can be silly or serious. every character has a secret.​
  • a "title" or summarized term to classify/briefly describe what type of ability your character has such as "fire manipulation." see rules about powers in this thread and how to approach them. there's an example to check out how I'd like to see powers written out/approached for character skeletons. make sure to have reasonable weaknesses that counters to powers and/or something that can easily make a fight harder for your character. dao and i will ask you to change up your weaknesses if we're am not satisfied with them.
    characters don't have to be already good/be an expert/know stuff right off the bat!!! treat this section with some discretion in regards to "physical fighting." it could be that they may never had self defense training before, but have done physical contacts sports such as wrestling, football, water polo etc. if your character hasn't had prior training at all, you are free to leave it blank/go "n/a."​
    characters don't have to be already good/be an expert/know stuff right off the bat!!! just like combat, it's not expected that characters would already have skills to help them out in the future! on top of that, there are some skills that characters may not think would help them as heroes such as being a part of theater, speech & debate, and art clubs. if your character doesn't "believe" they have any skills that can help them as a hero, feel free to leave this section blank/ go "n/a."​

    list of things your character loves​
    list of things your character likes​
    list of things your character is neutral about​
    list of things yoru character dislikes​
    list of things your character hates​
  • does your character have any hobbies or activities they're interested in? were they in any school clubs or programs they had a passion before accepting into the Hero's Program?
  • optional section; feel free to link up music tracks and what not that fits your character's "soundtrack."
  • is there anything else to add for your character?

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[B]INTELLIGENCE[/B] [div= font-size: 16px;]★★★★★✰✰✰✰✰[/div]
[B]ENDURANCE[/B] [div= font-size: 16px;]★★★★★✰✰✰✰✰[/div]
[B]DEXTERITY[/B] [div= font-size: 16px;]★★★★★✰✰✰✰✰[/div]
[B]AGILITY[/B] [div= font-size: 16px;]★★★★★✰✰✰✰✰[/div]
[B]PERCEPTION[/B] [div= font-size: 16px;]★★★★★✰✰✰✰✰[/div]
[B]POWER[/B] [div= font-size: 16px;]★★★★★✰✰✰✰✰[/div]
[B]CONTROL[/B] [div= font-size: 16px;]★★★★★✰✰✰✰✰[/div]
[hr=1px solid #ffffff][/hr]
[B]OVERALL GRADE[/B] ---[/div][/div][/tab]
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color: #ffffff;][B]NICKNAME(S)[/B]
[INDENT]a general list of nicknames given by friends and/or family throughout the years[/INDENT]
[INDENT]day & month[/INDENT]
[INDENT]self explanatory[/INDENT]
[INDENT]self explanatory[/INDENT]
[INDENT]self explanatory[/INDENT]
[INDENT]city, country; where were you living at before you moved to manhattan?[/INDENT]
[INDENT]leave blank for now[/INDENT][/div][/div][/tab]
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color: #ffffff;][B]FACE CLAIM[/B]
[INDENT]name of the face claim model/artist and a hyperlink[/INDENT]
[INDENT]self explanatory[/INDENT]
[INDENT]self explanatory[/INDENT]
[INDENT]self explanatory[/INDENT]
[INDENT]self explanatory[/INDENT]
[INDENT]bullet points or short/small paragraph of anything of note about their appearance? this includes any prominent scarring/birthmarks or body modifications they have. you are free to hyperlink images to have visual representations of said markings (but must follow iwaku rules). feel free to use this section to include any medical complications they have (in general and/or is affected by their power).[/INDENT][/div][/div][/tab][/tabs][/div][/div][/div]

