Bleach: A New Dawn (OOC/Sign-up)

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Hey, look, it turns out I'm going to wipe my computer tomorrow.

So it is time for some writing!

I just realized this, but is something going on with Abi? She hasn't been on for awhile.
Hello, person I don't know.

I'm doing useful stuff...Honest!

Tell Abi I'm being a good Expllo :p *Wants dem cookies*
Not sure if Euphemism.
Wow, I really didn't think that through.

Nah, I'm content with no cookies in that manner in general. If I did want some though, they'd have to be @Aeronfarron's cookies.

  • comm__masako_by_nataliadsw_by_reimeinoyoru-d5safbv.png

    Nadameru Kuchiki
    Age: 347

    Gender: Female

    Height: 5 foot, 6 inches

    Weight: "A number between one and nope, not telling!"

    Hair Colour: Black

    Eye Colour: A hazy sort of greyish blue.

    Birthday: February 21st

    Clan/Family: Born of the Kuchiki family, one of the four great families in Soul Society, Nadameru acts as one of the higher ranking members of the clan, and as such has been afforded a lot of benefits: tutelage; feeding; finery, and much more. Her small stature and kind nature have made her popular among other nobles and among the serving staff alike.

    Race - Soul

    Profession - Shinigami

    Rank: Currently unseated.

    Spiritual Energy Colour: Azure.

    Power Level: Your fairly average Unseated shinigami.

  • Personality: Upon first glance, one might think that Nadameru Kuchiki is a constantly, almost effortless poise, enthusiasm and grace to everything she does. In truth, Nadameru is a rather simple girl, who simply masks her failings in endless amounts of effort. She is faultlessly kind, to the point that she can be considered naive and has, on a few occasions, been far too trusting. Sometimes, r the young Shinigami can come across as aloof and spacey, but in truth there is a far off intelligence to the Kuchiki noblewoman. She is less spacey, and more lost in thought.

    While naive at times, and distant at others, Nadameru is most defined by a sort of determination that causes her to pour her entire being into everything that she does. If Nadameru sets herself a task, it is going to be completed. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but some day in the future, Nadameru will finish what she starts.

    While this sounds like the foundation of a fantastic Shinigami, Nadameru has one other fatal character flaw: She is almost comically unfocused on advancing her position. She would rather use her time to try and impress people whose opinions she values (See, her older Cousin) or to sneak her way into the Kuchiki kitchen than actually train herself beyond the required minimum. She lacks a motivation that almost had her held back in the academy, were it not for her exceptional talents in the Shinigami arts. Her instructors hope that she might find motivation along with a seat in the Gotei.

    Kurisa Kuchiki - Uncle, presumed deceased. He was far aloof from Nadameru, and she never really got to speak with him often, outside of his official capacity as head of the clan.

    Kurisu Kuchiki - Older Cousin, Head of the clan, A sort of role model for Nadameru and someone she has long since idolised as her 'Cool family member'

    Miwa Kuchiki - Aunt, often spoilt Nadameru around the complex.

    Tobimeru Kuchiki - Father, Works as a skilled craftsman, as opposed to a Shinigami. He is responsible for the maintenance of the Kuchiki grounds, homes, and perhaps most importantly, the vault of Ages.He is the brother of Kurisu Sr, and is considered the second most important man, outside of Kurisu himself.

    Nittoyoko Kuchiki - Mother, Works alongside Tobimeru as a skilled craftswomen. She crafts the finery of the Kuchiki family, including jewelry, artifacts, and the legendary white scarf of the clan.

    Chiyoko Kuchiki - Younger brother, still in his very young years and rather spoilt. While Nadameru is affectionate of her brother, she often is forced to scold him for being lazy and mean.

    Other: Silverwhite Wildflower Sash - Made from the same rare silk that the scarves of the Kuchiki clan heads wear, the Sash is a gift from her mother and is an item of extreme importance to Nadameru. It has no real defining properties other than being extremely valuable, however Nadameru has a habit of removing the sash in serious situations, and using it to tie back her hair when she is in a state of pure determination.

  • History: To be completed later: Suffice to say, she has no major tragedy in her life that drove her to drive her: she is just a girl who decided to be a Shinigami one day in order to emulate her older cousin and in order to find some meaning in her otherwise boring and over-privileged life.

  • Zanpakuto name:Shizukana Kōu (Serene Rainfall)

    Type: Kido type: Elemental (Water)

    Zanpakuto Shikai Release command:
    "The cycle unending,
    yours is the life giving kiss,
    and the life-ending roar.

    Cascade down, Shizukana Kōu!"

    Spirit Appearance:
    Shizukana Kōu takes a rather unusual form, in that the scope she takes on is incredible. Nadameru has no idea just how expansive a being Shizukana Kōu is, for she takes the form of a world-spanning black serpent. There is something terrifying and serene about the Zanpakuto spirit. It is a creature so huge, living in cooperation with a creature so small: and yet its size and potential are, quite frankly, terrifying.

