Suicide Squad

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The Janitor Bear of Iwaku
Original poster
Invitation Status
Writing Levels
  1. Give-No-Fucks
  2. Adept
  3. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. No Preferences
Horror, Modern, Modern Fantasy, Multiverse/Panfandom, Mystery, Paranormal, Scifi, Survival
Last edited:
Chapter One - Suicide Squad

"When a doctor does go wrong, he is the first of criminals. He has the nerve and he has the knowledge."

- Sherlock Holmes


In a world torn by nuclear war, there existed a vault. From that vault traveled a man in search of his father, becoming a doctor as he strove to right the wrongs and heal those in need of it before him. He grew to become a driving force and eventually, a player on the cosmic stage as he put his all into stopping evil, wherever it may spawn. To heal was his motivation, though beneath was a core of steel that earned him the title of Paladin.

But that was only one world, one choice.

In another lived a man who too, went in search of his father. He looked upon a wasteland and saw nothing worth saving. It was a dead world, tearing itself apart and populated with the worse sort of animals, most wrapped in human form. He brought the fist of steel upon all he touched and built himself up as a power, betraying those close to him. There would only be one world and that was the world he would create.

My world.

I am Paladin Jackson, commander-in-chief of the Brotherhood of Steel and de facto ruler of the Wasteland. Across my expanse, I turn my gaze to other places that will soon fall. To everyone out there, there is but one choice.

Stand with me.

Or be crushed before me.

Our time is now.

- The Fist of Steel: An Autobiography of Jackson




The resounding cheer was immense, radiating from the massive crowd of his followers. Most of them new, but tested against the Wasteland. Gone was the bulky power suits, the gleam of undecorated and often tarnished metal exchanged for black and red. The cog and sword that had long dominated the Brotherhood, in turn, had been exchanged for that of an open palm, the new Steel Hand of the Brotherhood to counter his pathetic counterpart. He wasted such time, seeking to bring his world under his control and he always would. He was weak, pathetic in the sense that he lacked the courage to perform the work needed to make a better world. But he would not and he raised his hand for silence. Immediately, the crowd was quiet and it warmed Jackson's heart, watching them so obedient to his every gesture.


The cheers were music to his ears as he smiled beneath the helmet.


Fun as it was to play up to the crowd, there was one more thing. Jackson looked upon the sea of faces, hands raised up in the new emblem of their world as a closed fist from everybody raised to the skies in tribute. Yes, this was a historical day long remembered.

Now for the example. He spoke, less loudly but nevertheless still intense if not more so as behind him, the salvaged screen displayed his masked face before the adoring crowd. Though there was a space, cleared out for a very special purpose.

A stake was driven into the ground, workers moving around as they tossed out papers and fuel for what looked to be a pyre, resembling the ones found in the Museum of Witchcraft. Jackson thought it darkly ironic, that such a bit of history would come to signify his own. He waved his hand and in pre-arranged signal, the spotlights flashed as three people were dragged out from their temporary prison.

A motley bunch indeed. One of them, a near-broken down synth, barely even looking alive. Rubbery skin had shredded away to reveal the cold iron beneath and Jackson watched wordlessly as he yelled and struggled, almost as much as his companions. The other, a woman who cursed like a sailor. Pretty, in her own way but utterly savage and he sneered as she tried to bite her captor.

The last one had to be dragged. A tenacious soldier to the end, but Jackson did not wish him dead...Not just yet. Not like the others before them. This was the end of all resistance and it would be purged with flame, as was right and proper. A grin began to split his face before he raised his hand for quiet. There was no need in the end, as all hushed. Everybody knew who they were.

And soon, all would know the price of defying him.

"Behold... I give to you, the leaders of the resistance. Piper Wright, malcontent whose propaganda cost us much, Nick Valentine-- without even a soul to call his own. And finally, the traitor to the Brotherhood and all it stood for-- Ex-Paladin Dance."

The rally became a frenzy, words thrown savagely at the trio followed by refuse of all sorts. Nick scowled, managing to rip away from his captors as he rushed to shield Piper. Danse stirred but slowly rose to his feet as he glared, chained and yet facing the beast that was the crowd with dignity as he raised his voice.

"This is not. My. Brotherhood!"

"No, Mr. Danse... It has become something greater. Something more. We have brought order to the Wasteland. We have eliminated all that would have tried otherwise to have invaded us. Paradise is ours-- Even now, it can still be yours. Join me... Or join together, in flame!"

