Finish the Scene #2

Elle Joyner

Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per day
Online Availability
8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Writing Levels
  1. Prestige
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Primarily Prefer Female
Political intrigue, fantasy, futuristic, sci fi lite, superheroes, historical fiction, alternate universes. Smittings of romance, but only as side plot.
Pinterest has a wealth of writing prompts that I have come across, which are too delightful and interesting for me not to share!

The idea of this exercise is simple. Basically expand on the blurb... Write a hundred words or so, to finish the scene!

This months blurb is...

" So, 45th Boulevard, Bridger Street. What's got you hankering for a orphanage?"

Oh, how interesting. The flat-cap adorned taxi driver stared back at me in the rear-view mirror as the taxi lurched forward, tires brushing against the asphalt as I replied back with a grin.

" Oh, nothing. Just..."

The rust colored switchblade danced between my finger-tips, out of sight from the taxi cab's eye as he continued to drive on-wards into the night, the headlights illuminating the way.

" Looking to adopt some children, if you put it that way."

The rest of the ride was silent. It was by the 5th minute that I realised. We weren't going to where I wanted to play. The look in the rear-view mirror said it all. Straight, focused. He knew where he was going. He knew what I was. What I was interested in was the how. The glint of my switchblade was visible in the rear-view mirror as I pointed it towards him aimlessly.

" So, what gave it away? My dashing good looks? Or did you want to cash in on the reward for me?"

No response. Well, then. In a moment's notice, the blade was pressed against the driver's throat, only a sudden movement for the release of that beautiful color as I did a tsk tsk.

" See, I think you're going in the wrong direct-"

He replied back in a tone I couldn't describe. No fear. No excitement. Deadpan. Focused on the destination.

" Don't worry, sir. I'm going on the right direction."

Something underneath us rumbled for a second. I had the same thoughts as anyone would have in that moment. Earthquake. Only it wasn't. The ground swallowed us as the laws of everything that I knew were flipped in over in my head. The taxi kept drilling downwards. Sulphur and brimstone brewed in the sweltzering air of the underground as for the first time in my life, I felt fear, grasping my backseat and my knife. Flames erupted around the car as the cabbie turned around, giving a grim, rictus grin while his taxi began to go into free-fall.

" Hell."

Where people like me needed to go.​