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color: #ffffff;][CENTER]IMPORTANT DOCUMENTS[/CENTER][/div][/div]
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color: #ffffff;]bullet point or paragraph form for the history. it doesn't have to be long-winded, just enough to give some fondation for your character's motivation, actions, and reasons in being a part of the hero program. please make sure to mention how they applied in the first place (even if it's the generic "i went to a college fair" nonsense). another item to note is how your character will pay for outside expenses that isn't covered by the program (whether they've taken out loans, are planning to get a job, and/or family is helping them pay it, etc.).[/div][/div][/tab]
height: 200px;
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padding: 5px;][div=
color: #ffffff;]bullet point this section and include a brief description of each member of your character's family. a general "relationship guide" on your character's family members. family can be by blood, the people that raised you, etc. make sure to state the current relationship you have with each family member.[/div][/div][/tab]
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color: #ffffff;]Bullet point adjectives/terms and include a short definition of each one or written paragraph form for personality. Make sure to include negative and neutral personality traits.
[indent]list of your character's goals and dreams[/indent]
[indent]list of your character's fears; they can be silly or serious. most people has at least one thing they fear even if they don't think it's not a big deal or something they don't believe they fear at all.[/indent]
[indent]list of your character's vices; they can be silly or serious. maybe, it's a vice your character isn't aware they have, but friends, family, and colleagues can see it?[/indent]
[indent]list of your character's secrets; they can be silly or serious. every character has a secret.[/indent][/div][/div][/tab]
height: 200px;
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padding: 5px;][div=
color: #ffffff;]a "title" or summarized term to classify/briefly describe what type of ability your character has such as "fire manipulation." see rules about powers in this thread and how to approach them. there's an example to check out how I'd like to see powers written out/approached for character skeletons. make sure to have reasonable weaknesses that counters to powers and/or something that can easily make a fight harder for your character. dao and i will ask you to change up your weaknesses if we're am not satisfied with them.[/div][/div][/tab]
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color: #ffffff;][b]COMBAT[/b]
[indent][b]characters don't have to be already good/be an expert/know stuff right off the bat!!![/b] treat this section with some discretion in regards to "physical fighting." it could be that they may never had self defense training before, but have done physical contacts sports such as wrestling, football, water polo etc. if your character hasn't had prior training at all, you are free to leave it blank/go "n/a."[/indent]
[indent][b]characters don't have to be already good/be an expert/know stuff right off the bat!!![/b] just like combat, it's not expected that characters would already have skills to help them out in the future! on top of that, there are some skills that characters may not think would help them as heroes such as being a part of theater, speech & debate, and art clubs. if your character doesn't "believe" they have any skills that can help them as a hero, feel free to leave this section blank/ go "n/a."[/indent][/div][/div][/tab][/tabs][/div]

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color: #ffffff;][CENTER]EXTRA INFORMATION[/CENTER][/div][/div]
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color: #ffffff;][b]LOVES[/b]
[indent]list of things your character loves[/indent]
[indent]list of things your character likes[/indent]
[indent]list of things your character is neutral about[/indent]
[indent]list of things yoru character dislikes[/indent]
[indent]list of things your character hates[/indent][/div][/div][/tab]
height: 100px;
overflow-y: scroll;
padding: 5px;][div=
color: #ffffff;]does your character have any hobbies or activities they're interested in? were they in any school clubs or programs they had a passion before accepting into the Hero's Program?[/div][/div][/tab]
height: 100px;
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color: #ffffff;]optional section; feel free to link up music tracks and what not that fits your character's "soundtrack."[/div][/div][/tab]
height: 100px;
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padding: 5px;][div=
color: #ffffff;]is there anything else to add for your character?[/div][/div][/tab][/tabs][/div][/div][/div]
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  • You are one of the chosen applicants, one of the luckiest evos in the world. Out of hundreds of thousands of applications, you have been accepted into the illustrious Hero Program. Whether it was for your strength in powers, personality, and/or will power, you will be enroll with 500 chosen evos at Servo Polytechnic in New York City to undergo the craziest 4 years of your life: to become an official hero of iHero. At least half of the 500 chosen applicants don't make it to the 3rd year. By the time graduation rolls around, only the top 100 students will be chosen to undertake their greatest test: the debut! If they can show the collective 4-years of training, they will become a full-fledged hero! You are one of the chosen, but will you be able to make it to the very end? Tune in this season to find out!​

  • The following thread follows Iwaku's rules and regulations. Dao Ma and myself (U.N. 0W3N) are the owners of the thread. Read and follow the rules outlined by us. Rules are liable to change and be removed if situations arises in order to better run the thread and manage the users and their characters. Announcements will be made if rules are changed, deleted, and/or the thread undergoes updates (such as closing open sign ups, announcing events, etc.).

