GM Needed: Multiverse Role Play (Fandom)

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I'm thinking of starting an Alternate Universe Role Play with my own mythology for players.

It's on an alternate Earth. So this is basically like a Final Fantasy/Fight Club/Mortal Kombat expy. (It won't be Mortal Kombat though).
Chapter 1 is fighting the Tournament. Chapter 2 and after is repeated attempts to conquer the world.

Aeons ago, God, Amara and Death defeated the Elder Gods and sealed them away in another dimension. God created the world, Heaven, and the Angels, while The Elder Gods created The Force before their imprisonment.

It's Post Apocalyptic Earth, more than one hundred years after a Nuclear War between countries. With Government Cover Ups becoming impossible to carry out, people seeking out answers for their problems and supernatural horrors following directly after, and partially because of the nuclear holocaust, the Magic and the Paranormal are daily facts of life, with many survivors adapting magic and/or some other form of metaphysical ability to survive and even thrive. Two of these new systems of belief are called The Sith and The Jedi.

In 2030, nuclear war destroyed the known world. Less than five percent of the world survived. In 2100, much of the fallout in the world disappeared. During this time, God and Amara had returned to the world on an ancient wager. What would prevail? Order, or Chaos? God had Amara imprisoned again, but unbenownst to him, he would also be exiled and imprisoned with Amara, where they are said to be engaging each other in endless bickering for eternity. Three Immortal Witches are responsible for enlisting Death's aid in sealing God and Amara.

Fortunately, now that God and Amara are sealed, the Elder Gods are unsealed. The Elder Gods, now unsealed, protect the Earth dimension from the return of Chuck Shurly (God) and Amara. A new religion, called The Forgotten Family has risen to prominence throughout the world as a charitable and loving institution. In America, one of the most powerful regions on Earth (It's impossible to know who's the most powerful anymore, and notice I said regions instead of countries), there are many devoted Enclaves who have sworn to protect the world from supernatural threats. The player characters would ally with one of these protective institutions and be enlisted to protect the world from invading dimensions.

Character Classes:
(American Horror Story, Supernatural, Once Upon A Time) Blending all together. True Love's Kiss isn't needed, and is stupid for purposes of a non-Disney RP.

Descendants of Hyne ((Sorcerers from Final Fantasy VIII)

Summoners (Final Fantasy)

Realm Sorcerers (Mortal Kombat)

Psycho Users (Street Fighter)

Jedi and Sith (Star Wars)

Encantus Sorcerers (Sorcerer's Apprentice)

Mystics (MCU)

Benders (Avatar)

Mage (Warcraft)
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