Mission: Z, IC

[fieldbox="Riley | #1 Ballamory | 1 October 2026 - Early Morning, teal, solid"]

Amid the screaming of gunfire outside, Riley took a breath and crammed her knuckles into eyes shut tightly. Conner was out there. He hadn't hesitated to leap into the fray to defend this place, because of her and because he knew how much it meant to her to finally have a home. If he died out there, it would be because of her, and she'd never forgive herself. Please, please, if there's a God please keep him safe, she begged. Ryan's words weren't any comfort, and she could hear the finality in his voice. Riley was no medic, she barely knew first aid because of what Wes had taught her, but she knew that Ryan's leg was not going to get better without some serious intervention. Intervention that simply didn't exist anymore.

Jesse's appearance was simultaneously shocking and reassuring. If he'd managed to get here, surely it meant that it wasn't as bad as it sounded out there, right? But what about all the gunfire? They had to be shooting at someone, right? She backed off to give the man more room to work, crouching beside Ringo and digging her fingers into his thick, gore-stained fur. "Whatever you need, just tell me when," she whispered.


bluejeans, white t-shirt & sneakers

On Person

Beretta Cx4 Storm [15/15] (shoulder strap)
Beretta Model 92 [17/17] (right hip)
Machete w/Sheath (left hip)

Sleeping Bag
Family Picture
9mm Rounds x46
Journal & 2 Black Pens
Bottle of Draino [3/4 full]
Aluminum Foil Roll [1/3 full]

Food & Water
Skittles [1]
Kitkat [2]
Can Ravioli [2]
16oz Water Bottle [2 full]

[fieldbox="Dexter | #1 Ballamory | 1 October 2026 - Early Morning, darkorange, solid"]

As soon as Carter's blade plunged into his opponent's side, Dexter wrenched back, snatching the rifle from the dying man's hands as he slumped over with a second hole in his trachea. Immediately swinging around to dispatch the other man, he was relieved to see that Evie had beaten him to it. But as the man dropped to his knees with an arrow in his belly, his pistol discharged... Dex saw Carter flinch, heard him grunt in pain, and turned with wide eyes. "Are you hit?" he demanded, already knowing the answer.

The groan of straining timber waylaid an answer, though, and a quick glance up above them revealed the upper half of Ballamory's #1 swaying precariously as the beams on the first floor finally began to crumble. "MOVE!"

Everything happened in a blur of heat and smoke and flame, chaos descending on the group with the top floor of the house. They scattered, Dex snatching Hero up and, struggling against the frantic dog's weight, dashed just out of range. The blast forced him to his knees, and the heat wave that followed the collapse was enough to sear skin and set clothes aflame, but Dex struggled to his feet, frantically searching for any sign the others had made it clear. He noticed Aveline, looking pissed but relatively unharmed, and then Carter, clutching at his ribcage. He had been hit. Dexter took a step towards him, concern etched on to his features, before a body on the ground only a few feet away snatched his attention. Evie.

"Oh, god."

Rushing to her side, Dex knelt, brushing cinders and debris off of her prone form. "Evie, can you hear me? Please be alive, please be alive." He pulled her up, fingers going to her neck just below the jawline. Trying to steady his own breathing, he waited, desperate, and then… a pulse, strong and steady beneath his fingertips. She was unconscious, but alive. A relieved exhale escaped him, and he scooped Evie's limp body into his arms. They had a clear shot to the gate now, blocked from view by the blazing debris that had once been their home. Closing the distance between himself and Carter and Aveline, he called for the others to follow. They were almost home-free. But another scattering of gunfire pulled his attentions back to the real world. This wasn't over. There were still people here. His people. Turning to Carter, Dex extended his arms. "Can you take her? I need you three to get out of here. Take Hero with you. I need to go back and help the others."

Carter almost didn't hear him as several curses and proclamations to rub God's feet in golden foot cream in exchange for taking the bullet back escaped his lips. However, he did catch the gist of his words and shakily lowered his hand.

Blood. Obviously. It was foolish for him to hope otherwise. Perhaps, if they ever got out of this situation in one piece, he would continue complaining. However, for now, he had to suck it up and do what he could. Wincing as a burning pain shot up his side, Carter gingerly took Evie into his arms. "Fuck my life. Fuck bullets. Fuck guns. Fuck fires and houses on fire and fucking falling on everyone, tryna squish my pretty ass…" As he ranted, he looked around for Hero and spotted the poor canine practically trembling. The sight managed to soften an inkling of his agitation, but not a single drop of the ache in his ribcage.

"You better get your ass back quick s-so I can kick it," he grumbled while adjusting his hold on Evie. He then gestured towards Ave. "Come on, chocolate sistuh. Car Car's getting too old for this shit."