    The thread will also have a Discord. If you are accepted and interested in joining, please PM me.

    iHero: First class is the first of many installments in the iHero universe that Dao Ma and myself have planned out. We are looking for dedicated users that will stick around for the long haul and watch their characters evolve from Freshman students to rookies and beyond (along with introducing new characters as time goes on). This will take having respect for the users that are accepted into the thread, are able to contribute ideas for events, plotlines, character developments, etc., having great patience with the posting process (which will be experimenting with streamlining scenes and what not), and, most of all, will be constantly communicating with the users and owners of the thread.

    Minimum posting requirements are two paragraphs, bolded (and colored) dialogue, italicized thoughts, and the name of the character. If interacting with other characters, please include tagged users you're posting/responding to (just to try to get faster responses from users). You are free to decorate posts, but keep in mind that font colors should be changed so that everyone can read it without highlighting (because everyone has different themes). Collaboration posts (aka a single post with multiple responses from several characters) are welcomed in order to streamline repetitive posts between two characters (i.e. a fight scene, character development scene, etc). Just make sure to include the names of all characters involved.

    Standard forum roleplay etiquette is enforced in the thread. Examples include: metagaming, puppeting, powerplaying, etc.

    Characters will only be drawn/anime only. Evo characters only. Characters between the ages of 18 and 20 only. As of now, users will only be allowed to have one character in the thread. This rule may change in the near future with updated information.

    DO NOT TOUCH THE STAT SECTION IN THE PROFILE! This will be dealt with once/if your character has been accepted! Either Dao Ma or myself (or both!) will sit down and have a chat to help figure out your character's stat. We have a "cheat sheet" to help us determine appropriate scores for each section!

    Every characters gets "one" power. However, this one power will be the "theme" or "powerset" that a character has that includes minor abilities that help supplement the powerset. An example would be a character that has control over fire. A minor ability they would have would be the ability to be resistant to fire. Characters can share similar powers if it's a basic ability (using the fire manipulation power once more). But, the more intricate the power, the rarer it is for second character to have something similar. Here is an example of a complete powerset (from a different thread idea, but it's in the same vein).

    Profiles must be submitted in full in the "Profile Thread." Do not post incompleted profiles. There is no timeline of when to turn in a profile, so take all the time you need and ask questions. Profiles must be written in great detail and exactly how I have instructed them. Dao Ma and I (U.N. 0W3N) will decide if the character is accepted into the thread. A user can get a second chance to correct the profile if we see potential in the character. We have the right to decline profiles that simply don't fit the setting and/or doesn't follow the directions of the profile.

    If you don't understand BBCoding, feel free to link profile information in via Google Docs or "Showcase Character" thread that has all the required information for the profile. If/Once you are approved, either Dao Ma or myself will help copy/paste/edit the profile sheet and give you a copy. Just make sure you have "rich text editor" turned off aka press the gear when submitting a post to turn it green. For users that are familiar with BBCoding/basic image editing, feel free to turn in the full sheet. The code and profile sheet "look" is located here.​
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  • The Hero Program was debuted alongside with the first heroes of iHero in order to continue cultivating potential evos to become future heroes. Servo Polytechnic is the only college/university that runs this amazing program with collaboration with the Northeastern branches of iHero and GATEKeeper. All students that are accepted into the 4-Year course receive all inclusive scholarships that pays for their education, supplies, and housing fees (leaving only some necessities like food to be paid out of pocket). High school students and young adults evos between the ages of 18 and 20 can apply for the Hero Program through sponsored booths located in college fairs across the world. There are other ways for a student to apply for the program, but that isn't common knowledge.