"He never stops talking, don't he?"

Nick cracked, as ever the wise guy even on his deathbed. Technically, his second. But it was a good life, spent doing what was right rather than what was easy. Any man, or synth, couldn't have asked for more.

Piper stared up at Jackson, utter malice in her eyes. Nick emphasized... He knew well why. And though Piper herself was dressed in little more than rags, somehow she exuded a spirit that had even Nick want to take a step back as she pointed and yelled towards the podium.



"Those three are MINE."

There was an uneasy sense to the rally now, more so at the voice. It wasn't a hard, savage tone. Nor was it anything approaching threatening. No, if Jackson had to decide it seemed almost... Cheerful?

A flicker of flame not from the pyre appeared and a hooded figure emerged. Jackson snarled, recognizing the fire. No...Never. Hellfire? HERE?! Well, no more of that and he roared to his followers as he pointed.



There was a ring of steel and a flash of flame. And in flames came a creature unknown to all, save two. And Jackson stared on in rage as the creature rumbled to life, summoned by its master.


The roar shook the earth and the hail of responding gunfire answered back as pandemonium erupted. Some fighting the creature and squashed underfoot, others running for their lives in a reckless stampede. The prisoners- The prisoners! No! Jackson raged anew as he realized what this move was, watching as all three were led to safety and the hooded swordsman vanished in turn. The beast followed after and Jackson clutched his railing as though it were a neck. By his side, an aide cleared his throat.

"Sir? Instructions? What do we do?"

Jackson breathed deeply...His mask hiding any trace of anger on his features as he spoke blandly.

"Clean up this mess. And I will not be disturbed for anything less than an emergency."

He turned and muttered darkly.

"It was time I had a word with my Shareholders."


The list you wanted, sir.

Ah, thank you! Quite a motley bunch, yes? But effective enough, in their own way. This one, in particular, is my favorite. He'll come to us eventually. It'll be quite the bidding party when he does, though I'd rather have both. Why break up the band? You have a question?

It's just... Sir, these people. Why them?

What's the most dangerous person you can imagine?


Indulge me.

... Umm... Oh.

Yes. Someone with nothing to lose. Let's get this party started!
Chapter Two - The Shank-Shank Redemption

"THIS CAN'T HAPPEN TO ME! I WANT MY MOMMY! I WANT A LAWYER! I want my lawyer's mommy!"

Gritting his teeth so hard it was audible in the cell shared with his partner, Felix put his pillow over his head as he growled.

"When I get out of here? That chickenshit who always yells is dead."

Welcome to the Black Vault. Asteroid detention center, a fancy name for an inescapable prison or so the warden believed. Nowhere to run even if you escaped, with every ship and their bio-signatures keyed to the pilots alone. Add in the extensive security details, the sentinel robots, the gangs who always seemed to form in these areas and a plethora of other fucked up shit? It made the Black Vault the fourth worse place Felix would have ever found himself imprisoned in. Opposite, doing pull-ups on the other side of the room would be Locus. Robotic motherfucker, as always showing as much emotion as the pillow that Felix even now was regretting putting over his face. God, did someone fuck this pillow?! The smell-!

Stoic as always, even without his helmet to obscure his voice, Locus answered as calm as though this was a normal debriefing instead of a lifetime sentence both had (rightfully) earned.

"If you kill him in public, it will limit your activities, which in turn limits mine. So if I have to tie you to the bed, I will if only to ensure our plan works. So learn some discipline for once."

Felix's reply was a very prominent finger as he scowled. He was right though-- They always worked better as a team and even stuck in the ass-end of the multiverse, they were even now working on a plan to escape. The problem was well... Everything. But they took on worse odds before.

An odd noise suddenly came-- No, wait. It was the absence of noise, that of Locus stopping his exercise. Did he decide to take a break? Curiosity began to rear its head and Felix glanced out from under his pillow at the sight of one of the prison guards, who said simply "Mail" and left, leaving a holocube behind. Locus was first to hold it, looking it over to ensure it wasn't a trap. You'd be surprised how small good explosives could be nowadays as well as other, less flammable surprises. It seemed clean enough though and with a nod of satisfaction, Locus moved it to the back end of the cell. Felix got up from his bunk to glance out in the hallway. Nothing yet, the patrols tended to remain in their guardhouses and let the cameras and robots alert them to trouble. Locus disapproved of their sloppiness, but any port in a storm so far as Felix was concerned.

