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No you see, in the split second it takes for a bullet to be fired and it to hit its target a single thought wouldn't be enough to save them. Also some diseases could prove to be incurable, or mess up ones mind as a first symptom. A wizard relies on his mind from all the books I have ever read. They could still fall to disease just not as likely. Plus, as they first started out they could be over confident with themselves or even gotten into fights with each other causing them to lose members. Its only natural for villains to have major flaws which caused them to be villains

And the second thing is what I was saying. Just worded differently.
No no, a foolish man tries to dodge a speeding bullet. The smart one sees his enemy pull a gun and dodges it before it's fired. Just, through time. Unless they're shot from behind, which I could give a million reasons why it would be unlikely to work, they wouldn't get shot. And no disease wrecks the mind instantly. An immortal who values his immortality and has all the time in the world would be sure to get his health screened quite frequently, so most diseases would be caught well before they came to fruition. An uncurable disease is possible, but unlikely. That's like an ancient roman saying that spaceflight is impossible, with all the unpredictable and unimaginable advances technology could make, a disease that is never curable is incredibly unlikely. Their deaths are possible, but tremendously unlikely, not if any of them have any kind of intelligence or wisdom. They have every possible defense to every possible offense at their disposal if they go looking for it. Even one who gets shot could just go forward in time to have it instantly healed in a Bacta tank or some nonsense. Forever is a really long time to make sure you can live forever.
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The Elder

What price did I pay for these dark powers?"
Full Name: Hadrian Cassius
Birthdate: Martius 12, 55 AD
Personality: The Elder is old, and the elder is ruthless. Before his curse he was greedy and could be cruel, but full of life and always seeking fun and pleasure, friendly and amicable to all but his enemies and always in search of the next high and a good friend to share it with. After his curse, however, he became an empty shell, filled only with hate. All the life taken from him, he is now cruelty and hate incarnate, and will go above and beyond the necessary in the pursuit of his goals.
General History: Hadrian was born in Roman Britain in 55 AD, the son of a reformed druid under Roman rule. He served in the Roman army and proved to be a brilliant commander, leading his forces to victory after victory in the ongoing roman subjugation of his homeland. He enjoyed the fighting, the warfare and the brutality, almost as much as he enjoyed the looting, plundering, and rape of the aftermath. His men knew him as a man of the people, always there to share a drink with and always the first man into the fray, a man full of life and vigor. His enemies knew him as a ruthless master tactician, employing scorched-earth tactics to terrify his foes and slaughtering whole villages to make examples of them, even going as far to force weak villages to surrender and allow his forces in only to pillage the place regardless.
But Hadrian was never quite satisfied. No mater how much gold and how many women he accumulated, regardless of how many battles he won and how many men he killed, it was never enough. He wanted to see more, do more, live more, be more. He flung himself into battle for the adrenaline high and the thrill of violence, but soon even that began to wane as no enemy could stand against him. It was never enough, and he soon fell into a deep depression.
It was in this fugue that his father returned to him, walking boldly into his tent in the middle of his battalion's encampment, unharrassed by any of his guards, though none of them knew the old druid. He revealed to his son that he was not truly a druid, that he followed ways even older than the druidic. He told his son he knew of his pain, and explained to him that it stemmed from what he was. Hadrian didn't understand at first, but when his father offered him that which he lacked, the missing piece in his life that would complete him and fulfill him at last, he did not hesitate to take it... not even as his father warned him of the cost. Heedless in his greed as he was in battle, he demanded the power his father offered... and recieved the curse that came with it. His body withered and decayed before his very eyes, his healthy bronzed skin and muscles hardened by battle atrophying away to nothing. He felt nothing but horror as all sensation left his dying body, trapping his healthy mind in a lifeless husk. His power had come at the cost of what he valued most: life. He could still move, still speak, though his body was decrepit and slow and his voice was hollow and dry. Food offered no flavor or satisfaction, drink could not restore moisture to his withered throat. He was empty and dead in all but his mind, and all he had left was hate. Hate, and time. All the time in the world.
Interests: Only one: Finding the Compass of Aetas, at any cost. It's the only hope he has left, and the only thing he still cares about.
Stress Factors: The Elder would tell you he doesn't feel stress anymore.
(1)Tactics and strategy. Hadrian was a brilliant commander and The Elder has had all the time in the world to improve. With all of time at his disposal he can work strategies over centuries and has become more dangerous than ever.
(2)Ruthless. He could be cruel before but with nothing left to lose, The Elder is devoid of all moral constraint, all feelings of remorse. He feels like he's suffered enough for a thousand lifetimes, the suffering of others can't begin to compare so he's earned the right to do as he pleases.
(3)Alliances. He's good at making them. He knew how to make his men love him in his old life, and he's learned to make them fear him in this one. Either way he is masterful at inspiring loyalty and procuring the desires of his men. Machivellian would be an apt descriptor.
(1) He's dead. His body is, at any rate. He can move and he can speak but physically he is utterly incapable. He relies wholly on servants, gadgets and machines to do his work for him.
(2) He's proud. Despite his state, or perhaps because of it, he considers himself superior to everyone else. No one has lived as long as him, suffered as much as him, achieved as much as him. But he can let his pride get ahead of him and does not suffer wounds to it lightly.
(3) Angry. With little pleasure left in his existance all he has left is hate an anger. Quick to go into a rage, slow to simmer down, and reckless when he's angry. As the only emotion he has left in bulk his anger is strong and hot and uncontrolled.
Price paid for time travel power: His life. Hadrian had wanted it all, wanted to live life to the fullest, forever, and experience everything there ever was to experience; mere day-to-day was not enough for him, he always had to have it all. He was given it all, given all of time and an eternity to experience it, but the ability to experience anything was taken from him. His body was rendered a lifeless husk into which his mind was bound and trapped. Though his body could be destroyed, his mind would continue to exist in the fragments, doomed to live for ever: the ultimate curse for one who had the ultimate greed.
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Well, I have another point in this debate. Have you ever seen Bleach? In bleach they bring up a very good point, the main character is fighting some man who is immortal. The man kills his fellow members if they even doubt that he is the most powerful being in the world. He is trying to change the laps in time because he realizes life is a circle. A never ending circle. Whether that is true or not is left for the viewer to debate. Never the less he continues to kill thousands, both civilian and military.