    Before officially being enrolled in the Hero Program, all students must sign a nondisclosure agreement in order to keep all information out of the public. There are plenty of rumors and speculation about students that may have broken this agreement or what happens to them if they drop out of the course. However, it is expected that students will drop from the program due to various reasons. Students can continue their education, however, following various paths that would lead them into working behind the scenes in iHero or GATEKeeper.​

  • Located in Greenwich Village in Lower Manhattan, Servo Polytechnic is considered one of the most "green" universities in the world, focusing on conversation and alternative energy to power the school. Between each building is vast, lush greenery for students to gather, study, or play. Before the Hero Program, Servo Polytechnic was known as THE school for scientific advancement in technology. These days, the college offers various programs for the student body including the exclusive Hero Program. There's two buildings that are dedicated to the program that are barred from students and staff outside the Program.​

  • Dorm Layout

    Every student in the Hero Program are assigned a designated dorm room off campus from the rest of the Servo Polytechnic student body (just a block away from the main campus). Students share a 4-person dorm room for a year with the same grade. Once they move on to the next year, they are eligible to apply to dorm with specific students (within the same year). Every summer, students are reassigned to new dorms aka the freshmen will move into sophmore-designated dorms, freshmen move into the freshmen dorms, etc. Roomates will be randomly generated per school year.

    to be filled in

  • Schedules for the first year will be determined based on group size. If there's a large group of characters, they will be split up. Schedules will be randomly determined based on group randomization. The following are courses that all 1st-Year students are required to take:

    The physical training course is your typical weight training/physical education class that's focused on achieving the high requirements of fitness for all heroes in iHero. Activities varies depending on the assessment of each student. Ranging from free weights to track and swimming, students are pushed to their limits 3 times a week for 2 hours.
    All students are required to undergo mandatory self defense training in order to combat evil. There are various instructors that has specializations in different types of mixed martial arts that works with the students' powers and overall prowess. Classes take place 2 times a week and up to 2 hours a class.
    One of the most important classes, Power Training pushes the students to their limits in learning the opposite of how to use their powers. Students must learn how to push and evolve their powers to their highest potential while maintaining great control over them. Class takes place every Saturday for up to 2 hours at 1 of the designated "power training facilities" just a half a block away from the campus.
    One of the strongest skills any hero has is their ability to keep their composure and think on the fly. In order to cultivate these skills, students must take acting and improv classes! It may seem a bit unorthodox, but it helps give future heroes the skills needed to keep cool, composed, and NOT act as their real selves (but their alter egos). Classes are 3 times a week for an hour.
    GOVERNMENT (G.A.T.E. & GATEKeeper)
    A standard class that is required for all students in the Hero Program to take for two semesters. There are advanced courses that helps with students that want to specialize in government and bureaucratic work within GATEKeeper. This class is a 3-hour course once a week with a fifteen break.
    The rest of the courses must be filled with classes that add up to 8 credits for the first year in order to fulfill the requirement of being a full time student in the Hero Program. There are countless classes for students to choose at Servo Polytechnic and a few that are suggested by the Hero Program based on student evaluations. For instance, if an evo has a particular powerset, they may be required to take scientific courses in order to understand the potential of their powers better.​
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    "Coco" (family nickname)
    "No Face" (a childish nickname coined by his bullies growing up)​
    22 December​
    Mexican American​
    San Jose (California), United States​
    leave blank for now​
    Unknown (they appear to come from an artist named PrinceCanary); X X
    Due to the effects of his ability, Cristián's features are all obscured by how dark his features are. The entire surface of his body seems to be the same color, resembling the qualities of vantablack paint. It makes it near impossible to distinguished facial features and other distinct markings (such as scars and birthmarks) due to the extreme absorption of light. To most folks (if not everyone), Cristián appears flat and not human. Medical tests have concluded that his internal organs, bones, and fluids have been affected, but not to the extreme of his outer appearance. Internally, they appear "darker" than usual but physical definitions can be seen without alterations (such as an evo's ability to affect color).