The message activated, revealing a man in a white suit and a cane head that looked like a stuffed claw of some animal. Creepy taxidermy aside, Felix snorted. He had a feeling about this and sure enough, it was verified by his words.

"Mr. Felix and Mr. Locus. You two come highly recommended and by all accounts, are most capable men of action. I would very much like to meet you both, at these coordinates but alas...My employers are more discerning then I. Reputation, word of mouth- This is something that can be faked by anyone, with a facebook account nowadays so they demand more concrete proof. Beneath your bunk Mr. Felix, I have provided a single combat knife. Beneath yours, Mr. Locus I have left an M6D pistol with only six bullets. They should be more then enough if reputation is correct, to escape the facility."

Locus immediately checked and froze. Not an expression crossed his face betraying his state, but Felix had spent enough time with the bastard to know what he was like, when he was surprised. Sure enough, where both could have sworn there was nothing? Sure enough, there they were...A pistol and a combat knife, just as the man said. Felix grudgingly gave points for theatricality.

And deducted them all as the man continued blithely with the message.

"At least, before the explosives go off in about an hour from now."

"Son of a bitch-!!"

"Good luck gentlemen. Your test begins...Now."

And with that, the message died. Locus was swift, checking the pistol with a degree of raw professionalism most military folk would kill for as he removed a single bullet and turned to Felix.


The atypical currency of prison, no matter where you were. Handing over the lighter as well, Felix couldn't resist as he drawled.

"Need a smoke to calm your nerves?"

For himself, he prepared by checking the knife. A flick of the wrist sent it spinning around his. A spin on the open palm to determine balance and gripping it, he smiled grimly. No, it wasn't his knives maybe. But what it lacked in throwing specialty, it made up for in weight and heft for close combat. It was a good knife.

The sudden crack of the pistol butt coming down on the floor drove him out of his musing, Locus having dislodged the bullet as he carefully, held the casing and poured the gunpowder into the lock of their cell. Having accomplished this, he lit up the cigarette and took a deep draft, exhaling out the smoke and looking curiously at the burning tip.

Before casually, using it to ignite the gunpowder.

The small explosion rattled the cell lock and broke it, weakening it enough for both Locus and Felix to kick it open together at the newly weakened point. Felix laughed, stepping out, blade spinning in hand as Locus clicked the safety off his pistol and took point.

Guess who was back?


The problem with a supposedly inescapable prison, especially in an isolated region? It was complacency. Day after day of unending boredom created laziness. Corners were cut and what should have been alerted to the system was silent, due to a faulty wire connecting the sensor to the door being cut a long time ago. Locus's work, his careful planning leading them up to the guardhouse where phase 2 could begin.

Before the door, hand over the button Felix glanced at Locus with a sly grin.

"Promise you won't cry if you lose to me in kills?"

"I won't." Locus replied grimly, a beat passing before he amended his words.

"Lose, I mean."

"Too late! Bwahahaha!"

The door slid open and Felix leaped in, unhindered by his armor and moving swiftly as the blade in his hand flashed. Locus contented himself, hammering the sides of his targets with the butt of his pistol. One surgical strike in comparison to Felix and his slow kills, the knife bleeding out his victims as he rifled their bodies for weapons. Locus would work on the prison security, opening every door as he looked for a very particular set of items- Aha.

There it was.

The only thing truly worth saving in this place, if they were going to have an easier time of it back out in the game. And as the riot began with the security bots going crazy and the prisoners free, Locus and Felix left as the screen displayed two particular sets of power armor. One green, one orange. It was time to leave this place for good.

Countdown, t-minus: 30 minutes....

Pandemonium filled the cell block as rioters charged and howled as they fought the guards that yet remained. Some left the sinking ship as soon as the alert came, leaving everyone to their fate. Still, others held the line, fighting to contain these criminals despite everything. Felix scorned those altruistic types, survival being the only paramount importance to him. Well... That and a nice paycheck. It was not like friendship paid for the guns and ammo, or that banks accepted smiles and cuddles. In that respect, Felix? In the eye of the storm of this place, as it all raged together?