Ending of the season.
In the end he is able to beat the main character thanks to regeneration abilities that he gains from absorbing the contents of the sole society, (where the last battle is fought) but instead he kills himself because he found hope in the main character. As you can see even an 'unbeatable' character is still beatable. Whether its his own team or an enemy they are still kill able. Also, lasting the span of time is harsh, it could completely drive you insane.
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those are all fair points, however you notice that there the villain is still defeated by the hero. He's unstoppable until the hero shows up, so unless there have been other Travellers in the past these are the heroes, showing up, just now. I don't mean to say that immortal Caligenians are unbeatable, only that they would be ridiculously hard to beat and are unlikely to have ever been beaten before, leaving, as I said, a cadre of immortal overpowered time-hopping wizards with the wisdom and resources of all of time at their disposal. And they won't be able to beat them with "hope", I'm certain. And while living that long might drive you insane, there's two kinds of insanity in stories like this. The bad kind, where the characters don't know jack and are just drooling mindless imbeciles, and the scary kind, which only makes them more powerful by loosening their grip on reality and allowing them to commit atrocities without any consideration for the cost, sometimes without even a purpose. You'd better hope the overpowered time wizards don't go insane, they might go back in time and kill Washington, or make Hitler win World War 2, or steal the first nuclear weapon and use it on Ancient Rome, or, god forbid, decide that they're the only ones worthy of life and go back in time to destroy the first life on earth, ending life on earth for all time except themselves. Crazy people are crazy, yo. Let's not go there.
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Yes, but with anger come mistakes. When you turn insane you only think you are looking at life and able to figure out what everyone is doing. Also you forgot the on edge insane. Where they shiver and shake and look around and feel everything is against them because they have such great power and no one can match it. I think it would be very simple to have the first 5 or 6 be killed before even meeting the time travelers. They could have fought amongst themselves to prove that they are right. They could have gone complementary insane and set themselves up to be kill thinking they could not die. Some might feel the pressure of living so long come crashing down on them and kill themselves. Only those with a great mind set, either good, evil, or brilliant, can last such a long period of time without something biting them. Plus we create what happens here, or rather Sakura does, and if she says 5 or six die then we don't really need a reason. That is just an insignificant part of the plot. Also your character could have back stabbed all the others feeling it would be a fun challenge to take down someone as great and/or power as he is.