    Another side effect of his ability is the fact that his internal body temperature is noticeable hotter than the average person. Cristián's temperature ranges between 100 and 110 degrees. He doesn't experience the effects of hyperthermia or fever. It is speculated that this is due to the effects of his vantablack features.

    Cristián is diagnosed with hypermobility in the joints. It is theorized that this could be yet another side effect of his ability. He is able to perform strange feats with his body, enabling him to move in bizarre ways like bending his thumb backwards, being able to touch his toes with his nose, completing a full front and side splits, etc. He has to be careful with hypertension and sprains, especially when using his ability.

    Thanks to the mandatory training, Cristián has been able to control his ability to the point that he can maintain a simple shift for hours without experiencing fatigue (however, he's still weak towards extreme emotional changes). In public, he maintains a shift that gives definition to his features (aka color to skin, hair, shift of his eyes, etc.).​

  • Cristián's birth was considered a "blessing from God" due to the circumstances of his mother (Martina). She was in the middle of Christmas shopping with her sisters, mother, and some cousins when a villain attacked the mall they were at. She was a part of the collateral damage during a fight, sustaining injuries. Complications (including stress) had caused contractions to start up two months before her delivery date. After touch and go, Martina and her new baby boy were fighting for the lives in the hospital for Christmas. On top of that, no one had idea what was to come when he was born. Tests were done, concluding that he would be an evo. The extent of that, however, was finally revealed after the C-Section. Doctors and nurses were baffled by the appearance of the baby. He was nothing more than a "lump of coal" with big, white eyes in their arms. Experts were called in. An evo was specifically called to help aid the staff to help distinguish the premature baby. Six weeks later, Martina left the hospital. It took another twelve weeks before Cristián was healthy enough to come home.

    Life for Cristián was quite ordinary after that despite his strange appearance. It took a few years before his powers emerged, determining the right course of action for the child. An incident during preschool prompted action to take place, putting him straight into a program to lean how to control his powers. Other extracurricular activities were thrown at him left and right including: pottery classes, gymnastics, and ballet. Despite growing up in a large and loving household, Cristián did have trouble from time to time. Children at school found ways to be cruel to him based on his appearance. Others tried to egg him on to use his power to show off, using him for the sake of fake friendship. On top of growing up in such a large, extended family, Cristián pulled into himself. He went from being an energetic and easily excited child to a overly shy introvert. The main motivation for learning to control his power is so he can look normal and blend in.

    Signing up for the Hero Program was one big fluke. Cristián was pressured to put his information down since his siblings and friends were doing the same thing during a college fair at his high school. He didn't expect any call or email about being accepted. At the beginning, he thought it was some sort of mistake or prank from one of his bullies. But, it was legitimate. He was originally planning on going to community college and transfer out from there, but, now… it took him all the way to the very day to pack the final item before flying off to New York City. His family had done everything to scrape up funds (even taking out loans) to make sure Cristián would be taken care of, but he already has plans. He planned to look for some sort of part-time work and become independent from his family the best he can.