"Hero, go." Dex commanded, pointing to Carter. The singed dog looked forlorn, but obeyed, slinking about Carter's ankles. "Be careful, please. Keep them safe, and we'll meet up once all this shit is over."

Carter huffed, his bottom lip poking out. "I got it, I got it. If I've got a say, they'll be keeping my smexy ass safe." Despite the remark, some dread sunk to the pit of his gut. There Dex went again putting responsibility on his shoulders. Perhaps he had to change up his tactics... It didn't matter right now. Without another word, he led the group towards the gates, still flinching with every gunshot that sliced the air.

I'll fix this shit at some point.

Otto Williams
-The Flank-

The ones shooting at him seemed to think they had him pinned as they were still firing at his last position, he watched from their side as their shots slacked as their adrenaline lessened and they became aware that they had wounded still stuck in the field. Five wounded or dead and six still able, he so desperately wanted to get back to Ballamory proper but these five to his front had to be dealt with first, if there was any chance they made it to the houses then they would be able to tear into whoever was alive and well without much resistance. He also had to be aware of the rising sun, so far the darkness the trees had provided him had allowed him to experience little in the way of reprisals from the incoming gun fire since he could be seen but with the sun starting to crest the horizon he would be in a bad spot if any of these six could draw a bead on him with their guns.
He took a deep breath as he braced his rifle against the tree and lined up the sights again as the remaining six moved out to help their fellows, they seemed cautious at first but the cries of their friends made them abandon that caution rather fast as they moved with their rifles down to the few that remained alive. Otto Waited for them to try and attend to the wounded, when their focus was any where but on their own safety and then...he open fire. Six shots, six bodies that fell as he advanced out of the trees changing to a fresh magazine. It took him a few moments to reach them, some still clinging to life despite the shredded lungs that made their home in their chests but that was of no concern to Otto as he knelled down and retrieved several fresh magazines off their bodies as well as a chest webbing rig to hold these extra magazines. After he was finished he stood and turned towards Ballamory, leaving the wounded to either nature or the infected coming for them.
On person:
1x AR15
1x 1911A1
7x 7 round 1911 magazines
5x 30 round STANAG mags (26 rounds depleted in total)
1x tanto style combat knife
On Chest Rig:
6x 30 round STANAG magazines

Location: Ballamory, Ryan, Riley and Conner's House
Interactions: Riley, Cecilio

Ryan winced as Cecilio messed around with the wound, biting into the inside of his lip tightly to suppress the scream of agony that was bursting to escape. When he saw Cecilio flicking the needle, his eyes widened for a moment.

"You got a whole fucking ICU in that bag too?" he cursed before letting his head slip back at the 'this may hurt' comment. He had a giant bolt sticking out of his leg - he was way beyond worrying about more pain. He grunted as the needle slid into his skin. "I don't think the pain of this is going to stop, somehow, dude." As the procedure closed, Ryan looked to Riley. "Look, my head isn't going to be clear, not when I'm doped up on meds, so listen to me. We've gotta find your brother and get to a rally point." His eyes looked beyond the window, out onto the cul de sac, and at the smoke plumes that billowed across the grove. "This place is lost. Do what your brother says, follow him without question, okay?"


Items on Person (Ryan):
- AR-15 (24x 5.56 rounds, 1 mags)
- FAK (Bandages, Disinfectant, Plasters)
- Copy of 'Marching Orders' (his best selling novel)
- Knife
- Canteen
- Torch





Aveline jolts at the yelling and constant gunshots, her stress rising at the thought of having to deal with lured les morts and bloodthirsty bandits. Though, Dex and Carter were moving as fast as they could, saving the dog felt like an eternity as the chaos went on. Light wind blowing the thick smoke, she couldn't see, and the scream from Dex from being shot made it worse. When Dex gestures for them to get down, she did but paused. The ringing is happening again and it continued to get louder, no matter how much she tries to focus but she could only be still as her mind screamed. "Oh, god…" she mumbled, ducking her head, her hands on the back of her neck, trying to breathe and control herself, only to feel tears form in her eyes.

The ringing kept getting even louder, their voices are muffled yet the gunshots still loud as before. She finally raises her head and tries to push her thoughts away and caught up with the group, she looked to Carter, confused by his muffled words but he began to lead. She held herself, pouting as she felt tears swelling up again. She didn't want Dex, Evie, nor Carter, they made her feel alone. She wanted Otto. Nonetheless, she followed Carter.