I kind of feel bad for Sakura right now, we are really debating it up here.
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Maybe, but your ideas of insanity are very limited. Anime and stories tend to show insanity as a character flaw, something that will ineviatably lead to their undoing, but that's only because an insane person with godlike power could unmake everything at a thought and probably frequently has the thoughts to do so, but that makes for a bad story. It's boring if the character is so insane that they think life isn't worth living so they get rid of life itself instead of just offing themselves. Nobody wants to read a story about the crazy time traveling wizard who thinks he's better than all the other wizards so he convinces the romans to burn their ancestral homes to the ground, thus destroying the entire population of northern europe in the future. What kind of story would it be if the heroes were never born in the first place because a wizard thought America would look much nicer with a supervolcano in the middle of it so he went back in time and set off a supernuke from the future in the past and made the world look like Ooo from Adventure Time? True insanity is boring because everyone dies or boring because the villain isn't interesting. And interesting villain kills everything ever, a boring villain sits in the corner and drools. And with a minimum of eight immortal wizards you can be one of them would decide everything needs to die, assuming they all went insane. It's just not a good idea.
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Time Traveler
Why am I unhappy with my life? "I left my family to suffer the deaths of our kin, and turned away from them when they needed me most."
Full Name: Vali Asu RevelitSix
Birthdate: Dec. 25 1993
Occupation: Hired Thief and Drifter
Personality: She's a persistent, upbeat little git. Not to say she's naïve, far from it-- Nights travels have earned her a prize cynical streak a mile wide-- she just doesn't like to hear no for an answer and tends to push asides any advice or opinion or even logic and common sense that doesn't suit his causes or lightens the mood.
If she appears arrogant, which she's been told she seldom doesn't, its probably (key word here) surface. Honestly she can't say she knows anything much about life, people or the way the birds sing, she just gets on with it. Gets on with it and tries not to die in the mean time. Her oblivious nature may seem to make her an easy target but she will turn on you just as quick with skills of observance and vast knowledge.
Nights is not too shabby when it comes to conversation, yet despite having a well spoken and knowledgeable upbringing she still reverts to the lude, crude and outspoken when around friends. When with strangers ,she more the quiet and uncanny character peeking around the corner. Boo! With the habit of seeming with drawn, she has the traits of understanding as she has lost man and mourned many even if she had not known them. With a heart as sweet as cotton candy ,the girl can make a life long friend out of anyone if their not stubborn about it, or rubbed her the wrong way some where down the line.
General History: Let's keep odd and sweet; She is a gypsy, a traveler, an opportunity hunter who osmosis through the skin of one social cell group to the next.Before that hand had been dealt to her, she had been once in a stable home, living with the luxuries of video games and cellular devices. All of which the young bird had been addicted to or just fond of having in her possession. At a young age of barely just cracking the shell she lived in, her family had only stifled their nomad life so she could be raised into it which they did pretty well ,seeing as their many habits had become her's. She used to travel with the family enjoying the world and it's galore with them, the constant laughing, smiling and love being passed around like meat and cheese for the soul. Unfortunately tragedy had stricken with illness, mother,father and both cousins laid to be eaten away ,eventually passed. This sorrowed moment in families life had drastically changed things, though out of strength her wings grew to continue flying the family around the world ,even she had to admit the loss had mad it so much not the same. With a heave and a ho, She had since flown the nest.. and, well... prospects were not looking all that great as she had eventually become a hired thief in her travels thanks to those sticky fingers she inherited from her mother, the job was simple take the object and return to the client for the money though she may have snagged a bracelet or two. One of them being an Aetas Piece.
Childhood Trauma: The death Of her parents, as she stood by and watched them pass.
Interests: Traveling, The arts of combat [All forms, though she knows very few], Strategic Tactics.
Stress Factors: The feeling of abandoning her family still stresses her, as they have even tried to contact her and she has turned a blind eye for the fear of loosing someone and seeing it happen.
Talents: order of most accomplished:
(1) Hand to Hand Combat
(2) Environmental Adaption
(3) Social Osmosis
(1) Detachment
(2) Self Preservation
(3) Trust
Powers: The ability to mind link, with another and sense their emotions and situations. Sometimes the link offers to mentally receive and/or transmit thoughts.
Dreams for the future: Settle in a home ,face her family hopefully and have an honest job.
Plot Addition

