Create a Character Challenge #62



Original poster

This challenge is one about making characters based on the setting that they're destined for and also just a fun romp with one of the most creative aspects of roleplaying: character making. Based on the image posted, my challenge is for you to create a character for that setting and post it here!

This week's image:

Was deleted by the stupidfaces. >:|

Feel free to utilize this character sheet or create your own:

Current Goal/Purpose:

Name: Tafia
Gender: Female
Age: 28
Species: Cyborg
Family: Unknwon
Personality: Tafia is reserved, never speaks to anyone unless when spoken to. She is very guarded and snaps at anyone who even tries to come close to her. She is glitched, making her switching from two emotions, hostility and fear. But other than that, she can be quite informative, relating any information when needed.
History: Tafia was a ruffian, a orphan who had to learn to survive on the streets. Around the time of adulthood, she became a whore, caring for her child she had with a lover who had abandoned her. Her daughter was sickly, and needed serious care so Tafia became one of the very first humans to take part in the early years of experimental organic and cybernetic technology in exchange for her daughter to be hospitalized and taken care of free of charge. Unfortunately, the experiment was a disaster as her cyber implants had wiped out her memory, taking over the control of her brain, rendering her more machine than human. The scientists threw her back out onto the streets, like a broken machine she was, and Tafia from then on wondered around in the dark alleyways, muttering to herself in incomprehensible words while gathering all the information around her making her the go-to individual whenever someone needed information on anyone or anyplace. Surprisingly, she was put under the care of a notorious organization, known for their black market affairs and handling of territorial drug dealings around the area.
Current Goal/Purpose: Tafia is to follow all orders from her organization, and reports any information dealing with competitors or enemies, in return, she has only one request, and that is to have her cybernetic implants reconstructed so her human memories can be retained.
Appearance: Tafia is very lean, her ribcage extruding from her stomach, making her look famished and frail. Half of her face is human, her cheeks sullen and her eye sockets darkened from lack of daylight. The other side of her face is poorly made mechanics, rusting around on the edges and loose material either hanging off from the screws or falling apart. She wears a tattered dark cloak, the hood always masking her face and her impoverished figure.
Name: Sarah





Dead. All killed in the explosion.

Extreme paranoia, extreme dementia, extreme schizophrenia. Not many know that she's a loving and caring person, even her family. Her stuff animal cats know, though. She's very protective and watchful.

Diagnosed as the biggest 'basket case' on the Class 11 Star cruiser, Garris, she hasn't had a very eventful past. She generally stays in her room, surrounded by her stuffed animal cats. When she was 14, her family caught her stuffing the heart of the family cat into one of her stuffed cats, and they decided to get her diagnosed. After her diagnosis, she spent a lot of time singing songs with her stuffed cats. She starts to talk to them, and even becomes romantically involved with one. Over the years her sanity is completely widdled down. In a fit of paranoia, she sets an explosive to destroy the Garris, insistent that her family plans on 'killing' her stuffed friends. She eternally wanders the star cruiser now, murdering anyone who seeks the treasure of the destroyed star cruiser. Little do they know, she's the treasure, and the cruiser was named after her first stuffed cat.

Important Acts:
She blew up the star cruiser she lives on, effectively murdered her family and the other crewmen.

She now wanders, pale, thin, bony and with thick black circles around her eyes. Her hair is unkempt, and for years uncared for. Her clothes turned to rags over time, and then further over time they decayed, leaving her naked. Her rib cage can be seen through her skin. She keeps herself fed off the skin of the fallen, and treats new visitors like they're a slab of prime rib.
Name: Bennet Cooper
Bennet comes from a poor and humble farming family that lived in the deep country, who supported each other in practicing instruments and singing, valuing honesty and integrity above all.
Bennet the middle child of his family, was the most caring and selfless, though a deep sorrow had always haunted him and often made him withdrawn, though he was good at covering up his true feelings with farm work and singing. He would often sing in the orchard when he was alone, picking apples to bring home when his misery was, for the day, satisfied.
One tragic night a small gang of bandits raided the countryside and took the Cooper family hostage, raping the women and daughters. After the bandits has begun killing the family one by one, Bennet was told by his parents to escape when the bandits were distracted. As Bennet ran from the house he heard the shots that killed his family. And that's how he ended up on the streets of this terrible and wretched city, singing in whispers and pillaging through garbage cans for food. He had been on the streets for weeks, being raped and robbed and beaten, before a kind mortician stumbled upon Bennet and allowed him to live in the church's graveyard, where Bennet befriended the mortician as well as a mysterious, beautiful angel who enjoyed Bennet's singing above all.
Current goal//Purpose:
Bennet is conflicted with guilt for having left his family, and feel he deserves to live out his life in silence within the dark graveyard where he was safe from the dangerous city. But as his friendship with the loving mortician and the beautiful angel deepen, he begins to think on a childhood dream to become an actor, which lures him from the shadows of the crypts and into an underworld of thieves, pimps, gangsters, and the city theatre's elite.