- Sneakers
- White t-shirt
- Blue jeans
- Ankle socks
- Black Jacket
- Baseball Bat (main weapon)
- Silver lighter (in back pocket)


- Corey's stuffed animal
- Picture of Aveline and Corey
- 2x Bottle water
- Small pistol
- 9x pistol rounds
- Baby wipes (doesn't actually smell like babies)
- Bagged and labeled meeicine: Ibuprofen (6x), Benadryl (8x), Tylenol (4x)
- Ripped Gauze
- Bagged band-Aids (10x)

Cecilio & Ringo

Location: Ballamory House #8
Interactions: Riley, Ryan
"If I did I'd just plop you in and be on my way. It's going to numb the area but that's about it. We really don't have time to do anything as much as I want to..." He replied. He listened to Ryan speak with Riley keeping silent until he was finished "Riley. I'm gonna need you to put some disinfectant on your hands, throw on some gloves, and help me get this gauze on. I'll need you to hold it in place while I put it around the bolt to stabilize it and stick it down." He stated deciding to use cloth tape or 'bandage tape' as he often called it. He held the packaged gauze in his hands "Is it starting to feel numb yet Ryan?" Cecilio gave Ryan a normal dose for someone of his size and by now it should kicking in. He didn't want to cause Ryan pain as it'd just being more undo stress and it could possibly result in him to going into shock.

1x Colt Le901-16s w/ bayonet (15 rounds)
1x 4-14x scope
3x Rifle Magazines (4 loaded)
1x Large canteen ( 4/4 Full)
1x S&W 929 (loaded)
8x 9mm bullets
1x Lighter
1x Trauma kit
1x 7 string acoustic guitar
1x P226 Pistol (9mm) (on Loan to Cartrt)
2x Pistol Magazines (2 loaded) (loaned to Carter)
1x Pump Shotgun (loaded) (loaned to Dex)
12x 12G buckshot (Loaned to Dex)
1x Weapon cleaning / repair kit
Various weapon accessories
1x Riot Gear suit
1x Marlin 336
3x 20 round boxes of 30-30
Otto Williams
Interaction: Carter and Ave

After looking over the ones in the field for usable items he stood to find himself only about a hundred or so feet from one of the gates leading into Ballamory, he set himself into a jog towards the gate entrance that was open. It took him a few moments to get to the gate then push his way in, the first thing he did was scan the immediate area and found little to nothing of note both of the attackers or of his companions which brought a concern to his face as he lowered his rifle and moved slowly forwards. He stopped and rubbed his eye slightly as it was irritated from the smoke which served to irritate it even more from the bruises he had gotten when he was attacked plus it did nothing but smear the blood on his face more, as he looked up again he saw figures coming out of the smoke in front of him. He paused a moment and began to raise his rifle but only for a moment before the first figure emerged from the smoke and instead of the hostile he was expecting Otto saw the familiar face of Carter and behind him was Ave with Hero in tow though the limp form of Evie in Carter's arms which made his heart seize in abject dread but he hardened his face and heart. "Carter, Ave over here." Otto called out to the two of them as he took a knee to make himself smaller as to not draw attention.
On person:
1x AR15
1x 1911A1
7x 7 round 1911 magazines
5x 30 round STANAG mags (26 rounds depleted in total)
1x tanto style combat knife
On Chest Rig:
6x 30 round STANAG magazines
Location: ballamory House #8
Interaction Cecilio, Riley, Ryan

After sometime of sneaking near the outer rim of the base, he was in pain but he continued to push himself further, and further, telling himself he wasn't in pain and that he was fine, but when ever he moved his left shoulder he was reminded that he wasn't fine. Instead he was greeted with a sharp pain, that guided its way through his body. He then came across the back of a house with someone desperate reloading but he looked scared. He would jam his clip into his rifle but by the look of his expression he was having difficulty with the weapon, or he just wasn't trained on how to use it. Sykes walked up to him seemingly calm, when the young man saw Sykes he was easily startled and aimed his gun at Sykes. Sykes had no response, he just stopped and glared down at him as the man tried pulling the trigger but it was on safety. In a desperate attempt he took out a knife and tried to stab Sykes. He used the strength he had left in his left arm and grabbed the knife by its blade. He felt another jolt of pain and grunted as the blade cut his hand. The man looked at him with fear, letting go of the knife as he desperately tried to open the door, but once he opened it but It was to late. Sykes had driven his machete that was still taped to his hand, into the mans skull as the door slowly opened. He saw Cecilio, Riley, and Ryan. He booted the man off his machete, letting him face plant on the floor with a thud. He noticed that Ryan looked wounded as well, couldn't tell what but they had some supplies that he could use. As he walked in he grew weaker, mostly due to him pushing himself far beyond his limit. He grunted as he fell to the floor on one knee, using his machete as support by digging it into the floor.