Felix was right at home, only using his knife to stab anyone who tried to rush him. Locus continued on as stoic as ever himself, once grabbing someone by the head and crushing their skull against the wall. After that, the two were well avoided by the crowd before Felix glanced at the chrono on the wall.

"Five minutes. I got something I need to do."

"You have three."

With a curl of his lip, Felix went hunting-- There was one person in particular, someone he hated for a long time. Always screaming, never giving him a moment's peace. He was going to stab him before he left and maybe let him bleed out. A nice, parting gift before he got the hell off this dump. The place was all but empty now, the cell doors hanging open and the bodies scattered from the first few minutes- That was fine. If he knew this piece of shit, he would be cowering in his cell right about now.

The growing shadow as he glanced down was his only warning and saved him as he tumbled forward without hesitation, as something slammed down where he once was standing. Rolling to his feet and turning, knife up in a defensive posture Felix glared. He knew this guy..

"Hey! What the shit man?! Did I steal your dessert or something?! Hey. Wait."

That weapon. The one who just tried to shank him rose up slowly, his blade a curiosity to most. A pop-up, gauntlet dagger- hidden in the sleeve of the jumpsuit they all had issued to them. He knew that weapon, he'd seen it once...A long time ago.

"You're one of the boys in the hood! Er-- Not that I'm racist or anything."

He had known this particular prisoner, but only in the way you'd know someone who eats at the same diner you do. Always never paying real attention, beyond the cursory glance. Felix had pegged him when he first came as one of the Prison Ringleaders-- He always seemed to have a posse wherever he went. To his comment, the man sneered and stepped into a stance, hovering on the balls of his feet as one hand readied itself. The other one would be clenched in a fist, the obscure weapon gleaming. A tall, dark man...Adewale growled and spoke.

"Felix. Had I truly wanted to kill you, you would not have even heard me. I had ample opportunity many times over in my time here."

"So what, that was a love stab or something?"

"A way to get your attention. You are being used-- One of my people here is a psyker. There is a taint, where you and your partner had been staying. One of the daemon sort."

Whatever Felix might have been thinking, was hidden behind his expression. That of a grin, all teeth and no mirth as he cocked his head. His own stance holding his blade up, other hand bracing his knife hand as he spoke.

"You don't say! So what now then?"

"I was hoping you could come with us. Help me save as many people as possible and bring--"

When Felix moved, it was nothing flashy. Merely cold, calculating efficiency as he leaped for the assassin. Adewale countered, side-stepping his leap as he threw a punch, grazing the mercs head as he rolled and turned around, still wearing that grin. Adewale bellowed.

"Are you insane?! You helped bring down the Arch Demon! My contacts say there was a version of you that stayed to help in Gotham--"

"Okay, I'm gonna just stop you right there. First of all- That was personal. Second? That's not me. That's pussy-me. Someone who doesn't deserve the name Felix and who understands nothing of who and what I am. What I am is a professional. I'm a big believer in human nature and if there's anything about human nature?"

He flicked a glance down to the bladed weapon on Adewale's wrist and instantly leaped back as the assassin swooped forward to take advantage, the two blades scraping against each other as Felix grunted in between blows.

"It's--That--We--All-- Kill! For whatever reason! Me? I kill because I'm good at it and it puts food on the table. And in the end, it's all that really matters. And if I happen to get that rush, knowing I'm stronger--!"

He lashed out, blade coming from the side and the result was a streak of blood soaking the torn jumpsuit of Adewale, a grimace on his features as he ignored it and continued on. Felix continued to talk.

"--Faster, better?! Does that make me a monster? No."

He paused before a cell, smirking briefly as he spoke.

"--It makes me human."

"Then I do this for the--"

The sound of a gunshot echoed in the cell block and Adewale slumped over, a huge portion of his head blown away as Felix snarled and quickly calculating the direction, turned to look upwards behind him.

"You fucker. That was my kill!"

Locus de-cloaked, looking just as Felix expected. Their real faces weren't the ones they were born with, it wasn't the sort they showed to the world. To Felix, this was the face of his partner. The one they showed to the galaxy and he supposed multiverse at large. This expressionless, reflective visor adorning power armor of green and black. Aloud, Locus spoke.

"You were late."

He chucked down a box and the lid flew open, revealing Felix's armor as Locus added.

"You have ten minutes to change and meet me at docking bay six."

And once more, he vanished with only a shimmer in the air to reveal his passing as he left. Felix glowered and muttered under his breath as he began to suit up.