    … Cristián is looking forward to receiving monthly care packages though.
  • Adalberto Jose de la Cruz (Father | 50 | Alive | "Loved")
    His father, Adalberto (or Bert) is apart of the previous generation that owns and operates three different restaurants in the San Jose and a bakery that provides bread and desserts for all the restaurants. His relationship with his father is a combination of great and not so great. His father had a hard time accepting the fact that his son wasn't planning on joining the rest of the family in the food industry while he's so damn proud that his son is going to be a hero. Cristián always felt like whatever he does is never enough for his father, adding pressure for him to go down a path he never thought about taking before. As of now, his father is getting ready to pass over the ownership to his oldest child along with his other brothers and sisters in the business.
    Martina Guadalupe de la Cruz (Mother | 49 | Alive | Loved)
    Out of his siblings, Cristián is considered the "Mama's Boy." Maybe the incident around his birth made his mother overly protected of him? Before his youngest sisters were born, it was all about "Baby Coco" each and every day. He loves his mother, but it feels like he suffocates him sometimes. It's not a bad thing since he gets first dibs on her cooking. At least he knows that his mother would be happy no matter what decision he makes. Martina, her sisters, and sister-in-laws are in charge of the bakery portion of the business, refusing to step down just yet. One thing for sure: he's going to miss the smell of fresh-baked bread and tortillas while in New York City.
    The Siblings (28 - 14 | 3 Boys & 4 Girls | Alive | Love and Hate)
    In order: Esperanza (28), Adalberto Jr (27), Gilberto (25), Isabel (23), Vidal (21), Cristián (18), Gabriella (15), and Rosalina (14). Having such a massive family, it's easy to get lost among the sea of siblings. It's a love/hate relationship, but it's expected. No matter what, he wouldn't want to trade them for the world! He's the most closest to his two younger sisters, doing whatever they ask of him to the point he enrolled with them in ballet. As of now, Esperanza is fighting with the rest of her family to start taking over the bakey with the rest of the new generation; Junior and Gilberto are working at one of the restaurants together; Vidal is currently trying to get a food truck off the ground; Gabriella and Rosalina are focused on school with Gabriella taking dance seriously.
    Extended Family (Loved)
    Along with his massive mediate family, Cristián is more than familiar (even if he forgets names) with the extensive family in San Jose, Los Angeles, and Mexico. A giant chunk of his family lives in the Bay Area, making family gatherings massive with extensive cousins, families of spouses, and family friends coming together. He has never had a quiet holiday nor a quiet household with many extended family members coming over to his home and vice versa for no reason. He's used to being around his family nearly 24/7 so the move to New York City will be a brand new experience for him.
  • Empathetic. showing an ability to understand and share the feelings of another.
    Good-Natured. kind, friendly, and patient.
    Perceptive. having or showing sensitive insight.
    Absentminded. (of a person or a person's behavior or manner) having or showing a habitually forgetful or inattentive disposition.
    Frugal. sparing or economical with regard to money or food.
    Soft-Spoken. speaking or said with a gentle, quiet voice.
    Anxious. experiencing worry, unease, or nervousness, typically about an imminent event or something with an uncertain outcome.
    Clumsy. awkward in movement or in handling things (when anxious).
    Insecure. (of a person) not confident or assured; uncertain and anxious.
    ● Not disappoint his family
    ● Not embarrass himself during Orientation
    ● NOT FAIL!
    ● Get a part-time job
    ● Join some sort of photography club or find like-minded people​
    ● Public speaking, being on stage, making phone calls… anything that makes him have to think before speaking!
    ● Ghosts​
    ● His own head; he can't help but listen to the negative voices that puts him down constantly​
    ● He doesn't publicly talk about his sexuality due to his fears of rejection from his family and a horrible incident that left him somewhat scarred. For now, he keeps his feelings and thoughts to himself.
    ● Cristián has an Instagram account where he has posted his photos he's taken. It's under a pseudonym and featuring no pictures of himself and anything that can point people in his direction. He has a bit of a following with a few thousand users following and commenting about his photos.
    ● Deep down, he still feels like he doesn't deserve to be here. His powers are nothing compared to other people, and he's not very courageous. Cristián feels like a complete fraud and is doing the best he can to hide it.​
    Based on on several investigations and trials conducted by GATEKeeper, Cristián displays a potential to be one of the most versatile shapeshifters on record. As a child, he had displayed a level of creativity and flexibility to become an assortment of creatures (extinct and imaginative), people (real and fictional), and inanimate objects! The possibilities COULD be infinite. The following are currently observed and recorded abilities that Cristián displays:

    Body Manipulation (Innate/Limited)
    Due to the extreme nature of Cristián's shapeshifting capabilities, he is able to safely shift while retaining important internal workings through the ability to manipulate them during a shift. It is classified as an "innate sub-ability" based on other evos with similar abilities. For one, he cannot turn his body into a "weapon" or a "tank" through creating extended organic weapons (aka be his normal base and weaponize organic parts of himself) AND hardening his flesh for the purpose of withstanding the attack (however, hardening occurs when Cristián takes the form of inorganic/inanimate objects innately). Another common feature in this category Cristián lacks is the ability to self regenerate; he heals at the normal rate of the average human. This sub-ability is only part one of how Cristián is able to have such versatile shifting while surviving the most complex shapes.
    Elasticity (Innate/Can be Active)
    One of the reasons why Cristián could become become one of the best shapeshifting evo on record is his innate sub-ability of elasticity. This allows him to safely shift without risking injury to his person (similar to body manipulation). The only reason that elasticity is in its own category is the fact that this CAN be an active sub-ability with plenty of training. As of now, the most Cristián can control is an extension of his "flexibility" of his joints as of now (due to his extracurricular activity).
    Size Manipulation (Innate/Possibly Active?)
    Outside of extreme shifts (large or small), Cristián is not able to change his size. Training to control his powers as a child has always suppressed this sub-ability, setting him back to reach his potential. Like his innate sub-ability to stretch and become "rubber-like" in shifting, progress is needed to reverse/retrain Cristián to use his powers to the full extent.
    Biomorphing & Inanimate Object Morphing (Limited)
    Under the classification of "shapeshifting," Cristián fall under both biomorphing and inanimate object morphing, displaying the potential to transform into "countless" people, animals, and objects. However, due to some issues in his past, mandatory training had reinforced controlling the ability to unleash this ability to the full extent. Like the mentioned above, retraining is needed to reach his potential. At this point, Cristián seems to have mastered the ability to maintain a minor shift for hours on end without falter.

    List of Weaknesses (not mentioned above)
    • Due to the extremes of shapeshifting, there is potential for injury without proper training. Permanent damage is one of the highest risks in retraining Cristián and WILL be carefully monitored.
    • Cristián's extended shifts can easily be interrupted/cause him to revert back due to emotional spikes. Stress and anxiety seems to be a problem, but has been reassured that this will be fixed before his 3rd year.
    • There is no evidence that articles of clothing/carried items will not be "absorbed" and temporarily stored. As of now, Cristián will have special equipment lent out in order to prevent exposure due to shifting (special uniform made specifically to compact into a bracelet and expand back when returning to a humanoid form).
    • The training he has received (like all evos) has stunted his potential. It is not seen as setbacks, but there will be extra emphasis to return Cristián to his original starting point by the end of the year. Extra/Intense training sessions are to be scheduled the following year in order for him to catch up with the rest of the class.
    There is no record of Cristián having any prior self defense/contact sports; he will be grouped with other students in a similar position for the first semester.​
    Since Cristián was a toddler, he had been enrolled in tumbling classes in order to familiarize how his body works and able use his excess energy into something productive. This has set the foundation for future training in extreme shifting.
    Another activity Cristián participated for nearly eight years before stopping around his final year of high school. Like gymnastics, it helped him in getting to know his physical limitations and coordination.​

    list of things your character loves​
    list of things your character likes​
    list of things your character is neutral about​
    list of things yoru character dislikes​
    list of things your character hates​
  • does your character have any hobbies or activities they're interested in? were they in any school clubs or programs they had a passion before accepting into the Hero's Program?
  • optional section; feel free to link up music tracks and what not that fits your character's "soundtrack."
  • is there anything else to add for your character?
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  • Love
Reactions: GuanYue and rissa