Bobby pin

Clothes: thick jacket, cloak, combat boots, leather gloves, gas mask, travel backpack

Items: flask, radio, 2 protein bars, picture of sister and old gang members

Weapons: machete

desert eagle: 18

compact bow: 10


lever action rifle: ammo 12

Gauntlet Pickaxe


Aveline rubs her temple to coax her mind and make the ringing stop yet it continued, causing her agitation, sadness, and stress to grow. She just had to keep following Carter to… wherever the hell they were off to until she sees Carter's head turn towards a distant figure, the smoke making it difficult to make out. She saw Carter's mouth move and now the figure came into clear view, it was Otto. Seeing him brought some relief to her, though the ringing still lingered it was beginning to die.

Following Otto's movements, her face still in it's worried frown, trying to focus and clear her head to listen what the two had to say.



- Sneakers
- White t-shirt
- Blue jeans
- Ankle socks
- Black Jacket
- Baseball Bat (main weapon)
- Silver lighter (in back pocket)


- Corey's stuffed animal
- Picture of Aveline and Corey
- 2x Bottle water
- Small pistol
- 9x pistol rounds
- Baby wipes (doesn't actually smell like babies)
- Bagged and labeled meeicine: Ibuprofen (6x), Benadryl (8x), Tylenol (4x)
- Ripped Gauze
- Bagged band-Aids (10x)

[fieldbox="Carter Yamanashi | Ballamory #1 | Noon, purple, solid"]


Interactions: Otto, Evie, Ave, Hero

Carter had experienced some soreness in his day but, granted, they were always during the wee hours of morning. Awakening from a mind-blowing night of sex, sore everywhere (and honty, we mean everywhere), yet beyond content. Oh yes, Carter knew the feeling intimately.

However, this was an ache that he wasn't familiar with.

So best believe he wasn't having fun. Not in the slightest.

"This is bullshit, this is bullshit, this is--oooow! This is bullshit!" Carter didn't even care if his complaining drew attention at this point. Besides, they at least had the guise of the smoke to help conceal their location, though he could very well live without the acrid clouds invading his lungs. He tried to crouch and move at once, but keeping a good hold on Evie, keeping an eye on Hero and Ave, and dealing with the pain in his side all at once...proved to be challenging.

So yes, he was gonna fucking complain. Anybody who had a problem with it--"Can go fuck themselves with a limited edition, Velcro strapped, doubled-sided, AUTO-LUBRICATED--"

"Carter, Ave over here."

Oh...the angels. They're singing.

Heaving a massive sigh of relief, Carter made his way over to Otto and carefully fell to one knee. Evie's head lulled at an uncomfortable angle and he readjusted it before looking at Otto. "Rambo Sugar Daddy, you have no idea how glad I am to see your foxy ass." Carter looked about at the chaos around them. At this rate, the entire area would be shattered and up in flames...staying to fight would just be reckless and wracking up people on the wounded list. What good would anyone be injured? That's just less able-bodied people to protect him!

"We need to get out of here! Like, yesterday!"


On person
P226 Sig Sauer (7/10 loaded)
Sylvie's Machete
An ambiguous crush on...idk at this point
Bittersweet memories
Growing fondness for Evie




Otto Williams
Interaction: Carter and Ave

"Ave, Carter. You two don't know how glad I am to see you, Evie as well but I assume she can't hear me." Otto spoke from his position as he shifted his head back and forth looking for any threats. Otto saw that Carter was holding himself as if he was hurt. "You injured Carter? If so give Evie to me. Also we best head towards the front entrance, the truck is near there and that's most likely where everyone is going to go if they are able, the way I came ain't safe, they had like thirteen or fourteen people out there with guns but I ain't sure if they are sending more in or not." Otto spoke as he positioned himself to take Evie's unconscious form Carter if it was needed.
On person:
1x AR15
1x 1911A1
7x 7 round 1911 magazines
5x 30 round STANAG mags (26 rounds depleted in total)
1x tanto style combat knife
On Chest Rig:
6x 30 round STANAG magazines


Some of the group was clear, now... At least from the blaze, and the gunfire that still peppered the sides of the buildings. If there were more people outside the gates, he didn't know, but at least out there they had a fighting chance. Pressing himself up against #2, Dex checked the magazine in the rifle - there were only a half dozen or so shots left. Not enough. He'd lost the Glock when trying to outrun the building, and it was buried now beneath the fiery remains of #1.

Liz, Jesse, Otto, Riley, Conner, Ryan, Dean, Sykes. Dex went over the list on his head. Eight more people that he had to get clear. But Riley was at the forefront of his mind. She was supposed to have been on guard this morning. But he prayed for once that she'd shirked her duties and was elsewhere when this all popped off. Conner was by the truck, pinned down under fire. He only assumed the man was going to check on Riley, too, which didn't give him much hope. But one thing at a time...

Slamming the magazine back into the rifle, Dex loaded a round and peered around the building at the truck. Conner was crouched by the rear wheel, clutching his gun, and... Talking to someone? Dex didn't see anyone else, but assumed that there was someone in the truck bed. Was it Riley?