Leaving behind the prison as they flew, they didn't even so much as look back as the explosion took apart the asteroid. Felix, more relaxed now in his customary setting was examining the hidden blade with curiosity. Which was all it was really, it was incompatible with his armor and really, he didn't need any fancy blade to kill. But he was curious as to what he was doing there and glanced at Locus as the latter punched in a series of coordinates.

"So. What the fuck was up with that guy anyway?"

"Recruitment perhaps. Or merely keeping an eye on us, in some combination. It doesn't matter."

"... Right! Well! First of all, I am going to hang this somewhere nice and neat. Second, we are going to have a goddamned feast. That prison food was shit--"

Letting his partner continue to blather on, Locus tuned him out through ease of experience, letting his subconscious filter out the irrelevant parts as he considered more immediate matters. Their employer for one. It didn't matter so much who or what they worked for- So long as the check cleared, they were satisfied. But it was a fool who dove into a river, without checking for crocodiles.

And as they made the jump to warp, he wondered just who else was contacted by the man in white.


All over the various worlds, in situations grim and atypical they were snatched or recruited.

A maniacal figure, cackling as she fired a minigun into a crowd, a shark-shaped rocket launcher strapped to her back....

A huge, bulk of a man on a desert world as he cleaved psychotic raiders left and right....

A hooded and masked figure, who burned the men who tried to take her on as fire streamed from her hands and feet....

And finally, in a distinctly roaring twenties locale, a redheaded man would be adjusting his tie in the mirror behind the bar. Shattered as it was in places from when he threw someone, enough remained that he was able to discern his reflection well enough. Whistling cheerfully, he plucked a fedora from a recumbent body and stepped out the door, leaving behind a bar full of twisted and broken bodies.

Six figures.

One goal.

The Man in White smirked, looking down at the pieces upon his chess board as he placed down the ones denoting Felix and Locus. Perfect.

"Sweet is suspecting I'm more than what I appear."

Accidentally knocking over some of his pieces, he sighed in vexation as he turned to regard his subordinate. One of his more skilled operatives, combining ruthless efficiency and an aura like a wounded dove, Yomi Isayama was one of the best investments he ever had. Now if only she'd get over her little complex and embrace her darker side more, she'd be perfect. Ah well. In time perhaps and in the tone of one talking to a rather dim child, he spoke.

"Of course he suspects. I couldn't care less really, so long as you do what you were told. So... To whit, let me see."

He ticked off on his fingers, one after the other.

"By saving those prisoners from Jackson, you played him to come back into our hands. We've weakened the Imperial Wasteland so the Brotherhood can march in force, leaving the majority of their forces tied up in the city. All in one place, once Revan arrives. So you see, my dear--"

He beamed and was suddenly very pleasant as he spoke warmly.

"You did very well. Just one question-- There was no one who could trace our involvement now, is there?"

"... No."

"Excellent! Dismissed then or what have you-- I have a game to set up."

He turned back to his board and patiently began to set up all the pieces, naming them one by one as Yomi left the room.

"Felix... Locus... Jinx... Azula... Kreig... And Mr. Stanfield."

He clapped his hands together and an altogether different, predatory grin appeared on his face from the one he gave to Yomi.

This was going to be fun.​
Chapter Three - Meet the Crew

What the everlasting fuck?

Most people when they woke up went through a variation of the following mindset.

Who am I, where am I, what's going on, why do I have this lampshade on my head?

If it was a forced sleep via a hard knock on the head on the other hand, other worries start to surge. Are you waking up in a hospital? Is there an angel of mercy, weak gruel and a somber reminder of your mortality? Around this point, one would normally hear 'don't worry, you'll be just fine.' Less welcoming is the phrase 'hold him down while I get the pickaxe.'

For Felix, as he opened his eyes, all he saw was pure white.

Like someone regurgitated eggshell paint, splattered with copious amounts of- You know what, it was fucking white. That was all Felix cared to dwell upon the subject. More pressing and interesting was the fact he was fully armed and in his trademark armor. So that meant whoever brought them here wasn't interested in killing them or the like. More so as he recognized Locus, already standing calmly at attention and completely ignoring him. Felix growled and got to his feet.

"Thanks for waking me up. Dick. So what's going on? And what the fuck is that singing?"