    Spirit Personality/Goals:
    Shizukana Kōu has a vastly different personality to Nadameru, and the differences often lead to the two clashing. While Nadameru is complacent and slow to find motivation, Shizukana Kōu demands action and progression at all times. Shizukana Kōu is vastly impatient with her wielder, and often berates her lack of motivation and action as a waste of 'both of their talents.' The spirit's goal is a simple one: To get stronger. Shizukana Kōu would do almost anything to be used more by her wielder, as she derives great pleasure in her use and in attention being paid to her.

    Inner world:
    A strange place that seems to fluctuate wildly based on the fickle mood of the Zanpakuto's spirit. It is universally a solitary meadow, with a large river running through the centre of the area, however the place is constantly covered by a layer of clouds that make it impossible to tell where the sun is. The clouds do let off some light, with the shade of the clouds and the weather of the area fluctuating to match the mood of Shizukana Kōu. If Shizukana Kōu is in a happy mood, or if she is content, then the place will be filled with white clouds and light will seem natural. Inversely, if Shizukana Kōu is angry, or upset: You might see thunder peel through the clouds, or rain lash against the meadow.

    Sealed appearance: A rather simple Katana with a circular crossguard and a aqua coloured cloth underneath the hilt. The blade is of normal katana length, and there are no other notable features except a small length of silk around the hilt of the blade.

    Shikai appearance: A magnificent change overtakes the katana, after the small incantation is called out. The blade's hilt lengthens and the Katana becomes a Naginata, with a single-edged head for the blade, with a wave engraved onto the edge. Small rings of metal hang off the un-edged side of the blade, which serve to make a light noise as the blade flies through the air, like raindrops.The rings seem to make this noise more and more as any battle goes on, getting louder and louder as time passes.

    Bankai appearance: Not yet Acheived.

    Shikai skills:
    (Start off with no Shikai or 4 to 5 Shikai skills)
    1.Water Manipulation: Water Coils- The core of the Shikai is its control over water, and the most fundamental ability of the weapon is the manipulation of water in the form of a long stream of water. These streams can be used like whips or like chains, to try and ensnare the enemy. The more time that passes, the more chains Nadameru can use at a single time. So far, she cannot exceed 5 chains.

    The skill uses a tiered system, as the spirit of Shizukana Kōu slowly managed to motivate the power inside Nadameru. After she uses a coil for up to five seconds, she is left without the use of her skill for another five seconds. After those five seconds, she will be able to use two coils for another five second gap, before upgrading to three coils, and so on so forth. The heavy limitations of the skill come from her inexperience as a Shinigami, and her poor communication with the spirit of her Zanpakuto.
    ---No More skills yet learned--
    2. ???
    3. ???
    4. ???
    5. ???
    6. ???
    7. ???
    8. ???

    Non-lethal Zanpakuto Skills:

  • Zanjutsu



    #1 Sai (2)
    #4 Hainawa (2)
    #8 Seki (2)
    #9 Geki (2)
    #9 Horin (2)
    #11 Kyomon (2)
    #12 Fushibi (2)

    #1 Sho (2)
    #4 Byakurai (2)
    #11 Tsuzuri Raiden (2)
    #31 Shakkaho (2)
    #32 Okasen (2)
    #33 Sokatsui (2)




    Shunpo (1)

  • Total points gained: N/A
    Total Points Spent: N/A
    Mission log: N/A
    Points spent and skills gained:N/A
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Reactions: Kurisa
Double Post: Also, this is a first draft, so if there are any needs you notice that need to be made, just tell me.
Well good to hear that but as Shoske said if anything else comes up aside from the question you just asked then yeah...ask away xD

Well for that...some people have made their own clans and some are from the canon series (just they do not have the canon characters, they more become one with the history of the clan) Right now I am in control of the Kuchiki clan but the other shihoin clan is...well kinda controlled by me but I don't have a character from that clan...yet However you are by all means allowed to make a young member for the Kuchiki clan, could be some fun for me especially xD This does bring something to mind though...should make a list of clans we currently have and who their members are *rubs chin*
I see Hirako has been forgotten about Dx
Elemental? Is it just water or elements in general? If the latter, awesome to see another one full of element Zanpakuto alongside Hikari & Ashido. Nature bitch!
Elemental? Is it just water or elements in general? If the latter, awesome to see another one full of element Zanpakuto alongside Hikari & Ashido. Nature bitch!
Just water: I'll quickly clarify it with an edit.
Elemental? Is it just water or elements in general? If the latter, awesome to see another one full of element Zanpakuto alongside Hikari & Ashido. Nature bitch!
I would assume the rest of the elemental parts come in later? o.O

Anyways, everything seems good to me ^^ just need to add a duration and cooldown for your shikai skill
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