Whistling one long, sharp note, Dex caught Conner's attention and indicated that he was coming over. Conner nodded, lifting his gun and saying something to the person inside the truck. As Conner lifted his hand in the universal "ok" symbol, Dex sprinted for the truck. The men who had been watching the truck weren't expecting anyone to come from the other way, so he was most of the way there before anyone even took a shot at him. A few bullets landed about his feet, spraying his ankles with shards of metal and gravel, but Conner popped up, laying down cover fire long enough for Dex to get to the truck unscathed.

Panting, he copied Conner by crouching near the other wheel. "Do you know how many there are?"

"Total? No. But there are three or four covering us here."


"It's just me, don't be too disappointed."
Dex recognized Dean's smart ass voice from the bed of the pickup and had to suppress a groan of annoyance. "You got the keys?"

"Yeah, I do." Dex fished the keys out of his pack, tossing them to Conner. "Wanna drive?"

Conner nodded, crouch-walking past Dex and pulling open the passenger side door. Staying low, he slid across the seats and managed to get the keys in the ignition. Dex climbed in after him, grateful for how high up off the ground the truck was. The dashboard was enough to keep them covered if they stayed low. "What's the plan?"

"Just hold on." Conner warned. He thumped the back window, calling back to Dean. "Hold on to something."

"What are you-?" Conner wrenched the truck into drive and slammed his foot on to the gas pedal before Dex could finish his sentence. The truck lurched forward, tires squealing, and made a beeline for their assailants. Except the front gate was in between them and the truck. "Conner..." Dex started as they neared the gate, voice nervous. But Conner kept his foot on the gas. "Conner you're gonna hit the gate."

"I know."

Well, shit.

Dex didn't even have time to brace himself against the impact before the hood of the truck slammed into the bars of the front gate, the momentum popping the gate off its track. The men who, unfortunately, had called Conner's bluff and lost, were pinned beneath it as it fell, and then beneath the truck as it continued forward. The sickening squelch of destroyed bodies could be heard even against the metal scraping the pavement. The truck came to a halt, and Conner let out a breath, wiping a lock of sweat-soaked hair out of his eyes.

"You are out of your fucking mind." Dexter said, but there was no accusation in the words, only a little of something that was suspiciously close to awe.

"I know." Conner repeated amid Dean's muffled curses and insults from the bed of the truck. Pulling the truck into reverse, he hit the gas and the truck struggled for a minute to free itself from the gate. When it did, Conner reversed all the way back to the house that Ryan's group had claimed upon first arriving. "Ryan's wounded, crossbow bolt. Riley's helping him. Not sure about the others though." he quit the truck, leaving it running, and Dex did the same on the other side, approaching the house with his weapon drawn.

"Oh don't mind me I'll just be back here mending my broken bones."
Dean hissed from behind them, climbing gingerly out of the truck. Dex and Conner shared an amused glance, reaching the front door. Conner twisted the knob, calling out.
* * *

"Don't talk like that, Ryan."
Riley whined, shaking her head at him. "I don't have to listen to Dexter, you're our group's leader. You've gotten us this far and you'll get us past this, too."

Refusing to continue the conversation, she looked to Jesse as he gave instructions, nodding and reaching for the hand sanitizer. But before she could "scrub in", a commotion about the back door had her yanking her rifle up, and if she hadn't hesitated for just a second at the sight of the dead man impaled on a blade, she would have killed Sykes where he stood before he even got through the doorway. But she did hesitate, and thankfully so when it was revealed that the newcomer was an ally, not an enemy. Even if it was the creepy guy, one less person that wanted to kill them was a welcome sight. But he looked really injured, and that meant that he wasn't exactly going to be much help.

"Are there more out there behind you?" Riley demanded, but voices at the front door answered her question for her. They were surrounded. But then...

"It's only me, I'm coming in."

"Conner?!" Riley was on her feet and sprinting into the front room before he even finished his sentence, and when Conner opened the door she flung herself at him, sobs of relief wracking her form. "I'm so glad you're okay."

"I'm fine, but we have to move," he tightened his arms around her for a moment before pulling away. "How's Ryan?"

"In pain. It's gonna be really hard to move him."
Riley lowered her voice to say this, eyes moving past Conner and on to Dex and Dean standing just in the doorway. She smiled worriedly at both of them, glad they were okay.

Dex moved past Conner and into the kitchen, Dean on his heels. He took in Ryan and Jesse, and then Sykes near the back door. "Get him to the truck," he pointed at Sykes, and Dean obeyed, moving to haul the man up by his uninjured shoulder. "Conner, get Riley out there and get ready to take off, Jesse and I can get Ryan out." Dex knelt beside Ryan. "Hey, how ya feeling, man? Ready to get outta here?"