Locus wordlessly jerked a thumb behind him, Felix turning to see a single table with a radio playing music. But it was for the weirdos he was more inclined to pay attention to. One of them was some skinny-ass chick. Pigtails that reached down to her ass in a shocking blue coloration and with some kind of shark... Missile launcher on her back. A minigun laid on the floor, ignored in favor of some kind of weird dance. Her arms waved back and forth and she cackled, which combined with the eyes told Felix she might not be playing with a full deck.

The other guy on the other hand dancing with her was more normal to the eyes. Clad in a beige trench and a fedora, a shock of red hair was seen to the eyes as he shuffled his feet and by all unholy, snapped his fucking fingers to the beat. The last two figures beyond them were dressed in black cloaks and hoods. Meditating of all things, which Felix mentally shook his head over.

Felix's response to all this was to shoot the radio, sending the dancers into shocked silence.

"Hey! We were listening to that!"

"Yeah, what gives? You got something against radios or something, metal man?"

Felix raised a finger.

"First of all-- I don't give a fuck. Second, forget the radio! Where the fuck are we?"

The girl gave a shrug of her shoulders, uncaring as she moved into a split.

"Oooh, I don't care. Not the first time I've been brought against my will, thrown among strangers... And watched each of them die one by one. Mmmm, that's good!"

Felix mentally put her under the category of 'crazy bitch' and moved on.

"You. Carrot-top."

"Oooh, real original."

"This from the fucker who said 'metal man? You seem like you've a brain-- What the fuck is going on and who do I have to kill to fix it?"


For whatever reason, the girl's eyes lit up and she grinned, flipping over past Felix as he turned just in time to see her land atop what he took to be some form of abhuman. A massive, muscular figure tanned bronze from the endless sun, masked and with a giant, makeshift ax. He looked like an utter psychotic and it was obvious his grammar wasn't any form of Harvard speech.

Currently, the girl was rubbing herself all over him like some cat as she grinned.

"If it ain't Kreig! Long time no see!"

"Old boyfriend?" drawled the redhead behind Felix.

"Fuck if I know," Felix said with a shake of his head as he turned to look at him. The redhead flashed a charming smile as he extended a hand to shake.

"Names Claire, metal man. Claire Stanfield."

Felix pointedly ignored it as he said simply, "Felix. What's with the nuns in the corner?"

Claire shrugged, apparently not put off in the least as he spoke.

"No idea. They've just been sitting like that the whole time. Don't like to talk to anyone."

Locus approached them, his voice low and with a tone Felix had learned early to pay attention to.

"Footsteps to the south."

Immediately, both mercs turned and lifted up their weapons to the bemusement of Claire and the eager looks of the girl and Kreig. Even the hooded figures seemed to glance over, everyone tense as the atmosphere suddenly charged with electricity. Felix thanked his lucky stars that whoever had abducted them was dumb enough to leave them their weapons. The doors to the south hissed, opening slowly as a white-suited figure walked in.

"Welcome to--"

Claire moved first, turning almost lazily on a dime to kick the broken radio into the man's face with heavy force. At the same time, the hooded figures leaped into action, running on opposite sides and bouncing off the walls as Felix watched them engulf the body with streams of fire and all without any evidence of tech. That was a nice trick. As they did, the hood fell off one of them, revealing a hardass looking young woman. Eyes blazing and mouth curled into a sneer. Yellow eyes like a predator bird stared at the being cooked by the flames. A rocket impacted and the explosion forced both to leap away, the young woman's eyes turning irritably at the cackling blue-haired girl, who seemed to find it utterly hilarious.

Up to the point the young woman flipped forward and landed feet first on her head. Knee on her throat, she leaned forward and a crackle of electricity appeared on the tip of her finger.

"Do that again when I'm near and I'll fry your brain from the inside out."

"... You're feisty."

"Ummm, guys?"

The body they had all beat the crap out of rose up, brushing itself off as flesh renewed, skin grew back and the suit restored back to its nominal, clean state. Finishing this off with a tweak of his tie, the Man in White smiled.

"Now that you've gotten it out of your system--"

Felix and Locus opened fire, guns blazing. It was like trying to punch fog, the effect doing nothing but making his suit bloody. Finally, he rolled his eyes and made a gesture to continue. Waiting patiently, the mercs finally stopped and watched as the wounds healed once more.

"... There. Now as you can see, I'm very much immortal. There is nothing you can do to finish me off."