In order for the roleplay to move more efficiently, The Time-Travelers will be mind-linked

This does not mean they know each others thoughts. Think of the plot like this:

The mind link runs horizontally on a plot of DATE lines.
The mind link CANNOT run on the vertical plot of LOCATION lines.

What this means is that while travelling through time, the traveler will subconsciously know where the other piece-holders are in time, but not where they are.

When two travelers are in the same time, their pieces will be slightly attracted to each other, kind of like magnets.
No, I am thinking stages of insanity. While its true movies and anime favor those who are less insane or more logically deranged, it is also because finding someone who is truly insane and yet still has the mental capacity to speak never mind create plans to be able to do such acts as you have listed is few to non. Them actually getting power beyond normal human is even slimmer considering all they do is strive for it. You see humans have a natural sense of keeping those who crave power away from power. Unless of course they are a silver tongued snake in which case they will slowly deceive people. If one person with all these traits were to exist and end up wit enough means or time to obtain the power then I would be surprised. Its extremely unlikely for anyone to put so much together. Regardless we are not talking about 'true insanity' we are talking story insanity as you might call it. After all this is an RP which is creating a story using more than one author. So in the end, do you want your character to kill them or not?

If not I have another idea, since each one of them had to lose something to gain the power they desire most, yours would be to live forever and thus had to lose the essence of life to gain it the others might have valued something else and gained different powers. Someone else might have gained the power to explore the stars or something along those lines. It doesn't really mater in the long run I guess... What do you think Mrs. Sakura?
My character isn't a super baddie persay but if we want another, it could easily make sense for her to have a shit ton of power in the Medieval world! ( That she might be able to cart around through time. ) :D

Bleh... Bootcamped Windows 7 on my Mac to play Fallout 3... Even two days of Windows 7 have made me fall in love with Mac again. Also the ending of Fallout 3 is stupid >.<
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To expand upon my post, a few questions!

1. Can I have my Caligenian be able to bring others with her as she time travels? ( Probably only a few. )

2. Is there any limit to Technology seeing as we are time travelers? As in can my character have a few items that come from the Future?

3. [MENTION=4298]Blitzkriegxd1[/MENTION] Would it at all be possible for my character to start off in your employ or something similar like a partnership? ( We can discuss it in PMs and then post what happened / happens in our prologue.

4. How adversed is everyone towards matters like cursing, rape, violence and a whole lot of R rated speech/torture content?

5. Do we as Caligenians have any predefined goal?

6. Would it be too much to ask if we don't start until I get my prologue in?
this can not be R rated i am underthe age of 15 so no R rated things
edti it can have violence and cusing but no raping
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I wasn't going to go in detail with the raping I'm just asking if anyone is adversed to the idea and reference to the act.
ok good becuse if there was ape i would shot you in the rp with something
So is that a yes to you wouldn't like it referenced in the RP?
Honestly, Iron Men, is isn't up to him. It is up to Sakura and I. I for one say no to the rape. Firstly, in what kind of situation are planning to use rape, and secondly, I don't think that I want to read about that. Cursing is okay, but it is important to remember not to overdo it, it kind of diminishes the bad ass tone and establishes a douche-bag one in its place...
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her i am a girl -.-. and i say no to it but thats just a young under the age of 15 years saying that so think a girl under the age of15 readed bout rape. get the picture and what about the other kids that read the rp they could be under 15 as well and they read something about rape i dont want to read about rape even if its not detailed(?)
Woah. I wasn't on yesterday, was touring around, sorry! I'm currently reading through everything that's been posting and thinking! Be sure that I'll take everything you've debated into consideration!:)

And I really really love the debating/ enthusiasm!

Just hang on for ten minutes or so :)
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