  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: Mobley Eats


Aveline groans, closing her eyes to give herself a moment and then she is finally able to hear again. Though, she would've been content if the words " Rambo Sugar Daddy" weren't the first thing she hears; closing her eyes again, quietly sighing, and shaking her head as Carter follows up with "foxy ass". "Yup…" she struggles to get out, nodding, her gaze going from the ground to Otto. As Otto took hold of Evie, Aveline took one last look at Otto and gave a exhausted and somewhat displeased look before aiding Carter in anyway she could. 'Never gonna get 'Rambo Sugar Daddy' out of my head now.'

Though the minutes passing by were rather quick, it felt much longer as they moved to the front gates. Wincing at the nearby gunshots, yelling, and screeching tires. Before she knew it, theres a truck busting the gate along with a disgustingly gushing sound and horrendous view of bodies being ruined against the pavement. "Je rêve…" she complains as the truck starts in reverse and she didn't expect seeing familiar faces leaving the trust though she was not surprised.

- Sneakers​
- White t-shirt
- Blue jeans
- Ankle socks
- Black Jacket
- Baseball Bat (main weapon)
- Silver lighter (in back pocket)​


- Corey's stuffed animal
- Picture of Aveline and Corey
- 2x Bottle water
- Small pistol
- 9x pistol rounds
- Baby wipes (doesn't actually smell like babies)
- Bagged and labeled meeicine: Ibuprofen (6x), Benadryl (8x), Tylenol (4x)
- Ripped Gauze
- Bagged band-Aids (10x)​


Location: Ballamory, Ryan, Riley and Conner's House
Interactions: The Gang

With Cecilio's question, Ryan shook his head frantically. "I don't fucking know. The whole thing just feels like it's on fire," he grunted. He had being giving slow and steady breaths throughout the treatment, gritting his teeth as much as he could to bear with the pain but the trauma was starting to get to him. Beads of sweat leaked down his face, his skin clammy and cool as the shock was beginning to set in deeply. "I'm pretty sure we're going to be saying 'how do you do' to last night's dinner soon, though."

A burst at the door dragged his attention back into focus for the moment, the rifle in his hands raising alongside Riley's as he prepared to open fire on the intruder. However, when it was revealed to be Sykes, he breathed a sigh of relief. If anything, it made him feel somewhat more confident in his situation - at least he wasn't as badly beaten up as that guy. The next minute seemed to pass in haze. The next thing he knew, Dex was crouched down beside him. Getting out? Well, that wasn't an option he was expecting to have. "Does a bear shit in the woods?" he chuckled before wincing deeply as he attempted to shuffle and prepare to move.


Items on Person (Ryan):
- AR-15 (24x 5.56 rounds, 1 mags)
- FAK (Bandages, Disinfectant, Plasters)
- Copy of 'Marching Orders' (his best selling novel)
- Knife
- Canteen
- Torch



Location: Ballamory Gates

Cecilio nearly grabbed his weapon when Sykes came bursting in through the door like an absolute debil. He was more relieved when Dex and Conner returned as that meant they had more protection. Of course while all these reunions were taking place, he'd gotten to work putting gauze around the bolt and taping it down. "If you're going to puke on anyone, Ryan, please do it on Dex. This suit is a bitch to clean." He said, looking at Dex, thinking of how they were going to move the man with the bolt still in his knee.

"Bears do indeed shit in the woods." Dex affirmed, watching Jesse dress the wound. He was no doctor, but it looked bad. "We gotta get you to the truck, but it's gonna hurt. You ready?"

"Gimme a second," Ryan huffed, breathing deeply for a moment. "Okay, 3... 2... 1... let's fucking do it."

Sliding an arm up under Ryan's left side, Dex indicated for Jesse to do the same on the opposite side.

Cecilio gave a nod to Dex doing as instructed and supporting Ryan's right side. Together they lifted the man, gingerly as not to agitate his leg any more than necessary, and moved slowly towards the front door. Screams of agony that bordered on wails were enough to indicate the sheer agony the movement caused. Still, the engine of the running truck could be heard as they neared freedom.

Ryan's head lulled forward loosely as if there was no strength in his neck, his lips becoming a pale colour as he mumbled incoherently. "Riley... Riley go find... find Wes."

"Ryan, I need you to stay awake for me ok? Don't fall asleep just keep talking to Riley." Cecilio said noticing the mans paling lips which raised a red flag for him. "Dex, when we get him in the truck I need to go back to get my stuff." He told the man across from him.

Dexter nodded. "Alright, go ahead, I'll get him the rest of the way." They squeezed one by one, sideways, out the front door, and Dex waved Conner over to help him. Leaving Riley sitting in the cab of the truck, Conner jumped down and made his way over, taking over Jesse's side and slowly getting Ryan up into the truck bed.