"I don't see any fine print about not causing you pain," the hooded figure hissed, taking a step forward only for the young woman to block his path, shaking her head no as she dropped her arm.

The Man in White sighed out.

"Much as I despise such crude displays of conduct, I suppose you will all not listen till I demonstrate so why don't you all sit down."

"What the fu--?!"

Everyone complied and the Man in White beamed.

"See how well we can all get along if we put our minds to it?"

"Yeah, in a moment we'll all start singing kumbayah as well. So, what's going on?"

Clapping his hands together, the man in white grinned.

"Ah yes, of course! Its such a small thing... One that is well within your capabilities. But before I explain, I should let you know. As of this moment, you are all mine. I own you. You're my toys, my playthings to twist off the heads and arrange for tea parties whenever I wish. The sooner you understand this, the better it'll be for all involved."

"Like fucking Hell!"

"Exactly, Mr. Felix! Exactly!"

Locus, silent up to this point finally spoke.

"We're a diverse group. You obviously have some purpose for us. Why the charade though? Why help us escape from the prison?"

"Wait, that was THIS fuck?!"

"His voice was a dead giveaway."

"As ever, onto the very point Mr. Locus! Very well."

His expression turned dark as he spoke.

"I chose you all not only for your unique skills, but also for your experiences with the multiverse at large... Whether through these insipid Murder Games and their influence or through... Other matters."

For whatever reason, his gaze Felix noticed would flick to the woman in the cloak and hood before he grinned once more.

"So it was easy enough to keep tabs on all of you. Now you've three tasks for me to perform. If you die... Well, I have more toys. The first is to assist an ally of mine, on a wasteland world. You'll feel right at home Mr. Kreig. Second, is to then make contact with another ally. He'll provide you all you need in the way of weapons and intel. Finally? The penultimate task that will decide whether or not I chose correctly will be the most prominent and auspicious goal."

He stared at them all and smirked.

"You're all going to break into the most heavily secured prison in the multiverse on an extraction mission for a good friend of ours. Sabbat the Necromagus. So with that in mind, let me be the first to metaphorically shake you by the hand and welcome you..."

His gaze landed on them all and for the first time, Felix noted his eyes. Animal orbs, that viewed the world between meat and otherwise. Cruel, cunning and despite the genial nature outwardly, perfectly willing to butcher them if it suited his goals. He had a bad feeling about this job.

"... To my very own, Suicide Squad."

Bad feeling confirmed and Felix, in his usual fashion summed up everyones feelings in one, heartfelt word.

Chapter Three - Meet the Crew

Is this the real life?

Is this just fantasy?

Caught in a landslide?

No escape from reality?

Open your eyes. Look up to the skies and see!

I'm just a poor boy. I need no sympathy.

This wasn't the worse situation he had ever found himself in. Granted, he couldn't think of any others at the moment, but he was sure they existed. And at least he had his weapons and his partner, between the two of them? Felix had little doubt that they'd come out on top. If there was a problem to be had though, in all of this?

Easy come. Easy go. Little high. Little low.

It was in the rest of the fucks that made up their team.

Anywhere the wind blows, doesn't really matter to me-To me.

Jinx was psychotic in the same way that water was wet. She named her rocket launcher fishbones and in every interaction, either pretended it spoke or was contrary just to be contrary. Felix mentally consoled himself with the idea that when he managed to escape, he would put a bullet in her brainpan.


"Oooh what's that Fishbones? I should kill everyone here and make a run for it?!"

Felix, Azula and even Krieg all stared at her. Jinx paused for a brief second and burst out laughing.

"I'm kidding! Your faces! Ahahahaha--!"

She flicked a tear from her eye and grinned.

"... That's not what they really say." <3


And then there was Claire Stanfield.


Locus stared on in shock. Not that you couldn't tell either way, he tended to be as interactive as a rock and even then, Felix would rather converse with the rock. But behind his helmet, Felix was wearing a dumbfounded expression in turn. Some random rebel camp, the idea was for Claire to sneak in and cause a distraction. Locus would cloak and flank leaving Felix to cover. Instead, Claire had been silent and when they went to check it out, it was to the following sight.

Claire was sitting on a pile of bodies, using one of the heads as a macabre puppet before noticing them and waving.

"Hey, guys! I got plenty of heads, you want one?"

"No thanks, I just ate!"


Easy enough to get along with, but capable of stunts he'd have thought impossible without augmentation as well as being too clever for his own good. Felix hated the smart ones, they were never easy to betray.

Krieg, on the other hand, was an open book written in crayon.


"Okay, big guy, when they come around the corner--"


And with a bellow more akin to a bull, Krieg leaped headfirst and Felix cursed under his breath as he went to cover him. He needn't have bothered, the berserker was a powerful man and where Claire was somewhat precise, Krieg was all brute force, as seen when he slammed a head between his hands as it popped. Felix gagged. What the fuck was wrong with all his teammates?!


He smacked things and they stayed smacked. Dumb muscle, little beyond that.

Locus, of course, pushed or not was always the same emotionless as always. And then there was the final member of their party. The Princess, or so he nicknamed her.

She had paid for her defiant nature, her companion burned from the inside out when he tried to rebel against their Patron, for lack of a better world. There was a look of horror at first, and then a gritty mask Felix recognized. Here was a woman who was something else entirely, someone different from all the criminals and psychopaths that made up their 'team'.

She was a hero.

Well, tough. No room for heroes in this place. Only survival.

At the least, Felix could admit one thing.

They made a hell of a team.

It began first with Locus and Claire. Both would sneak into their target area, killing guards and sentries before Jinx fired her biggest missile. Cue a massive explosion and chaos. Elsewhere, Krieg and Azula would strike from opposite sides, intent on taking out as many as possible en mass. Felix would join them last. Wash, rinse... Repeat.

It was boring as fuck.

Moreover, it could be accomplished more cheaply by regular soldiers. Felix had enough of this place, enough of this pansy-ass warlord (Janeson? Joorin? Jeoffrey? No idea) and enough of these games. He knew them for what they were. He was an asshole and he knew how they thought. These small potatos, these two-bullet montes... It was all about control. Making them realize that when they took a shit, that they would ask their patron 'what shape?'

Not to say that they didn't do individual missions as well. Every now and then, their... "Patron" would send them out, usually to test their resolve-- Such as when Jinx was forced to take pictures of what looked like some kind of shipping yard and not blow it up. It was almost worth the destruction after to see her expression when she got back. Otherwise, Felix just did what he was told and remained as patient as possible. Someday, he was going to see their patron slip and everyone would be ready. It was what he practically lived for.

Locus on the other hand, antisocial bastard that he was had struck up a strange camaraderie with Azula. At the least, he had gotten along with the diminutive hero a lot easier than the others and it galled Felix, just a little bit. Couldn't have his partner be getting perspective, right? And color him curious, but he did want to know what was going on. On the day he finally got his chance however, their patron interrupted.

The Man in Whites symbols they all bore on their palms burned and he appeared in their midst. A smile on his face as he looked at them all, a gleam in his eyes and a mad grin. Without waiting for their usual greetings he spoke.

"It's almost time. Now I've spent a lot of time, ensuring you were all ready. I gave you opportunities to work as a team, to know each others foibles in less-then-perfect circumstances... Moreover? Now I've seen you work as individuals. Obedient to my instructions among other things. Its almost time for the main event, to break out our little friend. But first..."

He flashed his smile and Felix restrained the urge to punch it. Last time he did, the consequences... Weren't exactly wild. The man in white raised a finger.

"You're all going to rescue our final recruit for our little squad."

The chorus of complaints burst out. Felix braced himself for pain.

He wasn't disappointed. His blood felt like fire, his brain flashed white-hot as he held in his gasp and kept to his feet. It was a little quirk of their patron. They so much as complained, he invoked the... The spell (god, he hated calling it that) that burned them from the inside out. Hold it too long... And well, Azula's companion showed them all the end result.

A gloved hand grazed over the claw-cane head, the Man in Whites grin easy and amiable as he waited for the groans to subside. Waving his hand, he smirked.

"I apologize for that but really, this is for your own good. You play as a team. You fight as a team... And should something happen? You'll all die as a team. So its in your best interest to learn to play nicely with each other, yes?" He peered at his nails, as though seeing the secrets of the universe behind the gloves before laughing aloud.

"He knows you're all coming for him. You have twenty-four hours to prove yourselves, before he gets executed. So gear up. Get ready." He turned to leave and Felix clenched his fist tightly, seeing him expose his back.

"You have a lot of work to get to."
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