Cecilio bowed out as Conner took over and he ran over to the house they just left. He hurried grabbing his bag and trauma kit quickly making his exit back to the truck. He carefully climbed into the bed of the truck "Is this everyone?" He asked looking towards Dex with a worried expression.

Climbing up on to the wheel, Dex counted, taking a mental note, and then shook his head. "No… Otto and Liz are still missing. Otto was on patrol this morning, hopefully he missed out on this fuckfest, and I know he's been taking Liz out to train with him. I don't see why else she wouldn't be here, so let's hope." Shrugging off his and Evie's packs, Dex flung them into the truck and climbed up after them, kneeling next to Sykes. "I think we could use some help over here."

"Christ, what a day…" Cecilio muttered as he took a look at Sykes. He was astounded the man was still alive, let alone breathing. "Ryan, you still awake?" he questioned. He'd do what he could for both men though with how things were going he was feeling the pressure. After doing what he could for Ryan and treating him for shock he moved on to Sykes as the truck pulled away towards the gate.
Otto Williams
Interaction: Ave, Carter and Dex

He propped Evie up over his shoulders, her stomach resting on them so he could keep her balanced. He ignored the sound of he truck crashing through the gate except for a brief moment to see two hostiles being ran over. "Signs point to them being ours...I hope." He noted of the people in the truck before he turned back to Carter and Ave. "We need to get to the truck now, I set the pace, any pain you're in now or fear you have in your hearts needs to drive you to keep moving." He spoke to the both of them as he turned and began a steady jog towards where the truck now was, his speed increased slowly but steadily until he was in a run but he was never not looking back to make sure that Ave and Carter were behind him. He felt a warm sensation on his face as what had been a closed cut reopened and began to pour out blood again down his face but he ignored it, he made it to the truck just as it was starting to accelerate away but before it could get to far he smacked the door making whoever was driving stop before he looked into the back where Dex and some of the others were. "Your girlfriend is heavy Dex." He said matter of factually as he stood up on the wheel and deposited Evie on the bed of the truck which was starting to get rather crowded, he helped Carter in the bed as well and motioned Ave on before he jumped up on the running board of the passenger side, making sure to loop his arm inside so he wouldn't fall before looking in at Conner. "Drive! Drive! Drive!"
On person:
1x AR15
1x 1911A1
7x 7 round 1911 magazines
5x 30 round STANAG mags (26 rounds depleted in total)
1x tanto style combat knife
On Chest Rig:
6x 30 round STANAG magazines
Location: Truck
Interaction: Cecilio

He held his shoulder as he was helped into the truck by dean. He wasn't going to give up yet, he said as his vision was slightly blurred. He felt humiliated, sitting against the truck wall, holding his shoulder as his shoulder bled. He looked up Cecilio as he came over, he didn't really say anything mostly b cause he was to tired to. But he figured he came over to check his wounds so he didn't think much of it. He just felt really tired and helpless, unsure what's next for him.


Bobby pin

Clothes: thick jacket, cloak, combat boots, leather gloves, gas mask, travel backpack

Items: flask, radio, 2 protein bars, picture of sister and old gang members

Weapons: machete

desert eagle: 18

compact bow: 10


lever action rifle: ammo 12

Gauntlet Pickaxe

Location: Ballamory, Truck
Interactions: Truck Peeps

A slow, building ringing sound preceded the blackness fading away as the piercing brightness of the morning sun burned away at Evie's now-exposed retinas. Things were passing as if in a haze. She couldn't tell if she was moving or static, only that the cold metal beneath her probably meant she was in some sort of vehicle. Turning her head to the side, she looked over to lay eyes on any others who were in the truck. Her eyes immediately fell on Ryan, or more specifically, Ryan's leg. A groan escaped her lips as she shuffled upwards slightly, still in the dizzying grasp of disorientation.

"W-Where are we?" she asked, sounding as if drunk as her words lurched out slowly.


On Person (Evie):
- Hunting Knife
- Bow (12 arrows)

Backpack/Room (Evie):
Items (3):
- Change of Outfit

Water (0):

Food (0):




The truck pulled through the gates of Ballamory, slow going over the remains of the gate, though it still shrieked against the asphalt as the wheels dragged it a few more feet. Just as they were back on the road, movement from the treeline turned out to be what looked like the rest of the group, and the truck slowed to a halt to allow them on.

Despite himself, Dex smirked at Otto's comment, but he didn't reply. Instead, he arranged Evie's head on his backpack so she'd be a little more comfortable before moving over to help Jesse with Sykes. The man was pretty beat up, with a bolt still sticking out of his shoulder. It didn't seem to have hit bone, though, which would make the healing process much easier. He'd lost a bit of blood, but barring infection he'd be OK.

Ryan, on the other hand, wasn't looking so hot, only half-conscious and propped up against the side of the truck. If he was going to survive, they needed more medical supplies, and chief among them, some powerful antibiotics. Which is why when Dean called, "Where am I heading?" out the window, Dex hesitated only a moment before responding.

"Jackson." It was about a three hour drive east, and they could hole up just outside the city and send a small team in to find what they needed. Quick and quiet, no attention.

Dex saw Conner nod through the window. "We've got just enough gas to get us there but we should probably try and refuel if we get the chance."

That was unlikely to be fruitful, seeing as the cultists had likely drained every station in the area, but Dex didn't say that, only finished helping Jesse with his first aid, eager to see everyone on the mend.


Dean let his head drop back against the window of the truck's cab, a world-weary sigh following the action. As the truck continued east, Dean stared at the plumes of dark smoke rising from Ballamory, simultaneously relieved and full of dread. Their home was no longer safe, so would they agree to go to DC, now? It was possible... But they'd had no time to prepare for the journey, and that, along with the number of wounded, would make it much more difficult .

Beggars can't be choosers.

A quick glance to the side when Evie stirred, and Dean offered a thin smile. "We're on the road, it's safe-" his reassurances were interrupted as Conner swerved the truck down a side street with no warning. Dean's head smacked the window, and he let out a string of choice curses that ended in, "Conner what the fuck?"

But the action was explained as a second truck turned the corner after them. He'd been trying to get out of sight before the other vehicle noticed the Ballamory refugees, but had failed, and they were now in pursuit, with a clear view of everyone in the bed of the pickup.

"Get down!" Dean hissed as the first round of bullets peppered the pickup. Dean drew his pistol and spent the entire thing in just a few seconds. Their pursuers' windshield shattered, and the truck swerved to the side and slowed only for a moment before picking up speed again in pursuit.

[fieldbox="Carter Yamanashi | Truck | Noon, purple, solid"]


Interactions: Truck Group

Carter heaved a sigh of relief as Otto took Evie off his hands. It wasn't as if the woman was terribly heavy but we got a mutha fucking code red going on in his side--carrying anything wasn't on the top of his to-do list right now. He nodded and took Sugar Daddy's words to heart, swallowing down the chain of complaints knocking at the back of his throat. He could afford to shut up.

For now.

Of course, when a bullet whizzed by over his head, he couldn't help but duck down and yelp out an eloquent, "FUCK ME NOT TODAY SATAN" under his breath and speed up his jogging. Hell, Carter barely stopped to give Sugar Daddy a proper thank you as he helped him into the bed of the truck. However, the Japanese-American fell still for the shortest fraction of a second, his chest sinking a little as he turned around in preparation to snag up Hero--

The dog hopped on too, the cloth dangling around his neck barely held in place.

"Good boy," Carter sighed tiredly. He propped himself against the back of the cab and took in everyone's conditions. Evie seemed to be slowly coming through and he chuckled dryly at her slurred words. "Getting the fuck out of here, honty. That's where."

His brow pinched a little. He hoped that wasn't the signs of a concussion, but it likely was. Not good. Evie was Dex's boo thang, if his boo thang wasn't in good condition, then he'd probably be worried for her. Distracted. If Dex was considered a leader in this band of deviants (see what I did there?), Carter needed the man on his toes at all times.

Carter didn't get to simmer on the thought for long when he finally noticed Ryan's leg. "Oh, nu-uh" Carter's head rolled back, hitting the cab of the truck with an audible thud. His eyes strayed up, as if he was sharing a quick complaint with Jesus. Laaaawdy lawdy! Now we're carrying around a man on death row?! Carter eyed Ryan's wound. That bolt went deep--without a doubt--and the fact that it was lodged in his knee...And the temperature was relatively warm, but dry. Most infections and bacteria thrive in these kind of conditions but, then again, who knows? Maybe I can be that one overly optimistic bitch in the club that be looking sloppy and wearing the same dress from last week.

Ah, Carter's sarcasm was extra salty today. Had nothing to do with the graze in his side--nothing at all.

Either way, it wasn't Carter's problem. He wouldn't have a chance to worry about it anyways when the truck gave a sudden jerk, making him yelp and fall over onto his injured side. Hissing under his breath, Carter attempted to sit up and yell at the driver--

"Get down!"

Carter was instantly down, a hail of bullets missing him in the nick of time. He twisted around and retracted his gun, aiming for the tire. It was hard to narrow down though; all of the movement didn't help and the vehicle was a tad too close for comfort. Before Carter could let loose any rounds, more bullets shot off and he dropped down again. "Dean, Sugary Daddy, somebody! Cover please?!"


On person
P226 Sig Sauer (7/10 loaded)
Sylvie's Machete
An ambiguous crush on...idk at this point
Bittersweet memories
Growing fondness for Evie




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